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General Discussion

Discuss anything you want here, doesn't have to be related to clubbing or music

  1. Started by nice_guy_danny,

    Well yet again the clubbed up crew bounce back with yet another nutcracking, rib tickling, brain busting show!!!Nice Guy Danny, Reds + Tigger get the weekend off to what can only be the best way possible - playing the best in hard dance music, giving you the rundown on all the top night around the country for this weekend, tiggers top 3 classsics of the week, and just loads more mentalness!!!! got some more dates for ya diary where clubed up will be touring - all very exciting stuff!!!also got a hard as nails cd from shenton - if we get time we'll play his and nice guy dannys new tune, DIE!!!expect the hardest:-) guest dj will be matt vinyl, the man behind Airfu…

  2. Started by Lisa,

    Have a fooking famtsitic night sweet heart & knock the dead ok xxxx

    • 2 replies
  3. Started by Miss Minx,

    have a wkd wkend all of you shaney good luck 4 tonight sweetie see u at storm dawn and anyone else on here i know whos going bukey lahlah see u sunday have the red carpet out lol right think im to chicargos then best go n get ready (well in 19 mins when i can leave the office!) byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee if u cant be good be careful pop pickers

    • 4 replies
  4. Started by Dani Babyboo,

    dont ya hate it wen u get an mms come through and the dam thing wont download cos network error

  5. Started by doggydj,

    is there any promters or dj-ing agaencies that would be intrested in my mixing im a 15 year old 8 year experiance hardhouse dj i have played at a number of venues and i have worked with a number of production companys please e-mail me on doggydj2004@aol.com a.s.a.p if u can help

  6. Started by fifedjdomo,

    i need one before i start gettin ready for work so im off n im sure ur glad to know i'll be back in a wee while, all squeaky clean, and maybe ready to chat again depending on whether i can be bothered or not lol

  7. Started by Dawn,

    Wake me up about 1 ish would you ... tea no sugar Grrrrr and it had best of stopped snowing when i do get up

    • 11 replies
  8. Started by Miss Minx,

    Its for a bday pressie n im really struggling now to get hold of it if anyone has a copy i cld purchase or where i can get it wld b loads of help!

  9. Started by WezEnTigeR,

    To one & all / Wahoo , were back on track forum wise ! Many Many thanks for everyone who has kept the faith in us - really hope ya can come back in and bring the happy madness you did do before & more ! I will be tweeking the look of the forum a bit but everything should be working fine. Any problems email me : wez@wezentiger.com wezentiger@hotmail.com Massive thanks to my chum Teck from ClubNet for setting it all up - you star ! From Myself - Tiggs - Dean & Scott we hope you enjoy the forum and continue the support you have shown us - we sooooooo appreciate it. WEBSITE COMING SOON ! Regards Wez B …

    • 2 replies
  10. just rang my mate 4 something n happened to say oh we r still doin storm saturday n she was like umm no her partner doesnt wanna go now so not goin - nice of u to fckin let me know!!!!!!!!!!! PPL R WELL ANNOYING SOMTIMES

    • 35 replies
  11. Started by Shaney R,


    • 37 replies
  12. Started by Miss Minx,

    off to bloody leicester to rescue my log book so i can tax my car - must remember not to leave places without picking everything up have nice nights folks

    • 17 replies
  13. Started by Dani Babyboo,

    i did it i sent the email for tidy blind date and it was quite witty haha i wrote this im dani (dani_babyboo off the board) im 23, single (obviously), apparently im out of control wen it comes to nailing me down, well thats what my ex said, im just nutty about clubbing and so i think tidy blind date may be a lorra lorra laughs and succeed in helping me find as big of a nut job as i am in that place they call prestatyn oh and i live in essex/ north east london border. and i so need ur help in finding me a guy or at least a subslave to fulfil my sexual needs lmao im scared now and for the record this email is jus a case of whit

  14. Started by HardHouseLady,

    Feel really rubbish, had to have day off work today got the Flu and its not nice !!

