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Welcome New Members !

Please create your first post & introduce yourself here so our members can welcome you to our friendly community ! 🙏

  1. Started by CP007,

    Hey guys Im 21 Live and Study In Sheffield. I go to BED in Sheff on Saturdays and my fave DJ is Morrilo. Ive been allover the country going out used to do Sankeys, Sundissential HQ/North, Gods on a regular basis but dont travel much anymore Fanx CP

    • 11 replies
  2. Started by Virtual_Dylan,

    Dear All Lot's of people will know my real alter ego - Dylan, who comes on loads of CTW meet-ups, and knows loads of board members but who doesn't own a 'puter or even a mobile phone!!. I felt that as Virtual_Dylan, I should have a presence on the board. More as a gesture of solidarity, and empathetic good wishes, than any sort of realistic way of commmmunicating with the real Dylan. Obviously any messages of welcome will be transmitted telepathically to my real life brother, so will be more than welcome, and all meet-up that he attends, i will be at also, but in spirit not in reallity. Anyway nice to be here, at last...and when and if Real Dylan …

    • 10 replies
  3. Started by Virtual_Dylan,

    Dear All Lot's of people will know my real alter ego - Dylan, who comes on loads of CTW meet-ups, and knows loads of board members but who doesn't own a 'puter or even a mobile phone!!. I felt that as Virtual_Dylan, I should have a presence on the board. More as a gesture of solidarity, and empathetic good wishes, than any sort of realistic way of commmmunicating with the real Dylan. Obviously any messages of welcome will be transmitted telepathically to my real life brother, so will be more than welcome, and all meet-up that he attends, i will be at also, but in spirit not in reallity. Anyway nice to be here, at last...and when and if Real Dylan …

    • 10 replies
  4. Started by Virtual_Dylan,

    Dear All Lot's of people will know my real alter ego - Dylan, who comes on loads of CTW meet-ups, and knows loads of board members but who doesn't own a 'puter or even a mobile phone!!. I felt that as Virtual_Dylan, I should have a presence on the board. More as a gesture of solidarity, and empathetic good wishes, than any sort of realistic way of commmmunicating with the real Dylan. Obviously any messages of welcome will be transmitted telepathically to my real life brother, so will be more than welcome, and all meet-up that he attends, i will be at also, but in spirit not in reallity. Anyway nice to be here, at last...and when and if Real Dylan …

    • 10 replies
  5. Started by richT,

    Hey Guys, I live in Guildford in Surrey, does anyone have any ideas on a good night out I could join you lot with?

    • 45 replies
  6. Started by richT,

    Hey Guys, I live in Guildford in Surrey, does anyone have any ideas on a good night out I could join you lot with?

    • 45 replies
  7. Started by richT,

    Hey Guys, I live in Guildford in Surrey, does anyone have any ideas on a good night out I could join you lot with?

    • 45 replies
  8. Hallo peeps! i am a newbie yes i am! I have just had one of the best wkends EVA. I won the trip to go to amsterdam with Frantic and i went on Friday 29th.It was wiked.I went to a club called The Melkweg out there where they held HQ,I saw Tom Harding and others and it wasnt gabba techno shite! It was spot on bangin house LUVVIT...Of corse i had a massive smoke out there too and got completely fooked...the weed was so tasty out there. I have to say though that amsterdam is one fooked up city-i was strollin round at 9am and i was offered coke,E etc on the street about 5 times! So,I came back from Dam on saturday evening and got ready and went to Camden and ADDIT some mor…

    • 17 replies
  9. .....to c me writting such an obvious reply. instead i will post an off topic post about how fit u look (or not as the case maybe) in ur avatar and poke fun @ ur birthmarks i would sooner kill sum1 elses thread than reply in urs and thus concludes 2nights bout of baord madness in the newbes forum

  10. .....to c me writting such an obvious reply. instead i will post an off topic post about how fit u look (or not as the case maybe) in ur avatar and poke fun @ ur birthmarks i would sooner kill sum1 elses thread than reply in urs and thus concludes 2nights bout of baord madness in the newbes forum

  11. .....to c me writting such an obvious reply. instead i will post an off topic post about how fit u look (or not as the case maybe) in ur avatar and poke fun @ ur birthmarks i would sooner kill sum1 elses thread than reply in urs and thus concludes 2nights bout of baord madness in the newbes forum

