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General Discussion

Discuss anything you want here, doesn't have to be related to clubbing or music

  1. ok i know most of u dont even know who whizzkid is but he's one of the top three hardcore MCs incase u dont know and i msg'd him on USH.net saying how i thought he woz an amazing MC, and how i wanted his babies etc lol! i also asked 4 the lyrics 2 my favourite rhyme of his and...... HE MSG'D ME BACK!!!!!! this is wot it woz..... OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wot i wudnt do 2 sit on that mans face! and i know the rest of u dont care but im still soooooo hyper about it!

    • 23 replies
  2. ok i know most of u dont even know who whizzkid is but he's one of the top three hardcore MCs incase u dont know and i msg'd him on USH.net saying how i thought he woz an amazing MC, and how i wanted his babies etc lol! i also asked 4 the lyrics 2 my favourite rhyme of his and...... HE MSG'D ME BACK!!!!!! this is wot it woz..... OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wot i wudnt do 2 sit on that mans face! and i know the rest of u dont care but im still soooooo hyper about it!

    • 23 replies
  3. Started by pyro,

    Cheers for the CD mate!! Banging! I didn't realise till I got it throught the door, you sent me a CD about 2 years ago. I was running Bangers and Mash. Tony P's special formula!!! Was good then but the new CD's quality.

    • 3 replies
  4. Started by pyro,

    Cheers for the CD mate!! Banging! I didn't realise till I got it throught the door, you sent me a CD about 2 years ago. I was running Bangers and Mash. Tony P's special formula!!! Was good then but the new CD's quality.

    • 3 replies
  5. Started by pyro,

    Cheers for the CD mate!! Banging! I didn't realise till I got it throught the door, you sent me a CD about 2 years ago. I was running Bangers and Mash. Tony P's special formula!!! Was good then but the new CD's quality.

    • 3 replies
  6. Started by Tara,

    I remember you saying you gave Kara and Jo a lift from Oxford, did you meet them on a clubbing website? And if so, what one? and what was their usernames?!

    • 2 replies
  7. Started by Tara,

    I remember you saying you gave Kara and Jo a lift from Oxford, did you meet them on a clubbing website? And if so, what one? and what was their usernames?!

    • 2 replies
  8. Started by Tara,

    I remember you saying you gave Kara and Jo a lift from Oxford, did you meet them on a clubbing website? And if so, what one? and what was their usernames?!

    • 2 replies
  9. Started by Maria,

    Hello boyo. Any chance u can post that phone to me? Im at my wits end with this one now, and really cant fork out for a new phone just yet. Im such a nob for forgetting it I will send you P&P. xx

    • 11 replies
  10. Started by Maria,

    Hello boyo. Any chance u can post that phone to me? Im at my wits end with this one now, and really cant fork out for a new phone just yet. Im such a nob for forgetting it I will send you P&P. xx

    • 11 replies
  11. Started by Maria,

    Hello boyo. Any chance u can post that phone to me? Im at my wits end with this one now, and really cant fork out for a new phone just yet. Im such a nob for forgetting it I will send you P&P. xx

    • 11 replies
  12. Started by Maria,

    http://www.clubtheworld.uk/cgi-bin/ImageFolio3/imageFolio.cgi?action=view&link=Festivals/Tidy_Weekender_3/James_Photos&image=DSC02480.JPG&img=128&tt= hahahahaha

    • 9 replies
  13. Started by Maria,

    http://www.clubtheworld.uk/cgi-bin/ImageFolio3/imageFolio.cgi?action=view&link=Festivals/Tidy_Weekender_3/James_Photos&image=DSC02480.JPG&img=128&tt= hahahahaha

    • 9 replies
  14. Started by Maria,

    http://www.clubtheworld.uk/cgi-bin/ImageFolio3/imageFolio.cgi?action=view&link=Festivals/Tidy_Weekender_3/James_Photos&image=DSC02480.JPG&img=128&tt= hahahahaha

    • 9 replies
  15. Started by Saffy,

    Ummm .... Beckie told me to try twisting pipe cleaners in my daughters hair for tonight ... so I kinda had a go with one in my own .. Err ... how do I get it out ? It seems to becoming more and more tangled? Is there an easy way to get em out? ( The pipe cleaners that is, not my tits ) I now have to go into work with a fluorescent pink pipe cleaner stuck out at right angles to my head ... either that or I cut it off! Am hoping it will give the kids at school something to do ... untangling it that is, not getting it MORE tangled! By the way .. am off to see S CLUB tonight at SHeffield Arena .... WOOYAY !! Actually ... no sarcasm there .. am real…

    • 2 replies
  16. Started by Saffy,

    Ummm .... Beckie told me to try twisting pipe cleaners in my daughters hair for tonight ... so I kinda had a go with one in my own .. Err ... how do I get it out ? It seems to becoming more and more tangled? Is there an easy way to get em out? ( The pipe cleaners that is, not my tits ) I now have to go into work with a fluorescent pink pipe cleaner stuck out at right angles to my head ... either that or I cut it off! Am hoping it will give the kids at school something to do ... untangling it that is, not getting it MORE tangled! By the way .. am off to see S CLUB tonight at SHeffield Arena .... WOOYAY !! Actually ... no sarcasm there .. am real…

