Welcome New Members !
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Well as u may guess im a newbie!! wot can i say i met a few peeps off CTW at tidy weekend and the 1s i met were the most friendly peeps ive ever met!!!!!!!!!!!! hopefully i can meet more of u nice peeps on my travells from club 2 club!! bye 4 now Tidy Tart xxx(",)xx
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Well as u may guess im a newbie!! wot can i say i met a few peeps off CTW at tidy weekend and the 1s i met were the most friendly peeps ive ever met!!!!!!!!!!!! hopefully i can meet more of u nice peeps on my travells from club 2 club!! bye 4 now Tidy Tart xxx(",)xx
- 21 replies
Well as u may guess im a newbie!! wot can i say i met a few peeps off CTW at tidy weekend and the 1s i met were the most friendly peeps ive ever met!!!!!!!!!!!! hopefully i can meet more of u nice peeps on my travells from club 2 club!! bye 4 now Tidy Tart xxx(",)xx
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Hiya ya all!!! just joined (obviously!!!) so thought i'd introduce myself. am 22 and live in stirling, scotland - the nightlife here is atrocious so go through to glasgow and edinburgh clubbing and occasionally newcastle. fav dj is steve lawler and nick warren comes a close second i hope we will get on well!!! L xxx
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hey there everyone! I finally found the time to join! I run a website to and you can ask James it eats your time away. I run clubithard.com, which is going to be regenirated VERY soon. how are you all? -Tomo-
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Hiya guys Not been here for a while and had a bit of a name change since i was last here so re registered. Gotta say James this sites looking even better than the last time i was here mate SB (Mikey)
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Hiya, Came accross this sight by chance whilst loooking on the ibiza-spotlight forum. I'm female dj from the Isle of Wight I'm playing my first time in Ibiza in august this year at Play2. Can anyone tell me how many tunes i'll get away with taking on the plane as hand luggage??!! As I really don't want to trust my tunes in the hold!!! p.s: site looks damn good from what i've seen so far.
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Bonjour Just wanted to say hello............... Err....hello Anyway, consider me to be your friend. I can be quite funny sometimes. I am like Rain Man, super intelligent in a retarded kinda way. Yes, well, this doesn't seem to be going very well (or making much sense) so I'll stick to the basics. I love hard house music, I do. Eddie Halliwell, The Tidy Boys, the ever-lovely Miss Charlotte Birch and Jules when he is playing the hard stuff. I love GodsKitchen, Sundissential, Future Heroes, Turnmills, The Cross, Good Greef, Sankys and more. Love Global Gathering, Homelands, Creamfields and the Summer Sound system. Anyway.........f…
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hi i'm new too. my name is alasdair and i live in san francisco. before that i was in boston, london and my home town of edinburgh. love to dance. mostly to crazy, hard psychedelic trance. as my friend mark once observed, "if it sounds like a spaceship is landing in your head, that's psytrance" my fave psytrance acts include: Wizzy Noise Infected Mushroom SUN Project Hallucinogen Shpongle Astral Projection X-Dream Logic Bomb Talamasca other big things in my life are my friends and burning man (http://www.burningman.com) where we build our magicglasses camp every year (http://www.magicglasses.com) congrats on a great s…
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Hiya !!! I just joined !! Be nice to me pls !!! Hugz Beanie xxx
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Hiya peeps im a newbie to ClubTheWorld plz be gentle wiv me! just thought i would post and say hi to u all so 'HI' well thats all luv ya luv Hardcore Babe
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so talk to newbies, or just ppl hiding in here...
Hi there everyone! Bloody hell - I have finally got around to signing up on here! "THREE CHEERS FOR THE SCARY ONE!!" Most people out on the clubbing scene know me - I'm not sure who I know on here (Clubbin Si is a deffo 'I know' - Hiya babes) Whatever though, I am looking forward to joining in the madness on this site, and maybe bringing a few smiles to faces. Watch out 'cos I'll be lurking about in here from now on *Claire* Now, where did I leave my mind....?!!
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Hello fellow clubbers im a newbie so plz b nice. So who r u all n wot u all up2? luv u luv Sexy cyber Chick mawh
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Hey everyone, im new to Club The World. Must say, it's a pretty friendly site! Have been reading the site for around 2 months so I will recognise some of your names! Erm..that's about it I guess!
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hi im new to the site. NeoN introduced me, i go clubbin at storm, sunnys, passion, been clubbin 4 bout 4 yrs, new to computers so might take a while to reply especially on a come down. hope to see u all soon
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Is anyone from the CTW crowd going to be in Ibiza from 19/7. Would like to meet up if so. If anyone is looking for someone to go with over that week we should have a couple of beds available in our villa.....
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Been a member on here for bloody ages, but never really got into the posting scene, just thought id say allo to every1!
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Hey folks, I have just become a member, recommended to me my best friend (@Rascal) I have been going clubbing for about the last 8 years and am always on the look out for bigger and better nights, and this site seems a great way to share that info. So hello everyone! I will post a photo as soon as I can be arsed and hopefully I will bump into some of you on the dancefloor! Speak soon Glitz x
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thanx 4 welcoming all new members. i think this site is wkd. full of fun and exitememt. welcome everyone from me too. Occasionalcharlie@hotmail.com.
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Hey there Just a quick Hi before i go on me post mission Cya all round - switch_on
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Well i've been registed here for a couple of weeks now and i've decided to pluck up the corrage to actually post something here. I'm a big sundissential HQ fan. Sat was brill can't wait to go again next sat. Anyone know whos playin yet.... not that i'm bothered anyway.. i know it will be good. Lou x
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hey u lot! new here, and actually comin up rite now!!! lookin 4ward to plenty spangled meetups woohoo!!!!!!
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Hi every one i`m new to the board so be nice to me please hope u all had a good weekend? mine was ok not to hektik for a change
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Hi peeps. I joined CTW a couple of months ago, just been getting to kno the site and that but not really introduced myself properly. My names Jemma, with a J not a G!And im from Hull up North. I met some of you at Tidy Weekender3- (and wow wot a weekend that was!So didnt want to leave!),remember meetin Wub Wub, James, Mr Happy(I loved that outfit of yours Mr Happy-the bright yellow one!WICKED!) , Sarah PVC, si from Leeds, Captin Rik and few others im sure. Anyways you all seem a great bunch that id like to get to know and meet again. I would love to go to Ibiza this year either as a holiday or a job for the whole summer (if I can get 1) so will hopefully meet a lot of you…
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