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and now i'm bored did you dance anywhere interesting this weekend?
- 12 replies
my dad announced today that his n debbies wedding been moved up to 2nd june from next january. the reason for this move: debbie is pregnant! WHY? WHAT FOR?!?!? GGGGRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!
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Is Bushy out tonight ... If he is where is he and what's he doing?
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my email address is sending out a virus (Trojan.Toosan.B ) & i dont know how to get rid of it, i have eTrust antivirus which say im all clear but its still saying im sending this virus out
- 5 replies
29/05/2005 @ 22:50 the match wrote: ok darling love you x x x x x. 29/05/2005 @ 22:48 you wrote: thank you, the next time i'm layin laminate i'll give u a shout eh? 29/05/2005 @ 22:44 the match wrote: alright id have still helped you if you asked me to darling x x x. 29/05/2005 @ 22:43 you wrote: i didn't do it by myself, my dad helped me 29/05/2005 @ 22:42 the match wrote: if youd asked love id have helped you with the floor 29/05/2005 @ 22:40 you wrote: yeh it is, but it looks and feels like proper wood, got the skirtin board to put on tomorrow and the edging to finish on the walls, then its all done and just need ne…
- 25 replies
As way of an apology to anyone that attended BBtB on the 24th May, we are giving away 200 free tickets to this event. The first 100 tickets are available now from the BBtB online store at These tickets are strictly limited to one ticket per person, and are available on a first come, first serve basis. The other 100 tickets will be available on the night of the event at the Sanctuary from 21:30hrs, and will again be issued on a 1st come, 1st served basis.
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Just read the HardHouseHeaven banner at the top of the page and there is aDJ playing the event called...................................................... Simon the fireman.
- 8 replies
not fair, i've got it again. feel like crap, my heads stuffed with cotton wool, i can't breathe properly and my throat is killing me and to top it off i had to cancel my date last night to tonsilitis
- 4 replies
I am pleased to announce that Out Of The Blue & The Gathering will be hosting a Cancer Research Uk Charity event at club North on Friday 24th June 2005. If anyone has any fundraising ideas please suggest them here so we can try making them happen and raise as much as possible for the Charity, Everybody knows somebody who has been affected by Cancer so try show your support and lets make this a night to remember. So boys & girls... I have a signed copy of Toasted Recordings 001: for the highest bidder, you will also gain half price entry to OOTB / The Gathering charity event on June 24th @ Club North, Manchester. The bid will start at £5 and please…
- 1 reply
How are we all on this miserable rainy day! Im not a happy chappy today! Topped up my phone last night with £10 and about 9pm last night i recived 3 messages saying.. 1/3 11 MAY :Recp. You have orderd a SMS Art. your order will be processed shortly 2/3 11MAY: Your SMS Art will be with you shortly 3/3 11MAY: he next message you recive willbe your SMS Art. Wankers i have not orderd shit all and i never recived no fucking sms Art and it cost me £9 Im fucking livid twats did not even leave a nuumber or anything for me to find out who its from or who orderd it. Not happy
Clubbed Up Radio !!! Well after the riot that was Bank Holiday weekend, were glad to say that, that hazzy feeling is just starting to wear off! So what better way to kick start the weekend with another action packed Clubbed Up !!! Tune in this week to hard dance galore, with special guest Paul from Manchesters very own Early Doors, lets get ready for another comedy northern accent - we'll find out all about the latest plans for Early Doors and even some info about their events in Ibiza this Summer!!! As per usual Danny and Reds will be giving you the lo-down on last weekends shennanigans and also look forward to the weekend ahead (which is going to be the shizzle !!!) To …
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went 2 watch this on saturday with the crew in sheffield and have 2 say it was utter utter shite! Poor show from the makers of Human Traffic!!!
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haha on news just central line tube power failure again this time ppl stuck in the tunnels for 2 hours was bad ppl passed out and allsorts luckily i was outside the tunnels jus at stratford wen that happened to our tube on sunday night on my way out to hhh lol and i was panicking then glad i wasnt on there today must be the central line which means lack of transport for god knows how long
- 0 replies
For the last minute tickets call See Tickets(Way Ahead)on 0115-912-9000 or Ticketmaster on 0870-90-20-001. Madders says Sorry cock try this number. 0870-128-2000. Ring them now!
only gone and booked a 2 week holiday in Iraq and i go in 26 days. now im wondering if ive done the rite thing
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