  12. Started by LanaM,

    Hello ppl ! there really is no need to roll out the red carpet or stand up but thanks! Lets hope all of u r happier and nicer than the assholes on gurn.net. Damn i only went on there to post a question messing about and i got abused for about an hr! cos i didnt spell properly and use proper grammer and punctuation!!! lol some ppl have nothing to do do they... Anyway how u all doin? got any good clubbing stories...aw i have many! lets swap! lol

    • 21 replies
  13. Started by LanaM,

    Hello ppl ! there really is no need to roll out the red carpet or stand up but thanks! Lets hope all of u r happier and nicer than the assholes on gurn.net. Damn i only went on there to post a question messing about and i got abused for about an hr! cos i didnt spell properly and use proper grammer and punctuation!!! lol some ppl have nothing to do do they... Anyway how u all doin? got any good clubbing stories...aw i have many! lets swap! lol

    • 21 replies
  14. Started by LanaM,

    Hello ppl ! there really is no need to roll out the red carpet or stand up but thanks! Lets hope all of u r happier and nicer than the assholes on gurn.net. Damn i only went on there to post a question messing about and i got abused for about an hr! cos i didnt spell properly and use proper grammer and punctuation!!! lol some ppl have nothing to do do they... Anyway how u all doin? got any good clubbing stories...aw i have many! lets swap! lol

    • 21 replies
  15. Started by Shroom1562626690,

    I'm a newbie as you know and I'm new! You knew that too? OK, well hello everyone and happy clubbing. I hope you enjoy clubbing as much as I do. I'll whack anything on the ed me.

  16. Started by Shroom1562626690,

    I'm a newbie as you know and I'm new! You knew that too? OK, well hello everyone and happy clubbing. I hope you enjoy clubbing as much as I do. I'll whack anything on the ed me.

  17. Started by Shroom1562626690,

    I'm a newbie as you know and I'm new! You knew that too? OK, well hello everyone and happy clubbing. I hope you enjoy clubbing as much as I do. I'll whack anything on the ed me.

  18. Started by jaffa,

    hello all just thought i would say ello 2 u all!

    • 32 replies
  19. Started by jaffa,

    hello all just thought i would say ello 2 u all!

    • 32 replies
  20. Started by jaffa,

    hello all just thought i would say ello 2 u all!

    • 32 replies
  21. Started by James,

    I think some of you think its 'Jools' who is the 1000th Member but its actually ... georgie

    • 11 replies
  22. Started by James,

    I think some of you think its 'Jools' who is the 1000th Member but its actually ... georgie

    • 11 replies
  23. Started by James,

    I think some of you think its 'Jools' who is the 1000th Member but its actually ... georgie

    • 11 replies
  24. Guest
    Started by Guest,

    Ello peeps iam Red_snapper nice to meet ya s all mwa iam off the tidy message board and gurn.net. fank u to emma(pocket_raver) and claire(clairedc) 4 introducing me to the board!!! woo woo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • 17 replies
  25. Guest
    Started by Guest,

    Ello peeps iam Red_snapper nice to meet ya s all mwa iam off the tidy message board and gurn.net. fank u to emma(pocket_raver) and claire(clairedc) 4 introducing me to the board!!! woo woo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • 17 replies
  26. Guest
    Started by Guest,

    Ello peeps iam Red_snapper nice to meet ya s all mwa iam off the tidy message board and gurn.net. fank u to emma(pocket_raver) and claire(clairedc) 4 introducing me to the board!!! woo woo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • 17 replies
  27. Guest
    Started by Guest,

    ello peeps iam red_snapper (jason) and i just joined so be nice hehe mwax ile be seein yas all @ the tidy xmas party i hope?? O and zippy ses hi hehe!! l8rs

  28. Guest
    Started by Guest,

    ello peeps iam red_snapper (jason) and i just joined so be nice hehe mwax ile be seein yas all @ the tidy xmas party i hope?? O and zippy ses hi hehe!! l8rs

  29. Guest
    Started by Guest,

    ello peeps iam red_snapper (jason) and i just joined so be nice hehe mwax ile be seein yas all @ the tidy xmas party i hope?? O and zippy ses hi hehe!! l8rs

  30. Started by Mikeybabe,

    Worked it out lol - sure that button weren't there before! lol! I am Mikeybabe - some of you may know me!!

    • 32 replies
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