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General Discussion

Discuss anything you want here, doesn't have to be related to clubbing or music

  1. http://www.ebaumsworld.com/drunkownage.html work safew, need sound

    • 1 reply
  2. Started by stavros,

    is anyone getting the new Sony PSP when it comes out

    • 11 replies
  3. Started by Tresh,

    After reading your thread in the This Week section I think the whole mod thing has gone to your head. You're drunk with power! Sort it out laaa!!!

    • 8 replies
  4. Guest NeoN
    Started by Guest NeoN,

    • 2 replies
  5. Guest NeoN
    Started by Guest NeoN,

    People who point at their wrist while asking for the time. I know where my watch is buddy, where the hell is yours? Do I point at my crotch when I ask where the bathroom is? People who are willing to get off their ass to search the entire room for the TV remote because they refuse to walk to the TV and change the channel manually. When people say "Oh you just want to have your cake and eat it too". Screw off. What good is a goddamn cake if you can't eat it? What, should I eat someone else's cake instead? When people say "It's always in the last place you look". Of course it is. Why the hell would you keep looking after you've found it? Do people do this? Wh…

    • 8 replies
  6. Started by Miss Minx,

    I havent felt this bad for ages eventhough ive slept since 9am yesterday morning i still cant keep my eyes open, my nose is streaming and keeps bleeding, i think ive sprained my wrist (not through too much wanking either) my back hurts I need a huge fucking bear hug and someone to snuggle back in bed with Times like this i really need a cute boy to stay in bed with

    • 14 replies
  7. Started by Miss Minx,

    Which 12 board members would you put in the house and why???

    • 23 replies
  8. Started by Bungle,

    I've just got home from playing in the Movida Corona world dj competition and I've got through to the final. 3 out of 7 went though and one of them was me. It totally took me by surprise, nothing in my set went to plan at all.

    • 28 replies
  9. Started by Bushy,

    you got those episodes of 24 sorted yet mate? how large are they? can i get them off your soulseek?

    • 3 replies
  10. Started by Miss Minx,

    Where were you Friday night u buggar

    • 7 replies
  11. Started by stavros,

    hello all on CTW how is every one today

    • 1 reply
  12. Started by Billy Gonzalez,

    Would be useful... If there is one then send me a PM and gimme a slap!

    • 1 reply
  13. Started by Miss Minx,

    Introduce urself newbie a/s/l post a pic and welcome

    • 12 replies
  14. Started by djbeans,

    hello people aint been on here much of late but will be abuse it after ibiza how are we all?

    • 13 replies
  15. Started by Dawn,

    I need information time/venue/directions/attire/etc/etc/etc PLEASE

    • 14 replies
  16. Started by Lysa,

    Anyone know where the dance valley threads went from the overseas section? Just wondered who's going? Less than two weeks now!

    • 9 replies
  17. Started by checkurgwan,

    anyone seen the guy dj or playlive? wat do they think of him?? ive seenm him once before @ music box and he blew me away totally!

  18. Started by BenRW,

    so much fun

    • 9 replies
  19. Was stood at global chatting to Balien and some other ppl and for some reason thought there was a chair behind me so went to sit on it it obviously wasnt there and landed flat on my arse oopsy

    • 18 replies
  20. Started by Miss Minx,

    Hello babes are you back now then darling You have a good time? All the gossip please, what nights you go to, who u see, what random shite u get up 2

    • 2 replies
  21. Started by Bushy,

    When posting certain nights/events in these forums, can you please follow these simple instructions failure to do so will result in the thread being deleted: 1. Make sure you are posting in the correct forum, 'this week's events' does not mean 3 saturdays down the line. 2. The title should be written in a format which includes Date, Venue and Area. (e.g - Tidy Weekender 8 @Pontins, Prestatyn, Oct 8/9/10) Its an absolute nightmare for us to keep these forums up to date as evey other thread in there is not written in these formats. I for one am sick of opening up threads to find out where they are and when they are on, to move them to keep the board up to …

    • 0 replies
  22. Started by Miss Minx,

    2 spoons of hot choccy 1 spoon of coffee 1 sweetener mix with a lil bit of hot water so its goey then warm up some milk put that in and then put vanilla essense and cinamon in it mmmmmm its lovely

    • 4 replies
  23. Started by Miss Minx,

    Managed to get my mate at work to give me 2 of his holiday days and boss has agreed to it so now dont have to have the TW8 days off unpaid awesome

    • 5 replies
  24. Started by goshow,

    Now i know there are a few tea lovers out there. I was in London at the weekend and eventually found myself in Fortnum and Mason's like a kid in Wonka's chocolate factory looking at all the different teas. As my mate Guy Martin and myself are specialists in the old brew making department, i bought a box of assam supreme tea bags. WOW, what a brew. Highly recomended by the martin and myself. not too bad at £4.50 for a box of 50 either. I'll make sure i've got a box at the next weekender and we'll have a good old mash. Please write your name below so i know how many cups and saucers to take!!!!

    • 7 replies
  25. Started by Tresh,

    I have a choice of the 1st or 5th of September?

    • 4 replies
  26. Started by Miss Minx,

    Could someone make this pic 80x80 for me please

    • 9 replies
  27. Started by Miss Minx,

    Who went to Global What were your best bits What Djs did you see Who played the best sets iyo? Worst Bits Who was the biggest state you saw

    • 5 replies
  28. Started by Dawn,

    Literally ... Got thrown half way across the bedroom floor as I was changing the plug sockets I don't think it's done me alot of good either ... keep getting palpitations, hardly sleep last night, keep feeling sick and just keep going over whats going on in my life at the mo!! Its not good

    • 4 replies
  29. Started by Laura,

    pm for you babes xx

  30. Started by Miss Minx,

    what u all having? (yes im bored) Ive had tuna, cottage cheese n onion mixed up with loads of pepper n wrapped in lettuce with loads of cucumber n lil tomatoes

    • 18 replies
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