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General Discussion

Discuss anything you want here, doesn't have to be related to clubbing or music

  1. Started by Shaney R,

    got me a brand new keyboard (after my incident), then i treated myself to an Epson R300 photo/cd printer and when i got home yesterday my monitor broke so i bought a 17" TFT Acer monitor & it came 2day, lush!!!! plus got all new BOSE monitor speakers in my music room now ( x 3 ) fucking loving it!!!! i love spoiling myself at times

    • 9 replies
  2. Started by Dawn,

    At lunch time ... how wrong I thought But no ... I've been to one of the nicest chinese restaurants EVER Everything was cooked infront of you (It was an all you can eat thing) Just thought i'd share this with you all if indeed any of you get invited out and think it was wrong like i did I am now well and truely stuffed ... still

    • 8 replies
  3. Started by Maria,

    Just read this on the Tidy board - is this true ? EEEEEEK

    • 19 replies
  4. Started by Dani Babyboo,

    A woman at a nightclub on Saturday night was taken by 5 men, who according to hospital and police reports, gang raped her before dumping her. Unable to remember the events of the evening, tests later confirmed the repeat rapes and along with traces of Rohypnol in her blood, was Progesterex, which is essentially a small sterilization pill. The drug is now being used by rapists at parties to rape AND sterilize their victims. Progesterex is available to vets to sterilize large animals. Rumour has it that Progesterex is being used together with Rohypnol, the date rape drug. As with Rohypnol, all they have to do is drop it into the girl's drink. The girl can't remember a…

    • 7 replies
  5. Started by Shaney R,

    i have a prezzie for you @ tidy, give it 2 ya there

    • 27 replies
  6. Started by James,

    I sense I'm getting a lot of 'digs' here and there and its pissing me off quite hoenstly - there is no need for it. Also, Maria - I told you that I cant be 'just friends' but it would seem you are set on making my life very hard indeed - why are you doing this to me ?

    • 23 replies
  7. Started by BenRW,

    You are all cordially invited to a spiffing tea party on saturday 11th and sunday 12th march 2005 between midday and 6/8pm at the tidy weekender chalet number 123 Come along and enjoy a tradition english afternoon tea with tea, scones, cucumber sandwiches and cakes*. To entertain us we have some disc jockeys using gramaphones to play the most up to date tunes and some classics like beethovens 9th (my personal favourite). With music to suit all tastes and fun to be had by all you cannot miss this *no food or drinks provided - bring your own hamper of goodies Saturday DJ's & Times 12-1 Russ DJ (Russ dj) - Funky House 1-2 Steve K (TidySteve) …

    • 10 replies
  8. Started by Maria,

    Hey you ! How are you honey, not spoke to you for such a long time ! How's things ? Love life ? Work ? Things in general ?

    • 9 replies
  9. Started by LiamStyles,

    I think it is our duty to at least visit chalet 189 this weekend, what do you think?

  10. Started by Bukey,

  11. Started by Chris Hutchinson,

    those of you who are going may be interested in this, was posted on another forum; FRIDAY arena 1 - Knobs + Knockers 21.00 - 22.00 Shaun M 22.00 - 23.30 Matt Hardwick 23.30 - 01.00 Fergie 01.00 - 02.30 Tidy Boys 02.30 - 04.00 Eddie Halliwell 04.00 - 05.00 Lee Haslam arena 2 - The Pleasure Zone 22.00 - 23.00 Daley 23.00 - 00.00 Paul Glazby (Techno Set) 00.00 - 01.00 Billy Nasty 01.00 - 02.00 Nick Sentience 02.00 - 03.00 Amber D 03.00 - 04.00 Tara Reynolds 04.00 - 05.00 Ben Stevens arena 3 - Menage a Trois 23.00 - 01.00 Funkagenda 01.00 - 03.00 Trophy Twins 03.00 - 05.00 Oblong SATURDAY ARENA 1 - Give It To…

