Welcome New Members !
Please create your first post & introduce yourself here so our members can welcome you to our friendly community ! 🙏
2,006 topics in this forum
Hi! Just thought I'd say hello and introduce myself. My name is John, I'm an Essex lad, I'm nearly 20 (like in about a month!), and am becoming a daddy anytime from about now N E 1 else from Harlow or nearby? I'm looking for a decent club fairly local as all there is here is Millenium which is a load of crap. My favourite club is Peach though... Please talk to me cos I'm a sad bastard with no mates I'll try and get back to you as soon as I can but bear with me cos it's my sister's pc and I have to grovel first!
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Hi! Just thought I'd say hello and introduce myself. My name is John, I'm an Essex lad, I'm nearly 20 (like in about a month!), and am becoming a daddy anytime from about now N E 1 else from Harlow or nearby? I'm looking for a decent club fairly local as all there is here is Millenium which is a load of crap. My favourite club is Peach though... Please talk to me cos I'm a sad bastard with no mates I'll try and get back to you as soon as I can but bear with me cos it's my sister's pc and I have to grovel first!
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Whilst having a quick skive at work, I stumbled on this coolest of websites. What a top idea! No time to check it all out properly yet, but I'll be back very soon to do so. Right, um, intro? I'm Nick, 26 years old, living in Amsterdam at the moment. Into progressive house, mellow drum and bass, and some guitar stuff like The Stone Roses in terms of music... Sozz, gotta go - something's just come up at work. Just wanted to say a quick 'hi' to everyone, hopefully be back soon. Cheers!
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Whilst having a quick skive at work, I stumbled on this coolest of websites. What a top idea! No time to check it all out properly yet, but I'll be back very soon to do so. Right, um, intro? I'm Nick, 26 years old, living in Amsterdam at the moment. Into progressive house, mellow drum and bass, and some guitar stuff like The Stone Roses in terms of music... Sozz, gotta go - something's just come up at work. Just wanted to say a quick 'hi' to everyone, hopefully be back soon. Cheers!
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Hi!! I'm glad to be here!! I wish i lived closer so I could meet everyone...we need something like this. But luckily I'm heading to London August 1st and then to Ibiza around the 15th....so hopefully I'll connect with some fellow clubbers out there!! bye bye Malia
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Hi!! I'm glad to be here!! I wish i lived closer so I could meet everyone...we need something like this. But luckily I'm heading to London August 1st and then to Ibiza around the 15th....so hopefully I'll connect with some fellow clubbers out there!! bye bye Malia
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A new member to ClubTheWorld, following the termination of Teletubbies the baby sun has joined us here at CTW! Hello --->
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A new member to ClubTheWorld, following the termination of Teletubbies the baby sun has joined us here at CTW! Hello --->
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Hi everyone!!! i'm glad to join the group...(thanx crashincarey!!) i'm daniela, originally from new york city, livin in london for about 4 months!! i work for CrushGuide.. maybe you guys have heard of it.. basically a going out guide for bars/pubs/clubs www.crushguide.com and i also work for www.trance.nu... hmm.. what else.. i went to GCSSS this weekend and had the best nite of my life!!! oh yea, and i LoVe England!!! bye for now! aww these smilies are SOO cute!!!! hehe [ 25 June 2002, 11:50: Message edited by: LuNaSeA ]
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Hi everyone!!! i'm glad to join the group...(thanx crashincarey!!) i'm daniela, originally from new york city, livin in london for about 4 months!! i work for CrushGuide.. maybe you guys have heard of it.. basically a going out guide for bars/pubs/clubs www.crushguide.com and i also work for www.trance.nu... hmm.. what else.. i went to GCSSS this weekend and had the best nite of my life!!! oh yea, and i LoVe England!!! bye for now! aww these smilies are SOO cute!!!! hehe [ 25 June 2002, 11:50: Message edited by: LuNaSeA ]
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Welsome to the BoschMeister!!!! You sound like a German dishwasher company now(Sorry - that was cruel - I apologise!!)
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Welsome to the BoschMeister!!!! You sound like a German dishwasher company now(Sorry - that was cruel - I apologise!!)
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New to this, just out to have a good time and meet fellow clubbers. My general social circle aren't into clubbing in a big way so I don't get out with like minded people that often. Need to up the ante cos I'll be past it soon, according to some people anyway . Like to meet up with some of you soon and want too go out to Ibiza sometime this year but shortage of mates to go with .
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New to this, just out to have a good time and meet fellow clubbers. My general social circle aren't into clubbing in a big way so I don't get out with like minded people that often. Need to up the ante cos I'll be past it soon, according to some people anyway . Like to meet up with some of you soon and want too go out to Ibiza sometime this year but shortage of mates to go with .