    • 2 replies
  17. Started by Saffy,

    Ummm .... Beckie told me to try twisting pipe cleaners in my daughters hair for tonight ... so I kinda had a go with one in my own .. Err ... how do I get it out ? It seems to becoming more and more tangled? Is there an easy way to get em out? ( The pipe cleaners that is, not my tits ) I now have to go into work with a fluorescent pink pipe cleaner stuck out at right angles to my head ... either that or I cut it off! Am hoping it will give the kids at school something to do ... untangling it that is, not getting it MORE tangled! By the way .. am off to see S CLUB tonight at SHeffield Arena .... WOOYAY !! Actually ... no sarcasm there .. am real…

    • 2 replies
  18. Started by Signum,

    Hi! how's it goin, how you doin? how's it hangin? keep it real man! siggaz

    • 0 replies
  19. Started by Signum,

    Hi! how's it goin, how you doin? how's it hangin? keep it real man! siggaz

    • 0 replies
  20. Started by Signum,

    Hi! how's it goin, how you doin? how's it hangin? keep it real man! siggaz

    • 0 replies
  21. Started by Maria,

    U guna be attending the gurn meet up then? Loser. Traiter. Now [censored] off outa my face.

    • 29 replies
  22. Started by Maria,

    U guna be attending the gurn meet up then? Loser. Traiter. Now [censored] off outa my face.

    • 29 replies
  23. Started by Maria,

    U guna be attending the gurn meet up then? Loser. Traiter. Now [censored] off outa my face.

    • 29 replies
  24. Started by Saffy,

    pipecleaners! Taking my little un to see S CLUB tonight in Sheffield and have got a load of pipecleaners for her hair .. Umm .. how do you fix em in? What's the best way to do her hair etc? She has hair, just down to her shoulder ... no fringe .... Anyone got any pics to give me ideas without my having to trawl through the whole gallery? Any help greatly appreciated.

    • 3 replies
  25. Started by Saffy,

    pipecleaners! Taking my little un to see S CLUB tonight in Sheffield and have got a load of pipecleaners for her hair .. Umm .. how do you fix em in? What's the best way to do her hair etc? She has hair, just down to her shoulder ... no fringe .... Anyone got any pics to give me ideas without my having to trawl through the whole gallery? Any help greatly appreciated.

    • 3 replies
  26. Started by Saffy,

    pipecleaners! Taking my little un to see S CLUB tonight in Sheffield and have got a load of pipecleaners for her hair .. Umm .. how do you fix em in? What's the best way to do her hair etc? She has hair, just down to her shoulder ... no fringe .... Anyone got any pics to give me ideas without my having to trawl through the whole gallery? Any help greatly appreciated.

    • 3 replies
  27. sorry this is up so late, but not had much chance to get on here since last week. I know I met blink at sundis, cool mate, nice to see you. And also had to put up with miss SAVAGE Can't remember who else i met then, but I know there was someone. Sorry, i have a [censored] memory, and its over a week since. and last week at turnmills, nice to see sarah pvc again, and nice meeting you briefly james. did you get the photo of me and savage up yet? we looked for it the other day, but couldnt find it. and of course a big hello to laurence, tash and everyone i met on friday at convergence. cheers for another good one.

    • 12 replies
  28. sorry this is up so late, but not had much chance to get on here since last week. I know I met blink at sundis, cool mate, nice to see you. And also had to put up with miss SAVAGE Can't remember who else i met then, but I know there was someone. Sorry, i have a [censored] memory, and its over a week since. and last week at turnmills, nice to see sarah pvc again, and nice meeting you briefly james. did you get the photo of me and savage up yet? we looked for it the other day, but couldnt find it. and of course a big hello to laurence, tash and everyone i met on friday at convergence. cheers for another good one.

    • 12 replies
  29. sorry this is up so late, but not had much chance to get on here since last week. I know I met blink at sundis, cool mate, nice to see you. And also had to put up with miss SAVAGE Can't remember who else i met then, but I know there was someone. Sorry, i have a [censored] memory, and its over a week since. and last week at turnmills, nice to see sarah pvc again, and nice meeting you briefly james. did you get the photo of me and savage up yet? we looked for it the other day, but couldnt find it. and of course a big hello to laurence, tash and everyone i met on friday at convergence. cheers for another good one.

    • 12 replies
  30. Started by Carl Nicholson,

    Dear God, Why is it at 8pm on every friday night, i get a visit from one of your angels!!! The angel in question is named gertrude (Cousin of Gabriel), and she keeps enticeing me to consume copeius amounts of class a, by strapping a horse nose bag to my face whilst holding me down and filling it brimful with a mixture of K/Coke/Beans and then ticking my nose with a great big feather until i sneeze, then when i draw breath half its contents flies up my hooter and i take the wormhole to dimension X!!! Please could u ask her to refrain from this constant bombardment, as it is seriously having reprocusions in the reality department, i keep having fits of runnin…

    • 9 replies
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