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trying to get us all out to wales this saturday night eh??? got ur flyer - it looks cool shame i cant make it though. deborah's 18th and all...
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1. Don't imagine you can change a man - unless he's in nappies. 2. What do you do if your boyfriend walks out? You shut the door. 3. If they put a man on the moon - they should be able to put them all up there. 4. Never let your man's mind wander - it's too little to be out alone. 5. Go for the younger man. You might as well, they never mature anyway. 6. Men are all the same - they just have different faces, so that you can tell them apart. 7. Definition of a bachelor: a man who has missed the opportunity to make some woman miserable. 8. Women don't make fools of men - most of them are the do-it-yourself types. 9. Be…
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Sinse I have started my new job, every week day just seems to fly by. It's kind of shocking to think that four days ago it was Monday. It seems liek only yesterday my weekend finished, and here we have another one. I have been in work sinse 7 this morning, and it's almost 12, then it's lunch, then it's almost time to go home. Is the earth spinning at a faster rate ? I remember going on the sunbed a few weeks ago and I went on for 8 minutes, When those 8 minutes were over, I couldn't quite believe how quick they went ! I swear something fishy is going on in the world .. or maybe some 'speed' has entered orbits atmosphere.
- 24 replies
The only forums in which it is appropriate to post advertisements for events is the 'Events' categories. Any messages which are considered by the moderators to be spamming the other Forums for the purposes of advertising will be moved to the appropriate forum or deleted at their discretion. After an initial warning, repeat offenders will have their accounts disabled or even deleted completely. CTW Moderator
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- i got 91
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trapped wind & indigestion? preferebly without popping pills knew that cheese & onion cob for breakfast was a bad idea
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Bit of advice as ur the most knowledgable ibiza bird i can think of club prices? how much are we gonna be looking at for amnesia, es paradis, dc-10, space etc. wheres the best places to go for tickets when we get there or shd we book online b4 we go? any advice on where to avoid if we perhaps fancy some naughty little holiday pick me ups and also wheres the best plce to go 4 em or type of ppl to ask
That 1p and 2p coins are only legal tender upto a value of 20p. 5p and 10p coins upto £5. 20p and 50p coins upto £10.
why is it bank holiday AGAIN!????????????????????? why!? what for??? we had one last week! im waiting for shanes vinyls and the last of the faithless albums i bought and anything else waiting for me to see to! SO NO POST! i'll have to wait til tomorrow! im at college tomorrow! so it means i wont get my stuff til after i get home! thats far too long! british bank holiday followed by a scottish bank holiday the very next week is totally unfair to anybody waitin on post over the weekend the royal mail? BOLLOCKS!
- 82 replies
Is back on 4, amazing.. could have watched it on sky 1 but kept forgetting it was on so decided to wait for it on 4. I fucking love this programme.
- 15 replies
Hello, We're taking part in the Manchester Race for Life to raise funds for Cancer Research UK and would really welcome your support. Please take a moment to sponsor us. It's really easy - you can donate online by credit or debit card at the following address: All donations are secure and sent electronically to Cancer Research UK. If you are a UK taxpayer, Justgiving will automatically reclaim 28% Gift Aid on your donation at no cost to you, making it worth even more. Please join us in supporting Cancer Research UK's lifesaving research. Every penny you donate to Race for Life goes directly to …
- 23 replies
Ok so I just over heard a conversation with 2 girls behind me. I couldn't help but think what a horrible beatch one of them is. What I could gather is, she is in a relationship with soemone, and has been for years, loves her guy very much so, but her friend has noticed she flirts and drops sublte hints about / to this guy who she is friends with, in conversation, like 'you've nice eyes' 'cute smile' 'nice voice' etc .. this other girls who she was talking to said that she has noticed her flirting with him too much, and isn't right and not fair on her partner. I shoudn't have been ear wigging, but it's hard to avoid the conversation when they are sitting right behind me…
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right basically ive worn new shoes that have rubbed a big gaping hole in my foot and its in a really awkward place (right above my big toe on the flat bit) and every pair of shoes i wear are rubbing it. If i put plasters on it its not gonna heal and i really need it to go away cos it hurts and cant wear any shoes. Does anyone have any cures or old wives tale things that might help clear it up ALL HELP GREATLY APPRECIATED AS IM IN AGONY (well not quite agony but immense discomfort ;o))
- 37 replies
on big brother all he knows how to do is talk and they made him do a task where he has to be silent another of them is wearing a pregnancy suit and he is male
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Hello All, Not been on for years but think that I need to get back into clubbin and I'm sure you guys will all help me on my adventure. Hello to all past & future friends !!!
- 4 replies
Alrite, what ye up 2? i'm new here so just thought i'd introduce myself, I'm from Ireland and mainly listen to hardhouse & techno..
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I bet a butcher £50 he couldn't reach the meat on the top shelf. He said 'no way man, the steaks are too high'
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