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General Discussion

Discuss anything you want here, doesn't have to be related to clubbing or music

  1. Started by Leenad,

    Oh yeah is anyone organising a ctw meetup for Global Gathering this year?maybe we should organise one for the festival goers

    • 7 replies
  2. Started by RaverBaby69,

    click here and put your name down! domo? shaney? dawn? minx? anyone?

    • 33 replies
  3. Started by Phil rr,


    • 31 replies
  4. Started by Shaney R,

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • 3 replies
  5. Started by Shaney R,

    TidyBoys are at it again hahaha shame about the tits though

    • 5 replies
  6. Guest NeoN
    Started by Guest NeoN,

    mine isnt bit enough to hold my mint & chock icecream . what shall I do with it

    • 39 replies
  7. Started by Shaney R,

    Please could u PM me your questions for Caroline Banx again as i have pressed the wrong tick box and deleted the fucking lot, i will be most greatful if u could do it, i know im a twonk, but its done now. Domo - ill let u go 1st in calling me sum scottish name 4 doing such a silly thing

    • 4 replies
  8. Started by Shaney R,

    track 12 on my new cd is dedicated 2 u

    • 46 replies
  9. Started by Shaney R,

    HAVE FUN loads of things on there

    • 14 replies
  10. Started by Miss Minx,

    stellas calling have good nights all of you wont you

  11. Started by Shaney R,

    is my tea!!!!! Shaney super salad!!! Cheese Boiled Eggs Mushrooms Tomatoes Beetroot Baby Pickled Onions Lettuce (4 different types) Seafood sauce Yuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuumy Its healthy tuesday everyone and 2 wash it all down with a can of Stella

    • 10 replies
  12. Started by Miss Minx,

    Its fckin thundering here argh

    • 10 replies
  13. Started by Miss Minx,

    Just so we know who we're chatting too now youve joined our wonderful board Full name: Height: Hair Colour: Eye Colour: Sex(its a M/F option not yes please): OR JUST POST A PICCY YEAH Describe you in 5 words: Why will we like/dislike you here? What makes you special?: AND WELCOME BTW

    • 8 replies
  14. Started by fifedjdomo,

    its amazing stuff and brings us all together init dunno why i put this lot just felt like it really lol am listenin to the metallica album S&M (san fransisco symphony orchestra & metallica live in concert) its a class cd and its what got me into the band much more than i thought i ever would. it also is a much much better album if you know a lot of their songs already before you hear this cos its hair-raising really. fantastic stuff and i love it a good mix of orchestra classical music and heavy metal haha

    • 8 replies
  15. Started by Dani Babyboo,

    loving the cd but cant get past track 8 keeps jumping all way after and stopping

    • 9 replies
  16. Started by Shaney R,

    Kane - rain Down On Me just listening 2 it again, brings back wicked party at my house memorys (dawn) tisto dvd?? fuck its ace

    • 26 replies
  17. Started by Shaney R,

    > > Philosophical quotes from the modern world: > > > > 1) A man with his hand in a bush is not always a gardner; > > > > 2) A man with a tool in a womans mouth isn't always a dentist; > > > > 3) A man who squirts cream in a tart isn't always a baker; > > > > 4) A man who farts in church sits in his own pew; > > > > 5) A woman who flies upside down has crack up; > > > > 6) Elevators smell different to dwarves; > > > > 7) A man with hole in his pocket feels cocky; > > > > 8) A nail on the board is not as good as a screw on th…

    • 35 replies
  18. Started by Miss Minx,

    hello gorgeous what brings you on here

    • 27 replies
  19. Started by Leenad,

    My mate has just secured me 4 tickets to go to Global gathering for the whole weekend and they cost me fuck all just thought id brag , WIKID!!!!!!!

    • 6 replies
  20. Started by Miss Minx,

    Im beginning to think she should have a a sunday comedown special edition of Trisha 4 Clubbers lol sooooooo many fckin issues anyone got a mate or a situation theyd like to apply a bit of the trisha magic too

    • 16 replies
  21. Started by fifedjdomo,

    anyone live in a town with a really weird name? or know any places with exceptionally weird names? was inspired about this as i found out shaney's: LLANRHAEADR how about that for a tongue twister?

    • 15 replies
  22. Started by Miss Minx,

    A man gets a call from the casualty department one night... The dotor says"I'm sorry to inform you your wife has been involved in a horrific car accident,i have some good news and some bad news." "You best give me the bad news first " "Ok...We've had to amputate her arms and legs,shes going to eat thru a tube for the rest of her life and she has severe brain damage"Says the doctor "Jesus christ..whats the good news"The man cries... "i was only kidding"the docter replies"Shes dead"

    • 21 replies
  23. Started by Miss Minx,

    Im propper flagging now and a little worried i may not make it to 1am to see my man Farley anyone got any good energy boosting ideas that arent redbull or lucozade as they ming or drug related as im on the wagon

    • 18 replies
  24. Started by Miss Minx,

    Just what i need this morning dancing like a silly girl doing vogue and la isla bonita and cherish etc and then a nice bit of i wanna fcuk a dog in the ass pmsl

    • 13 replies
  25. Started by Miss Minx,

    Only thing i miss being single is a good sunday snuggle

    • 10 replies
  26. Started by Shaney R,

    A letter from Scout Camp Dear Mum and Dad, Our scoutmaster told us to write to our parents in case you saw the flood on TV and are worried. We are OK. Only one of our tents and 2 sleeping bags got washed away. Luckily, none of us got drowned because we were all up on the mountain looking for John when it all happened. Oh yes. Please call John's mother and tell her he is OK. He can't write because of the cast. I got to ride in one of the search and rescue jeeps. It was neat. We would never have found him in the dark if it hadn't been for the lightning. Scoutmaster Jim got mad at John for going on a hik…

    • 5 replies
  27. Started by Shaney R,

    afternoon all, just finished work and feeling quite refreshed after me shower, all i need now is a young scots boy 2 suck me dick...........................Domo where are u hiding

    • 33 replies
  28. Started by Shaney R,

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY have a great day hun, see ya real soon

    • 5 replies
  29. Started by Miss Minx,

    Farted and followed through if sowhere were you when it happened what did you do about it pmsl

    • 24 replies
  30. Started by fifedjdomo,

    F.A.O James really but for anyone to discuss if they like... there are some REALLY old topics posts in some of these forums and i dunno what affect its havin on the server holding all this information and data that no one is looking at and probably hasnt looked at for months on end. i only thought of this as the connection to this website is becoming really slow (and almost as slow as dial-up on a bad day im talkin about) and thinking about how old some of these topics/posts are maybe it wouldnt hurt at all if some were deleted. when i say some i mean most really lol. i reckon anythin more than 2months old is totally out of date and nobody reads it, so i think it…

    • 17 replies
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