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I am free tomorrow as my 2 college hours are cancelled as the woman who I go to see has had to cancel for a meeting, or something, so not going untill normal schedule, next Monday. so I am home all day tomorrow if you need me to have Jessica in the morning ? Are you working ? Let me know, Chav. x
News just in that the NHS, although having drafted in thousands of doctors, nurses, surgeons and the like, are unable to cope with the mass suicide/overdose victims resulting from the Tidy board shut down. However, what the pathetic Internet chat room addicts failed to notice was that the shut down only lasts for four days. One retard told us… “I don’t know what I am gunna do, it’s horrendous, how can they do this to us, my life isn’t worth living anymore, I thought I’d never try smack….â€� Only 13 seconds later, this poor fellow was found lying over his ever faithful Tidy graphitised computer, hugging it with only that stupid picture of…
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Well thats it with my phone i think the comination of dropping it on the floor/flights of stairs when im fucked has taken its toll on the lil bugger an nowthe earpiece has broken on it and u cant hear anybody on the other line. But luckily i am not defeated into buying a new fone (not yet anyway) i have decided that its not so bad walking round in public with my bluetooth headset on and am using that, although i have decided on my next fone, one that ive wanted for ages Sharp GX30 i know where i can pick up a cheap one and am gonna get that to replace my lovely motorola (sniff).
Cant make the first weekend in March, i have a wedding to attend in Cardiff. The girls are bridesmaids and all that fooking pointless palava so i have to b there. thanx for the offer though, my legs were dripping with excitement of the thought of a mad weekend take care looser luv donna
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...yorkshire puddings are just so scrummy and Mc Cain home roasts to go with em, and two breaded chicken steaks. the only thing i made myself was the cup of tea
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Wanted to be @ both Sundis Cardiff and More... But with nan ill in hospital I've decided it's best to stay at home... Anyone else stayed in tonight?
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its a fair bit of fun i think ive sat n played with it for about half an hour... try it: Mix Up Mash - Click here
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Dell Inspiron 1100 Laptop Pentium 4 2.4GHz 256MB RAM 40GB HDD CD-ROM 14" XGA Display £300 ono - Buyer pays delivery/collects It's in Birmingham, will accept cash, personal cheque, postal order, bank transfer or paid into my bank account over the counter. If it's paid by bank transfer or personal cheque, you'll need to wait for funds to clear into my account before sending it. I'm selling it because I've had a new laptop. I've rebuilt it to a clean Windows XP Professional build, added AVG antivirus, ZoneAlarm firewall and Microsoft Antispyware. Lemme know if you're interested.
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and got my hopes up it had hi sexy in subject box and Well it’s taken me some time to pluck up enough courage to write this e-mail, but I have been thinking if I don't send to you on this special day I never will. You mean so much to me without you I am nothing. The time we have spent out together, the late nights on the dance floor I was just hoping that maybe after receiving this e-mail we could once again catch up discuss old times, get lost in the music and find out what’s going on. I’ve noticed you around! I find you very attractive! Will you go to clubland with me? Be my Valentine …
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after all my worrying and stuff about tidy weekend and that bird not getting back to me i just tried to ring her and her fone is switched off i have no idea what to do now as it is final day friday and i have paid all my money but i dont know if she has paid and if all is ok what do i do
near u has a funny name work friendly and all u have to do is add ur postcode here
2 my pimps and prozzies Cocktail party after the arenas on the friday night of Tidy Weekender 7????????????? Dani - i know ya the barmaid!!!
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thts for passing on her no babes will give her a ring later xxxx
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Anybody have an idea who did, or what the name of the hardstyle (ish) remix is of that there song? *points* ...any help, muchos appreciado as always
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Anyone love this breed of dog ? I just been out to the shop and bumped into my friend, who, years ago, we got our first staffie from, and she was walking a staffie bitch .. fook me, these deffinatly are the best breed of Dogs ! So pretty / very intelligent looking and their 'structure' is neat as fook ! Christ, I was like a big kid with the dog - they make me melt - they just are the best. I can't wait to own one again ! WOOF !!
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Hi there, new to the forum and looking for other people in or around Oxford who like happy Tidy style hard house. Due to oxford having hardly any decent hard house nights , and as I love DJing so much, I have decided to strat my own night just so I can play. Is there anyone out there in Oxfordshire Party land that likes this style of uplifting hard house? I'd love to know cos I'm feeling alone jtb
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ello babes....will try and give you a ring later on, might be a bit pissed tho missin ya loads!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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i have only had a bottle of wine and i feel tipsy already im slacking
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