Welcome New Members !
Please create your first post & introduce yourself here so our members can welcome you to our friendly community ! 🙏
2,007 topics in this forum
Name... Age... Where u From... Job... Fav Dj Fav Club... n now another newbie thing I LUV U ALL...
- 29 replies
Hi to you all, I hope you are all well and I've taken 5 minutes out from my mad schedule to register here after this place was recommended by a friend! I've been going around on my promotion coach trying to canvass for some extra votes for next weekends Pop Idol Final but never thought of trying one of these places to help! A big thankyou to anybody that may have already voted for me but the important one is this Saturday so please be sure to vote Mark and not Michelle! Thanks Guys Take Care, Mark
- 6 replies
Hi guys, I'm Paul, from kent. Just introducing myself to y'all. Would love to make a load of new friends and ease myself back into the clubbing scene. Anyone who wouldn't mind an extra body tagging along, get in touch!!!! laters
- 26 replies
hey guys and gals, i've finally signed up how is everybody ? looking forward to meeting you all etc etc blah blah blah !
Well you asked me to come on. So here i am. Im hopeing that i didnt make to much of a tit out of myself on saturday, as im already embarised enough from the phone calls i made. Neway incase you dont know who i am, Im screams younger/sexier brother.
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I hope this site is a lot more friendly than the one I just got chucked off of, they were a bunch of tossers!! Honest I'm a nice guy so just don't get me wrong. Sound
- 19 replies
Hi everyone, Guy Garrett in da house. Been DJing since 1986 ans some call me grandad of the decks! Sort of been there, done that and now looking to refresh my clubbing head. My good friend Paula introduced me too the site and I must it looks rather wicked. So as they say "lets Ave It! Guy
- 27 replies
Hey everyone, um...well I'm not sure really what to say, I'm pretty new to the whole message board thing, so here goes. I'm Australian but living in London. I've been there for about a month, before that I was up in Manchester for about 4 months. I'm right into Funky House and Hard House, I went to Chemistry @Canvas on Saturday and then to Twist after, and actually met a few CTW's there, which is how I found out about CTW in the first place, so here i am
Hi everyone!! I'm new to the site and looking forward to chatting to as many ppl as poss!! I DJ under the name of Miss BPM and play events like X-Static and Total Mayhem and have a gig in Cape Town for N.Y.E 2003/2004 so well looking forward to that. I have only just started playing out so hoping to be playing out more in 2004!! Wanted to say special hi to.. @Tony P (by the way it's Kat Joel.b's lady) and @LittleMissLoud!! - love ya loudy loud!! mwah Thanks Love Miss BPM
ello there ppl, names tommy, i'm from northern ireland, into all forms of trance, love techno, and some hardhouse. Also a dj and like to produce, wen i get the chance i'll post up some of my tunes and ya can rate or hate them, heh. Know a few ppl off here, but if ya want ya can pm me or add me to msn, if ya wanna get to know me better, cos theres so much to know(pfft yea right!) anyways, i'm of to explore, later cru, nice site btw oi oiii
- 34 replies
hi folks just thought id sign up and join the crowd well lookin forward to meetin you all at pure addiction on the 5th get there early cheers colin romeo
- 18 replies
Comical Ali (priase Allah) has made his triumphant return to the source of all evil - CTW. I bring with me the word of Allah to combat you infidels. All the talk that Hard House is going down the tubes - it is because of the proud Iraqi peoples that this is happening. With the will of Allah, we have torn down this house - it wasn't very hard, was it. No doubt your pitiful leader Blair will go running to the motherless scum Bush complaining that there have been more terrorist acts against his culture - yet more buildings destroyed due to hard house being demolished. Be warned that I will repulse any attack - if you want to commit suicide on the spikes of my logic, th…
- 4 replies
at last made a post on here as my gf naomi_6969 posts on here ..thougth i would show my face hehe l8r peeps
- 29 replies
Hello all i am a, wait for it......... New member bet you didnt know what was coming then did ya? wheyyyyyy Hello to all out there hope to meet some cool people out there! Rubbish joke for you all Q. why do santas helpers hate each other? A. they have no elf respect! Told ya it was rubbish catch yall later Peace Jofish
- 15 replies
Hi everyone! Where you all from then?
- 50 replies
...or maybe not, but now that i've got your attention: Hello people, so here I am would love to hear from anyone esp in the yorkshire area or going to crasher at the NEC next month. just want to meet new clubbing pals as ninety five percent of mine now think they're too old at the grand old age of 22! so there goes the introduction (anyone else feel pressured to come up with a super witty line about now?!), can't wait to hear from everyone and anyone, so please get in touch!
- 30 replies
Seeing as i havent been on here for well over a year i thought I should reintroduce myself and say hi again! I have just moved back home with my parents after finishing uni and my mates at home are lame as! My first thought was ahh CTW and here I am
- 10 replies
hi my name is Shuey and I am a professional DJ. Just thought id join this board as I have heard a lot about it. i am actually spinning this Saturday at Turnmills in London for SmartiePartie, alongside Tim Deluxe and The Sharp Boys (Kiss FM). i am holding a special competition for this to win two tickets. Please see my other post in the main forum. Also please check my webpage for further info on me. Hi to all of you! Cheers Shuey www.topjox.com/shuey.htm
- 11 replies
Ez everyone... im a drum and bass arena forum member comin ere for the first time cause ma mate lushy comes here.... Just thought id sign up and see wat a gwarn.... I used to be into house and stuff years ago now...ive been raving for over 9 years... haha and gettin wrecked for about the same period of time. I work for an insurance company in bournemouth (Liverpool Victoria) some of u from bournemouth that come ere might of heard of dem or work there too. I run a drum and bass night with some friends in portsmouth. im part of total eclipse promotions... last night we did we had raiden play from renegade hardware as well as some old skool from dj druid and some …
- 33 replies
just joined the site and wanted to say a quick hi.i am from moody old London, 25 years old and very bored at work , so please come and say hello.
- 19 replies
hi there All! Just a hello to everyone!! where are we all from then and wot we into ??
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wow your quite a friendly bunch, afternoon
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