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And strangely it feels good. 3 months of absolutely nothing to do before I start my legal career. I think a suntan is on order.
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whats your fave/best summer memory? whats your fave part about summer? do you even like summer or does it give you the blues?
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So did you make it back safely then yesterday? I can safely say I fulfilled my duty and got you and Eddie well and truly smashed. I'm trying to work out what to do since I have absolutely nothing to do.
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I'm trying to find a specific picture in Google but I can't for the life of me find it ! It's a picture of a sheep, grinning, with braces. Big teeth. I know it's on there as I have it on my PC at home .. I need it, but can't find it Could any of you 'lovely people' help me .. pretty please ..
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I have one in my garden When I was clearing the garden weeks ago I saw there was one in the ground by 'the tree' Good old me wouldn't let anyone disturb it so put a slab over with enough room to let them in & out The little feckers have just attacked my dog Dilema Should I let them stay or get them smoked out
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Please ... Question If the sound is distorted would it be The speakers that are at fault The computer needing a new sound card or It not being wired up correctly in the first place
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chivelry (sp?) is well & truly dead!!!! just had to stand in this nasty heat for nearly an hour on a bus holding 8 bags of shopping, a 2 year old child & a pushchair grannys had mobbed the bus que & kept pushing in while i was getting my stuff together, the buggy bay was full of blue rinse's who refused to move when i asked politely as there were other seats free so it meant i had to colapse the pushchair, by the time i had done that all the seats were taken (apart from upstairs but there was no way i could manage that) so i had to stand & hold everything, the luggage holder was full of marks & spencer bags so i couldnt even put the p…
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yesterday i was sent on wild goose chases i foned every dentist in loughton, they arnt taking on benefit patients and theres 6 month waiting lists, nhs direct gave me the registered emergency dentist who today has said they arnt dealing with benefit patients either, primary health trust cant work it out and are ringing round for me and theres me with a fucking infected tooth and swelling, possibly an absess cos my wisdom tooth is coming up funny n another tooth is twisting from it pushin my other teeth down n still we cant get me in a dentist lisa looks like i may be leaving sunday nite i havnt slept in 2 nites n doubt i will much so gona wait till im better and not …
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Just gone to do my car tax online (yes I am a little late doing it ) Says can't continue no record of insurance .. not to worry doesn't mean you don't have insurance probably up for renewal or renewal has just passed! Looked at all my bank statements and old documents .. I'm only not insured This has well freaked me out ... I thought if you didn't cancel your insurance and kept with the same company, then it just carried on
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well what a wicked weekend, just back from Ben Kayes place as we were in the studio all weekend, was proper wicked 2 see what Ben is capable of, have lots more studio bookings for the year so you should be seeing a fair few tracks by myself and Ben due out in the coming months, hope everyone had a good weekend, im abit fucked now seen as we went out on the lash last night and i had the drive home 2day, so in a bit peeps
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if anyone could nip on the emporium board and get it for me id be very grateful as i cant get on it at work thanks
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pay as you go road tax sounds total pants it would cost me at least £200 just to go to work
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always comes in 3s dont it just first me uncle dies my mums stroke (edited) now me nan has breast cancer i jus feel i cant win lately oh well jus thought id say this as i may be a bit snappy and away a bit lately cos of it but i feel a little helpless bein too far away from her and cant go back jus yet, i know ur all thinkin but guess better to warn u all if im gona be moody than have tons of arguements and maybe know i have few friends around with few reassurances
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Two people had already booked off .. it works on a first come first serve basis, to be completely fair and only 2 people can be off at a time if it's more than one day. Handed my dates in to my boss who told me it might not be possible to have ALL the requested dates off as 2 are already booked .. one of the guys has just cancelled, and I just got lucky. Me and someone else are off from 23rd December 4th January and the rest are working Back of tha net !
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anyone know of any games i can get for my 5 + 6 year old kids for the playstation 1........nothing like Doom or likely to send them into murdering mainiacs please i know nothing about games consoles last time i played it was sonic on my sega 16bit
There are now some pics online here, here and here. More to follow, watch this space. Overall it was another top night, quality sets from all DJs across both rooms all night. Numbers were a bit down on the last one unfortunately, but from what I can gather the only place which drew a big crowd over the weekend was Turnmills for PvD Anyway, not long to our next event, which is the 'Squelcher vs Guilt Free Summer Party @ Southside Bar on Saturday 2nd July, 3pm - 11pm. (also my birthday party!), and then our next big event back at Deep Blue is on Friday 5th August, featuring Mixmag Future Hero Andy Price, Kinetec resident Anita, plus the usual suspects and als…
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without paying out £99 for the multiroom package or getting a box then getting a independant fitter to install it! heard something about a magic eye & cable....anyone know what this is? i only want it to go to my bedroom TV so i wont be watching 2 TVs at once so channels wont be a problem. its all to confusing
this is well funny! u have to watch them! chavvy chavness of chavs use the navigation on the left to watch the different toons. chav 2 is totally amazing
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some quality pictures there which i totally forgot about. clicky Clicky.. have a look at yours (its in the control panel)
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actually used friends reunited?? i signed up to it and my god so many of my old year mates its really weird seeing what they all up to. some of my old bullies are piss heads and use profiles stating ul see them down riversly park, cider in hand dancing with radio joe and leather man sid the old tramps now i know i did a good thing and that going into refuge only resulted in me getting a better life and a fresh start so i didnt give up when i did that as i put myself down for doing so. im a happy bunny and thankful i aint that sad to have a profile like that and to be doing what they claim to be, im probably the first some of them thought would fail c…
I went to see this Saturday night, it was fecking well good. Can't beliee it's rated at a 15 though. Should be 18 IMO. Had me on the edge of my seat, hiding my face in my hands with some parts, and had me feeling sick on exiting the cinema. Well good film ! Oh, and Paris Hilton has a bloody fine arse. Some bloody good films coming out / are out at the momemnt, it's all looking good !