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General Discussion

Discuss anything you want here, doesn't have to be related to clubbing or music

  1. Started by SexyNic,

    trying to poach us for his forum?

  2. Started by No1tradebaby,

    has passed away

    • 15 replies
  3. Did you hear about the two blondes that froze to death in a drive-in movie? They went to see "Closed for the winter." Why did the blonde resolve to have only 3 children? She heard that 1 out of every 4 children born in the world was Chinese. Bambi (a blonde) goes to the local novelty shop and finds a pair of x-ray glasses. She checks them out, and isn't fully convinced, but as usual, the store assistant comes along and closes the deal. On her way home, Bambi puts on her new x-ray glasses and, bingo! She sees everyone in the street naked. She takes them off for a moment, and everyone has their clothes on. Puts the glasses back…

    • 0 replies
  4. Started by Shaney R,

    Im on nights all week this week, so ill fone tony if i get a min 2 myself ok, ive tried calling the house fone a couple of times now but had no luck?? last time was last week sumtime, ill fone his mob or summat.

    • 2 replies
  5. WANT TO BE A WILDCHILD DANCER???? Do you stand out from the crowd? Are your dance moves better than all your friends? Do you like dancing in front of lots of people? Then get in touch! You will get to dance at many of the best clubs in London including Heaven, SE1 and Brixton academy! You will also have to the opportunity to tour with Wildchild to clubs all over the UK! For further information email Tara at: blazingsunshine@hotmail.com Serious entrants only please!!!!

    • 6 replies
  6. Started by James,

    check the title! http://www.clubbingnetwork.com/cgi-bin/Ima...up.JPG&img=&tt=

    • 12 replies
  7. Started by Miss Minx,

    anyone else watch this last night pmsl at pingu teaching kids its ok to go to bars n get so drunk they piss themselves

    • 20 replies
  8. Started by Dani Babyboo,

    here clubithard gallery is still there for now but wont be for long ok get the pics u need quick

  9. Started by Dani Babyboo,

    my mates kids especially her 9 year old she has asked me to have her stop for a few days and my god the little witch has resulted in making me so angry i want to cry and im shaking i said she was goin bed after holby and wen it finished she decided she was gona scream and shout and wake shay up and now wont get in bed ive shut door its pitch black in there and left her she wont go bed she can sit and cry in dark im sick of reasoning with the kid what do i do even wen her mum said tell her she will punish her wen she gets in she jus said she would do as she pleases last time she and her brother stopped i had a warning off my housing association about the…

    • 59 replies
  10. Started by big-guns,

    Sorry about this, but me and computers just dont get on... and being a bit new to this site Im just gettin used to steering it... Is there a forum or something that says who is going to the M.E.N. on the 9th April??? Ive had a good look and cant find one, it would just be good to know who is going from this site..

    • 19 replies
  11. Started by Dani Babyboo,

    to go shopping in london and meet trav if i can drag his arse out of bed

  12. Started by No1tradebaby,

    other celebrities are starting to rally round Jacko. The Beckhams have invited him to take a trip on a yatch with them this summer. Jackson replied, "sure.....i'd love to come on your little cruz"

    • 25 replies
  13. Started by nuthead53,

    only just found out about it, or atleast found it again after forgeting anyways good weekend? off to austria tomorrow

    • 7 replies
  14. Started by Dani Babyboo,

    every one today lol even kate isnt about has work blocked this website too? oh well wake up u lazy lot

    • 27 replies
  15. Started by Miss Minx,

    seeing as we dont have a whole forum for it here think we should have a thread dedicated to a bit of filth sooooo lets find out whos sweet n innocenent n whos got the devil in them 1.) How many ppl have you had sex with of the opposite sex 2.) How many people have you got intimate with of the same sex 3.) Fave sexual intercourse position 4.) Fave sexual act 5.) Have you ever tried s & m? If yes did you enjoy it? 6.) Ever tried anal? If yes did you enjoy it? 7.) Whats the strangest thing youve used as a sex aid? 8.) Have you had sex outdoors 9.) Wheres the strangest place youve gotten intimate with someone 10.) ass to mouth - yes or no?…

    • 30 replies
  16. Started by Shaney R,

    Hows u mush!!!!