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ello people, well, i finally got round to joinging, after hearing so much from other members. bit about myself... my names ralph (although people usually call me pacman - ?) im 18 and run a company called digital dancefloor (a marketing company aimed at nightclubs) i currently work for most of the clubs in liverpool (garlands, 051 etc). i am in the process of setting up a new website (www.tonightinliverpool.co.uk), which james (ctw.com) is backing. we are in the programming stage at the moment, but would appreciate it if you lot could spend 2 minutes and sign up on the board so that we can test the database (you don't need to post anything, jsut sign up…
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ello people, well, i finally got round to joinging, after hearing so much from other members. bit about myself... my names ralph (although people usually call me pacman - ?) im 18 and run a company called digital dancefloor (a marketing company aimed at nightclubs) i currently work for most of the clubs in liverpool (garlands, 051 etc). i am in the process of setting up a new website (www.tonightinliverpool.co.uk), which james (ctw.com) is backing. we are in the programming stage at the moment, but would appreciate it if you lot could spend 2 minutes and sign up on the board so that we can test the database (you don't need to post anything, jsut sign up…
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hiya, im charlotte and found this website through james who i randomly have on my msn, all a bit confusing since i havent a clue whats really going on yet or who he is. not really sure what to write either, especially as my heads a bit [censored] at the moment, unfourtunatley not thro drugs but instead coz ive just lost my neighbours 18ct gold earrings that she didnt know i had, big [censored] up! k-bout me, not very exciting, too busy doing A levels to actually have a life, but thats soon all to end THANK GOD!! so will let u know when i find a new life. so...hello people. i am nice , talk to me!
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hiya, im charlotte and found this website through james who i randomly have on my msn, all a bit confusing since i havent a clue whats really going on yet or who he is. not really sure what to write either, especially as my heads a bit [censored] at the moment, unfourtunatley not thro drugs but instead coz ive just lost my neighbours 18ct gold earrings that she didnt know i had, big [censored] up! k-bout me, not very exciting, too busy doing A levels to actually have a life, but thats soon all to end THANK GOD!! so will let u know when i find a new life. so...hello people. i am nice , talk to me!
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Only just noticed this bitof the forum! hello everybody, I'm Keith I only came on this site to post a notice about coach upto Creamfields, but found myself being on it every day since then nearly a week now! I listen to any dance music but love any trance apart from cheesy pop euro crap! house and hard house love my breakbeats so yeah anything. I dj on the sideline of college and am still crap! but I also produce and love it! fav tunes are definetly... Moon Project Moments are Forever Body Shock Ghost in the Church Pants and Corset Malice in Wonderland DJ Tiesto Urban Train Paul Van Dyk For an Angel The Age of Love The Age of Love PVD mix Agnelli …
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Only just noticed this bitof the forum! hello everybody, I'm Keith I only came on this site to post a notice about coach upto Creamfields, but found myself being on it every day since then nearly a week now! I listen to any dance music but love any trance apart from cheesy pop euro crap! house and hard house love my breakbeats so yeah anything. I dj on the sideline of college and am still crap! but I also produce and love it! fav tunes are definetly... Moon Project Moments are Forever Body Shock Ghost in the Church Pants and Corset Malice in Wonderland DJ Tiesto Urban Train Paul Van Dyk For an Angel The Age of Love The Age of Love PVD mix Agnelli …
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just thought I'd say hi again - I was here before Kev and the rest but was ignored. But then again there were only 3 members!!! Anyway, nice to be back and I will be taking over this board so watch out PigMan.
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Hey everyone erm yeah im new too!! love to dance hard n fast!!! lalalala maybe see u guys at future events:)
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Hey everyone erm yeah im new too!! love to dance hard n fast!!! lalalala maybe see u guys at future events:)
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Hi guys, Just to say hi. I mailed James about a week ago about meeting up when I'm over for the first time in Ibiza with my bestest pal. E-Mail me if you want to meet up, England or Ibiza! Ad [ 17 June 2002, 21:07: Message edited by: addy2hotty ]
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Hi guys, Just to say hi. I mailed James about a week ago about meeting up when I'm over for the first time in Ibiza with my bestest pal. E-Mail me if you want to meet up, England or Ibiza! Ad [ 17 June 2002, 21:07: Message edited by: addy2hotty ]
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Brewed here since 1066! [ 13 June 2002, 14:41: Message edited by: CreamyC ]
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Brewed here since 1066! [ 13 June 2002, 14:41: Message edited by: CreamyC ]
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