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and ur nose will fall to pieces lol
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cos i got a driving lesson to attend so i will see you all after an hour probably cheerio
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Ok then which one of you is finally gonna come good with what you've both promised me for ages!!! Bushy you said last year I could have it At least Shane only promised it me this year
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till hektik opens its for doors for the first time!1!
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and ill b poking u al with bones freezing fckin cold need a big jumper but lil miss unprepared forgot warm work top as was meant to go home last night but faaar to sketchy - proper scared myslef driving down the rioad in fact never got out of first gear was like no gfckin need for me even attempting lets just reverse back into my ickle parking space and go back to sleep where i was haha but im suffering for it now had to leave at 7 today to get here so im tired and cold and need some sympathy n all im getting is damn picked on even got sent to maccies this morning to have 5 mins to have a quiet word n sort my life out haah gotta luv monday
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could u change my thingy under my name from member to something else please
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off to blackpool zoo soon and im excited!!! i went on thursday but its great im doing an asigment on improving a real animals captive environment and i think im gonna do the tigers there. so whats everyones perceptions of zoos??? cruel, a good form of entertainment or performing a vital function (conservation)???
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just cos ur all lazy i think u shd get up get on n help me make it to 5 pm in fact sponser me to survive work day all donatons of alcohol,m paracetamel, pro plus, coke, ben n jerrys ice cream, snuggles, snogs, anal xylophone buggary and cups of warm milky tea and toast with salad cream and choccy that uve put in the freezer so is hard spesh cadburys caramel with the caramel allfrozen and hard mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
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What are we all up 2??????????? Fancy This?????????????
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last night after finishing work i went down to the local club to see my friends and have a few beers who pops up but a very hyper and bouncy james oh i wish that i had,had my camera with me
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Howdie all, well was told by Bukey that ur all a bunch of friendly people so I thought I would come and say hellooooooooo
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Check this out ! Quite pants really ! What's the point ? I soppose it only benefits the gamers . . .
- 9 replies
How corrupt are you? Find out: Corruption Test I got 237, which means i am going straight to hell. I passed 200 points 10 questions from the end!
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Have they talked you into going out yet Be ace if they had
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I need some help .. here goes .. The trouble with my mums old PC is when it boots up, it does the POST but when it does the Memory check on the first DOS page .. it USED to complete the memory check .. now it only checks a quarter of the way and hangs. It won't let me boot up in Safe Mode but will only let me access the BIOS .. I have been advised by my Tutor to reset the BIOS to deafult, and that should be problem solved .. now, if this fails, what do you think is wrong with it / could do next ? I have opened the PC up and the Memory is all in-tact .. as I thought the RAM might have slipped .. but that doesn't seem to be the problem ! I can't seem to find the 'defau…
This could be the worst of the lot. 3 and a half hours of property law. Gonna get pissed afterward though. Wish me luck.
- 29 replies
Dance-Mp3's Radio is one of the newest online radio stations taking the internet by storm. Don't believe me..... Tune in!! 14.00 - 16.00 : Dj Johnny B - Live & Shouts (Hard/Bouncy House) 16.00 - 18.00 : Dj Kris Kelly - Afternoon Archive (Old Skool Re-Lived) 18.00 - 19.30 : Jay Brady - Upfront (Hard/Bouncy House) 19.30 - 22.30 : Romeo - New Old an Damn Wrong! (Bouncy House) 22.30 - 02.00 : Scott Page - Live @ Trilogy Nightclub, Doncaster (Cheese/Hard/Bouncy/Trance) You will require Winamp to tune in, which is available free to download HERE. Already have Winamp then all you do to tune is click the link below!! Dance-Mp3's Radio
- 1 reply
Can anyone convert my mini disk demo into cd for me? i will give u all the cds etc... just that i cant convert them!!! any help would be greatly appreciated. cheers
- 3 replies
Anyone interested in booking casper for dj slots now can through passion dj`s on or by phone on 0044 [0] 2476 384894, cheers andy.
- 2 replies
order one top of list,enter details as normal when you get to pay section click on promotional code and enter CBCH now when you return the order should be£0 and you can place the order without entering credit dard details etc.dont enter credit card details...not a lot but at least free free headset
- 3 replies
Anyone interested in booking casper for dj slots now can through passion dj`s on or by phone on 0044 [0] 2476 384894, cheers andy.
- 0 replies