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this is for people who hate threads about hate threads.
- 3 replies
mwahahahahahahahahahahaha its not a licence to drive its my licence to kill ooooo im all excited just gotta book my lessons and ill be off, the roads will no longer be safe again if i pass
college have realy pissed me off this year iv already faild my corse so if i want to work with children im going to have to re do it all i am not a happy bunnny. all because i am 5 mins late some times (not may fault the bus takes a little longer some days i do travel 16mils in rush hour) which i have explaind ther reply was get the erler bus, either im 5mins late or i get up at 6 iin the morning and wait around college for an hour then fall asleep while wer working, and now im not aloud to go onto a placment cos of it. but ill be back in hull college soon with my old chums and no wank tutors that have it in for me and ill be able to get some propper work done
computers its a FACT got windows 98 disc today from mate and did exactly as told put it in and booted from disc to spend 3 hours sitting saying fix 14000 times on the cluster thing there is 973,000 or summat of them to go through i got through 200,000 before it decides to say i cant reformat that way and too boot from hard drive and run set up which i cant find as it in config summat or other and i am stuck with crappy xp that crashes my computer i dont know computers and so im lost and stuck and pratically in tears as i dont want to damage my pc further as xp has already fucked it up
- 29 replies
the board seemed to be livening up then i come back and hardly anyone is here hello by the way !!!!!!
whos these feet are dancing away at storm classics in january, just come across this pikey pic lol !!!!! pikey caught in the act!
- 4 replies
im off to for a bit got shopping to do and bills to pay
- 15 replies
Hey There!! Just heard Tiesto is playing at Godskitchen next week in Birmingham. Didnt see him at passion had flu. Wounder!!! Who's Goin?
- 8 replies
Hello mate, wondered if you could sort something out for me. I've just uploaded a new avatar (which is supposed to be animated) but it seems to be static. Any ideas? It is a .gif file so it should work but it doesnt. PS...How the devil are you? Aint seen you for DONKEYS. Hope all is well. Probably see you soon. (might even pop down sometime when I'm avaliable)
- 16 replies
thought id show you the pic of my scan hun everything is fine with it its very hyperactive
- 17 replies
To pork pie, with a dash of brown sauce, f**kin lovely!!!
- 17 replies
Hi all, hope your all ok, just in Kings cross in sydney. just had a bit of brekkie and now on checking emails etc. going to Bondi this arvo, then we basre doing other sightseeing stuff. Going to the horse racing on saturday so should be getting rat arsed for that. Sunday we are going to the australian easter show where they have all sorts of different things going on! Monday we are off down south for the day to a natioinal park etc. Then up the east coast as of tuesday, where we will go straight to byron bay, get on me surf board and chuck a few shrimps on the barby. Right on. Speak to you all soon! Bushy
- 15 replies
Hope you all had a good one!!
- 27 replies
Now, Big-guns and myselft were having this conversation last night adn were wondering: After a good night out on the ale, Has anybody actually gone back to someone's house for a coffee and just had coffee?!!!!!! I'm going to start asking women if they want to come back to mine for sex and then just give them a brew!!!!
- 10 replies
hey mate cheers for monday night, i slept like a baby on the coach hehe! I'll text you in a few days!
- 6 replies
i did it after like 15 hours and i only got 16 colours, msn is downloading and then craig is gona send me the windows update for colours dam pc i hate the dam things u at home now?
- 12 replies
hi there, my other half the 1 n only told me about this site and said it was a good laugh so here i am...
- 13 replies
channel 4, T4 show chancers with fatman scoop and the brittish ppl who went to newyork and try make it as urban stars??? duchess from it is my mates, mate and im going to a party saturday with them lol couldnt beleive it wen he told me about her i thought it was dead cool probably a tad silly too but this is random chat the chancers duchess
- 5 replies
does anyone know how to use flash mx or dreamweaveer mx and could struct someone on how to use it they have got front page of there site up and need to learn to complete site the site is worlddancefm which is offline at minute, the site is a radio station and is a friends site that is playing in crete during summer please anyone il inbox emails for person who needs help
- 7 replies
Do you like it?!!! I'm in training for the Egremont crab fair! I will beat this fella!
- 18 replies
I've created a new gallery section for any fun pics/photos - anyone can upload; >>> Click Me
- 7 replies
pictures from tidy but of loads of people on my mates site click here
- 11 replies
...Matt Day? He was really into HH, went to sundissential, polysexual quite a lot and was from warwick. Thanks xxx
- 40 replies
Does anyone know when GG tickets go on sale and how much theyre gonna b if not a link 2 a site which gives info when they get it wud b nice thanx, leenad
- 9 replies
Who likes being naked. For instance; do you enjoy wandering round the house naked?
- 96 replies