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Hi Somebody here know about xrumer ??? Give me some info or link to description.... thanks. Also, do you know when XRumer 4.0 Platinum Edition will be released? P.S. Sorry for my post in "Random Chat" folder...
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Hi everyone. I am so excited to find this site again..!! A few weeks ago I search this item in the NET, and find this magnificent topic. But did not SAVE your address. I've been reading it for a while, and decided to try my luck asking a few questions…., and I'd like know more about yours forum, and about active members.! Where I can find more INFO about this. Thank you very much Best Regards..!!
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has anyone here been through the process of claiming back all the bank chargs taken from you for going over your overdraft limit or bounced direct debits? i have just been through all my statements since i opened my current account and my bank has took off me an excess of £437.00 just because i went over drawn by like 10 quid because money hadnt gone into my account on time or purely by accident and for a couple of direct debits which didnt go out my account but still get charged for. its utterly ridiculous that each time i had £35.00 taken off me for something that was for less than that. im going to claim back all thats owed to me and change my account.
haven't been on CTW for a while but i'm sure it hadn't been invaded by spam threads? Random chat about badgers, what underwear the queen wears etc is normal... Enlarge your penis and buying viagra surely aren't worthy threads? or am i talking dung :blahblah:
- 9 replies
Hi to all Readers, wondering what to write in my first message on Finally, decided to write something on "Commercial Albums Tunes" topic, as it's running out of time in thinking.... Well, small introduction to myself. I've been working in Progaramming Team... I want wish to all forumers happy new year..!!!Will come up with more messages. Catch you soon...!!!
Whats happening ....... just been put onto this site. Chat to you soon. :thumbsup:
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Me and Maria from DV 2 years ago Face recognition
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hey everyone how we all doin i hope you lot aint forgotten bout me cuz i aint forgotten bout you crazy bunch. not alot happening this end although still workin at the casino, although im a chef type person now instead of a slave to all those gamblers been there over 2 years now, god ,dont time fly when your having fun :woot: aint been out clubbin for well over a year its not good will have to try and get out soon. loves ya xx
NICK SENTIENCE – DANCE PLANET PRESS RELEASE New label Extreme Records (sister label of the Extreme Euphoria club night) is proud to present it’s debut artist album from the man who is constantly pushing the boundaries of the hard dance scene to the limits. Nick has been at the very front of the hard dance scene for over 10 years, and he has put all of that experience into this project. Nick’s work has been supported by all the top DJ’s and he has rocked every big club out there. This album has been extensively road tested prior to release all over the world, and no track has made it on here that hasn’t had hands in the air in Ibiza, Australia, Jap…
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Flashpoint, the once little record label that could, begins 2007 with many exciting developments! Marc Johnson & Jupe are proud to announce a top notch vinyl release schedule that will continue to push the boundaries of hard house and expose new talent that will become the future heros of tomorrow, a full and exclusive digital catalogue with Flashpoint Digital featuring exclusive remixes, a new website that features all of what you need - digital downloads, vinyl shop, forums, and all the latest news from FPR HQ. Lastly Marc & Jupe are proud to announce a full clothing/accessories company spawning from the record labels success, that wil…
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Im looking for a half decent web host that will have suffient space for me to host a few mixes? Im wanting to set up my own site with my own domain name etc. Any help much appreciated.
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where can i put a contact for my flyer designs "which forum" nice one andy
- 1 reply
Good day! I had a problem at reading a site Instead of normal letters at my monitor are some mad signs. Do you, probably, have some kind of technical difficulties? Prompt me please how to make so that letters on the monitor became letters again, instead of be not clear signs as now? I am grateful in advance.
...or are there getting to be more spamming posts than any other? I know this site has got quiet over the last year or 2 but its getting beyond a joke. I'm deleting about 10-15 threads each week.
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Hi, I'm big fan of Blues music. I have more than 1000 mp3's on my iPod and always searching for more :-). What mp3 sites do you know, where i can download Blues mp3? P.S. Sorry for posting in ""Random Chat"", but I haven't found a better category for my post.
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Hope you have a brilliant day babe. Looking forward to seeing you again, its been WAY too long. XxX
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Best thing I've seen this year ... Wedding Dance Thriller ... Indian Thriller ... Lego Thriller ... :notworthy:
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all you have to do is click the link its too a game but it means i get more respect and money to play with the more people click it please :thumbsup: yes i know sad but im bored i need to play games sometimes
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got someone coming to view my flat on friday. they have a 2 bed house in hednesford, staffordshire. its closer to mine and stu's family and easier to travel to see them when we the baby arrives, plus its a house. we have spent the past few days totally clearing out the clutter of my flat and scrubbing pen off the floors from shays drawing habits. hope they want my flat as they have no children and he works near here and they had no other response to there move.
Please sign up to the Flashpoint Records newsletter and forum:
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Truly hilarious! Not sure SS will play them though Pablo Alcohol: The temporary solution to every situation
Hi hun, just read through your news post. Congrats hun, am pleased your happy at last. Was gobsmacked about the amount of crap you have recieved for being pregnant, that Crimey guy must be jelous he`s not man enough to father a child.. You are a good mum already and i hope you`ll all be happy together, oh and if you do move i can visit you more as staffordshire aint that far from me.. :thumbsup: pic i said id put up of kiara and baby skye.
A bus full of Chavs were driving through Wales. As they were approaching Llanfgogogferrinfourasoch they started arguing about the pronunciation of the town's name. They argued back and forth until they stopped for lunch. As they stood at the counter, one Chav asked the blonde employee, "Before we order, could you settle an argument for us? Would you please pronounce where we are... very slowly?" - The blonde girl leaned over the counter and said, "Burrrrrrrr-gerrrrrrr-Kiiiiing." :silly:
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I know it's been a while since I've been on here but where has everyone gone? Loads of old posts... and a lot of bitching?? Cmon people what's going on? Don't want to whinge as like anything the site is only as good as the effort we put in... but wheres the love?? arent we any fun anymore??? where is everyone???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
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