    • 29 replies
  15. Started by Dani Babyboo,

    im fed up with message boards and people looking at me and saying things about me in this fucking place, and im so glad now i dont have net at home cause jus cause i have a veiw i get stabbed in the fucking back and put in my place wen no one bothered to listen in reason and to even no why i have opinion so fuck it all i might see ya at tidy i might not bukey next time why dont u ask ur friend why i kicked off

    • 14 replies
  16. Started by Shaney R,

    > > > > One winter morning a couple was listening to the radio > over > breakfast. > > > > They hear the announcer say, "We are going to have 8 to > 10 > inches > of snow today. > > > > You must park your car on the even- numbered side of the > street, so > the > > > > snowplows can get through." > > > > > > > > So, Norman's beautiful blonde wife goes out and moves her > car. > > > > > > > > A week later while they are eating bre…

  17. Started by Dani Babyboo,

    our mr andy whitby is online radio now quality tunage here clicky

  18. Started by Maria,

    It's unbelievably gay these last two days !

  19. Started by Tresh,

    Sorry missed u on msn - will grab your tune off ya next time.

    • 39 replies
  20. Started by Dani Babyboo,

    im a forum killer but is it just me or have all the smilies fucked up and the image on comfortably numb setting dissappeared

  21. Started by Dani Babyboo,

    as a laugh tidy are doing tidy blind date on the saturday afternoon shall i send an email and enter??? im scared il look a twat and have no support if i do

  22. Started by Bushy,

    Good work with friday!!!! Can you bring one more with you? for our young friend Tresh!

    • 9 replies
  23. Started by Bushy,

    Aye can do the same for me aswell if you want 160542[/snapback] Does that mean you are coming up to liverpool this weekend?

    • 7 replies
  24. come to hektik! its great! check midlands listings for details!

    • 15 replies
  25. Started by CHD_Promotions,

    Ben Jeacock As some of you may already know, Ben Jeacock died in a tragic car accident on Sunday 20 February 2005. He was returning home after a night out at Bring Back The Bounce in Birmingham. Ben was a regular at BBtB events, and we would therefore like to dedicate our next event on the 5th March to him. We at BBtB would like to express our sincere condolences for this tragic loss, and our hearts and thoughts go out to all his family and friends. BBtB

  26. Started by Miss Minx,

    do the following: 1. Have sex on National Tv 2. Eat your own vomit 3. Eat someone elses vomit 4. Do same sex sex (ie men go gay women go lesbian gays go straight) 5. Have sex with an animal 6. Have sex with an old person (over 70) 7. Eat poo 8. watch your parents have sex 9. Sell a kidney

    • 17 replies
  27. Started by kenny1,

    nation of bounce, every thursday@ lar-de-dars , accrington. j7 m65 every week dj line up will include pete daley (national anthems/monroes) jamie agar (maximes/ x-treme vinyl) mikey b (wigan pier) the rezidents (dj set) danny walsh (wigan pier) nitra m (dj set) scrump (resident) martyn lowe (power records) chris m (resident) +more guest every week only £3 on door. 10-3 gunner be a PHAT nite!! any probs or questions please pm me,

    • 7 replies
  28. Started by Ginge,

    Sign up, sign in or whatever. Make yourselves known.

  29. Started by Shaney R,

    > Martin wakes up at home with a huge hangover. He forces > himself to open his eyes, and the first thing he sees is a couple of > aspirins and a glass of water on the side table. He sits down and sees his > clothing in > front of him, all clean and pressed. Martin looks around the room and sees > that it > is in perfect order, spotless, clean. So is the rest of the house. He > takes > the aspirins and notices a note on the table. > "Honey, breakfast is on the stove, I left early to go shopping. Love You!" > So he goes to the kitchen and sure enough there is a hot breakfast and > the morning newspaper. His s…

  30. Started by Lisa,

    What is everyone getting mum for mothers day then?

Clubbing the world together ...