    • 5 replies
  17. Started by Dawn,

    Weekend just gone ... What did you do? where did you do it? and was it good for you? Friday night went out flyering ... to say it was an experience is a bit of an understatement (i'll stick to outside clubs from now on I think) Saturday ... Went clothes n shoe shopping ... came to wear them (shoes) my feet just wouldn't hack the newness so bang went the whole new outfit New night in Leicester (about blinking time to) funky club first then onto Nailed which was very good and a good turn out Sunday ... Very rare has this been witnessed by people around me but got back from the club and promptly fell sleep to loose a whole day Think last…

    • 8 replies
  18. Started by Dani Babyboo,

    that nite at polysexuals wen we was meant to meet and apparently didnt well im mates with jonny and he said u was with him wen me and him met at polys that nite lmao that has jus thrown me bigtime haha down by lab 4 and by cloakrooms at start of nite here was me that nite

  19. Started by No1tradebaby,

    well i'm back from my sober night in trade. the only thing to pass my lips woz liquid coke. no booze, and no illegal substances, and i out-danced every1 in the club. pete wardman woz the man, whipping the crowd into a massive frenzy with his mix of anthems, and new stuff alike but on a sad note.............the rumour on the grapevine is that this woz the last ever trade, as dwindling numbers, muscle mary alley bein like a ghost town, and other reasons has forced laurence to re-think about the future of trade more will be known in the next few weeks. keep them peeled

    • 6 replies
  20. Started by Shaney R,


    • 41 replies
  21. Started by Louise,

    just seen on the news about a young boy who was killed by someone with no tax, ins, licence, mot, passport...........he got 2 years inprisonment One Million Illegal Drivers in UK No justice when illegal immigrants kill on roads If you're a motorist with road tax, insurance, MoT and a driving licence then can you think of a good reason why one million other motorists are allowed to get away without any of these requirements? These law breakers are surprisingly not a small minority. The chances are that one or two of them live in your road. Even if they appear to have a tax disc it may be out of date or forged. Their car may be registered under a false…

    • 23 replies
  22. Hi Guys, hope all is well! we are off to Pacha tonight and looking for a bar to go to first near Victoria - any ideas my lovlies? ta Beckie la la

  23. Started by Dani Babyboo,

    lab4 live, jon doe live, judge jules, fergie, lisa lashes, tidy boys, M.I.K.E. (push), rob tissera, anne savage, andy farley, kai tracid, johan gielon, dj montana, paul glazby, lisa pin up, lee haslam, amber d, john kelly, tara reynolds, riley & durrant, andy whitby, barely legal ( paul maddox & guyver), charlotte birch, marcos euphonic, caroline banx, ingo, jp & jukesy, james lawson, colin barratt, superfast oz, wid & ben, kernzey & klamenza, lee pasch, shaun m, tom costelloe, daley, garbo, trophy twins, deep groove, rebakah, oblong, scott brown, brisk, ham, breeze, dj unknown, robbie long and storm trooper with exclusive b2b mcs wo, casper, sharkey a…

    • 54 replies
  24. Started by fifedjdomo,

    ME thats who, as if u didnt guess by the name of the topic starter.... lol howdy doody all?

    • 20 replies
  25. Started by teabag,

    Ivor Biggun do you?

    • 5 replies
  26. Started by Tresh,

    Thanx for putting Jamie and I up after another messy one, as always was a tops nite with u guys. I'll give u a ing later on in the week, wen my head is back together. And we'll get Garlands sorted soon for deffo. And both of u sort it out for Tiesto in Notts!!!!

    • 13 replies
  27. Started by burg,

    Hello everyone hope all is well, This is my new monthly update that i will be doing, First of all I have put all my mixed demo Cds that i have produced on my computer so if you add me to ur msn contacts you can download them straight from my pc and burn them onto cd or just have a listen if you wish or if you just fancy chatting shit add me to ur msn contacts djayburg@hotmail.com and i'll send you the mixes you request(Broadband Users only for downloading) it'll also be good if you've missed out on any of my cds that you missed out on in the past You will need winzip or winrar though to extract the files, Remember if your burning them to cd' set the track marks to…

  28. Started by Dawn,

    Big n naked Have you looked at the picture on your profile ... sure is big and on the naked side because there's nothing there

    • 14 replies
  29. Started by Dani Babyboo,

    is msn down as it wont log me in??

    • 11 replies
  30. Started by Trouble,

    the beers are on me now all you be good and behave today

    • 16 replies
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