    • 7 replies
  12. I think it was miss minx you came up with the idea of buying the most random thing you can for under a quid? Well..................... Those of you who know Dawn will know that it is her birthday on the sat of tidy, So I suggest that we all try and buy something for her birthday (random or not) No need to spend much, its just for shits and giggles. So get thinking! Sorry Minx but dont see why you should get the random pressies seeing as its Dawns birthday lol

  13. Started by RaverBaby69,

    anyone else a slave to them??? they really have changed my life, lol metal straighteners just dont work the same way. was just wondering what straightening serums you all use before you straighten your hair, ive been through so many different types, the official GHD stuff, tresseme's heat protect spray, etc etc. im currently on Lee Stafford's Poker Straight range, went out and bought the shampoo and conditioner today as i was so impressed with the heat protect spray. and its in a hot pink bottle anyone know any good products/tips to help limit the damage to your hair???

    • 88 replies
  14. Started by Shaney R,

    is that u Garbo???

    • 3 replies
  15. Started by Tresh,

    I can't make it to yours tomoz nite. It's a long story but it involves board games and booze. If I can get out of it I will let ya know.

    • 7 replies
  16. Started by ^UpliftingNRG^,

    Right, Stupidly I changed the voltage on one of my decks and it then powered down. It doesnt want to come back on. Ive changed the fuse but no joy. Ive heard theres another fusebox under the platter but cant see it? Ive got 1210 MK2's Some one must know how to fix this! Help!

    • 1 reply
  17. Started by kenny1,

    have a look

    • 4 replies
  18. Started by James,

    Google.com ( ) Posting in forum: Serious Issues & Debates Today, 07:08 PM

    • 12 replies
  19. Off the Net I tend to use HMV I got told a really cheap site but for the life of me I can't remember

    • 30 replies
  20. Started by Dani Babyboo,

    for an exclusive 2 days only boo is back in town wooooooohooooooooo

    • 35 replies
  21. Started by Bushy,

    i have already watched the first 3 episodes of 24, after tonight i guess i will have watched the 4th. thats one disk in, you best get watching the rest of series one my son!

    • 4 replies
  22. Started by James,

    OK, maybe I'm just being a bit paranoid but for several weeks now I've hardly been able to speak to anyone, I've been accused of not replying to threads in here and yet most of them were replied to a while back. I get the feeling that I may actually even be blocked by a few people. I fail to see what I have done wrong, I've said all along that CTW is something that I cant necessarily work on constatntly and that I have to fit it around my existing workload. My work is still full on but I find I do have time to be on here most nights to see if there is anything that needs doing in terms of moving posts and replying to any queries - I'm basically doing all I can. Ma…

    • 13 replies
  23. Started by Dawn,

    Thought you were keyboardless Did let everyone on here know Here you go Nice picture (for once)

    • 22 replies
  24. Started by Dawn,

    How gorgeous is it And their BLT bagels

    • 25 replies
  25. Started by Shaney R,


    • 9 replies
  26. Guest NeoN
    Started by Guest NeoN,

    Who has tried it & what do you think ?

    • 33 replies
  27. Started by Hannah Wild,

    One for the girlies ok and the guys as the models are very If you want to stand out from the crowd or look hot on the dancefloor, dress to impress with a unique Contagious outfit. Contagious Clubwear sorry for the spam if its not allowed

    • 34 replies
  28. Started by LiamStyles,

    Anyone got any ideas of an alternative to chewing gum? I know for sure that come the sat night at tidy I will be sick of the taste of chewing gum.

    • 28 replies
  29. Started by fifedjdomo,

    hey guys and gals i am coming to london! on saturday 2nd april i should be flyin down from 8pm ish so whos doin what n where n will i come along?!??!???

    • 16 replies
  30. Started by LiamStyles,

    I am todays top poster yay for me a whopping 33 posts

    • 10 replies
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