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Welcome New Members !

Please create your first post & introduce yourself here so our members can welcome you to our friendly community ! 🙏

  1. Started by MR_NOIZE,

    Hi kevnoize here..... ive been Bullied by Sarah 2 come an join her forums... so here i am.. Hello people .... hows things?

    • 20 replies
  2. Started by kayla,

    hiya peeps.... my mate told me about this sight so i thought id come and join!! my names kayla...( pretty self explanatary.. im not very creative.. lol) im from northampton spoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooon i funk mwah xx

    • 45 replies
  3. Started by mark_dj,

    Hello I am new to this site, I found this site after getting a private message from another forum board.My name is Mark I am 29 years old,I am a bedroom dj , I play Dance asnd Hardhouse music,I have just given up vinyl after 4 year and gone for cd decks,I have my own web site with sets I have done here http://www.djmixing.vze.com .I like this site and I am off for a look around on it,keep up the good work.Cheers. Mark

    • 39 replies
  4. Started by LibbyVanDyke,

    Hello everybody! Long time no type! How is everyone??

    • 11 replies
  5. Started by ketkitty,

    thank you i'm fine thanks. i'm from east yorkshire but live in manchester now

    • 7 replies
  6. only just got round to writing this down, was hoping to get me piccie sorted but it'll av to wait! hello peeps, what a blinding site, really looking forward to catching up with you all. I'm ready for the abuse, so come on then, "give it to me babe, ah ha ah ha!" yeah, I am white, tee hee! my good mates have bommed out this weekend for GKGG leavin me with some clubbing adolescents (if you catch my drift) I ordered my ticket in Feb, was hoping to perhaps catch up with some of you, I can see your all going anyhow. Am driving too (ooohhh I hear you cry ). I'm in London, was wondering if anyone is going down to Yates tonight so I can at least know one or …

    • 23 replies
  7. Started by Vinyl Vera,

    Bin checking out some of the chats on here and u all look like and sound like my cup of tea(mine milk n 2)! Yet another female DJ coming thru the ranks, residing somewhere deep in the heart of Norfolk! For those that dont know we are famous for Bernard Matthew turkeys at crimbo, sugarbeet and carrots. Looking forward to having a laugh and a joke or 2 on here with like-minded people..... Where ever u go, whatever u do, May all your dreams and wishes come true From all of us in Norfolk my dears Have a blinding weekend, hope the fun lasts all year! Vinyl Vera

  8. Started by TSM2003,

    Hello dudes & dudettes Stumbled across this thanks to my mate Mazzkitten. I'm 30 and live in SE London. I work hard and play much harder... Anyone in London Bridge area?

    • 10 replies
  9. Started by mazzkitten,

    Hey there Peeps! Well what can I say? I'm Mazz, I live in Birmingham...I'm 24 I'm really very well used to these things, cos I set one up myself way back in Jan 2002 for a load of people who go clubbing in London, spawned initially from 2 specific clubs. I started it up as a Yahoo group and then some web heads got involved and built Bulletin Board, which now boasts about 255 memebers, of which about 100 are regularly active. We all get together and go clubbing, put on events ourselves and a couple of weeks ago we managed at 53 strong trip to Easbourne Beach for the day. Anyway - enough about our community. We all know each other pretty much pe…

    • 15 replies
  10. Started by cyberkiddie,

    Hi all I am new to this site and was reccommended by mr moo, Ok a bit about me im a 21yr old male and I love hard house / trance. I live in lincoln and often go clubbing at inf, storm, passion& sunny d. I also dj a little. I am kinda shy to start with but am always up for a good time, Hope to chat to you all soon ) º¿º \_/

    • 15 replies
  11. Started by Im_no_sheep,

    Hiya! i do have another name but i cant remember it....wkends are catching up!! Caz 22 from just about here!!

    • 5 replies
  12. Started by JonDaniels1562628969,

    Hello there, just a quick post to introduce myself, look forward to talking to you all. So, being a newbie and all that, go easy on me Cheers, Jon.

    • 59 replies
  13. Started by kOoLeR_ThAn_bAtMaN,

    ...i might aswell let u all know im alive. 'sup

    • 10 replies
  14. Started by *Ting*,

    Hia peeps thought I'd drop by and say hello. My name is *Ting*, I run AVING.IT/LARGE every saturday at The Purple Turtle in Camden. If you are ever around please stop by and say hello.

    • 24 replies
  15. Started by quoshbabe,

    I've been tryin 2 post for ages,I joined just after paul (cyclone) and I don't think it likes two people from the same pc or summet cause it let him post and not me,lol.anyway here now so I just thought I'd say hi to every1

    • 35 replies
  16. Started by tankie,

    hello everyone what a [censored] great site all my fellow gurners together im looking foward to going frantic on the 9th with me mate crill and meeting all you peeps

    • 18 replies
  17. Started by thai_technic,

    it me the new guy just here to add a little flavor to the mix with a little us feel yall site is diesel it by far the best ive seen. keep up the good work peace im mobile

    • 11 replies
  18. Started by crispyson,

    Evening all, im a newbie to the site just thought i`de make myself know the names SON , CRISPYSON

    • 33 replies
  19. Started by blobead,

    Hello to all new members and welcome.

  20. Started by LittleDave1562628840,

    Hi all. Just a quick hello to introduce myself. I'm from Manchester and Co-promote Binary with Luke Revival off this board who you all know. See you in the threads.

    • 13 replies
  21. Started by samsara,

    hello to you all* you all seem like such a lovely bunch i thought id join CTW. hope to see you all in the near future* take good care.

    • 17 replies
  22. Started by Tideh,

    Hey im new! *yay to the new guy*

    • 8 replies
  23. Started by Trouble,

    hello all u luvly ppl or so im told pm me or wot eva ill talk to any1 just about except them normal people but i dont fink they will b many on here so give me sum cheek or wot eva & ill give u it back

    • 64 replies
  24. Started by Squirrel,

    Hi All, I'm new. Just thought I'd introduce myself because I was being nagged to do so by Sparky.

    • 22 replies
  25. Started by AussieDave,

    A big 'Ello' from me, have ment to sign up ages ago - on the net most days @ work so will no doubt catch you on there!! Cheers!! Dave - Attached a pic of my mug!!

    • 28 replies
  26. Started by Pulsar,

    Hello!!! I'm new! Been pointed to this site by my mate jodie A bit about me! I've been a trance dj for about 3 years, been playin out regular for 2, played alongside the likes of ed real, matt hardwick, bk. I also help run a night called Fuse: at which i'm resident dj! It's all based in west yorkshire! I also dabble in a bit of production, mainly with reason. Recently become single if any trance girlies out there are interested!!!! hehe! ok lets get posting!

  27. Started by Bubbs,

    Hi Everyone, I'm Sam and I don't really know what else to say without making myself look like I'm on a dating game or at an AA meeting or something!!!

    • 27 replies
  28. Started by Mwah,

    Hiya people. Im new. Found this mwahliscious site on another website. Hope all is mwah mwah here - anyway...mwah

    • 22 replies
  29. Started by BenC1562626127,

    I haven't been on here for a while so I thought I'd better post a newbie post up. So Hello!!

  30. Started by marias mum,

    hello everyone guess who has come to visit oh yes its maria's mum hey maria want a bit of this splif now she is gonna kill me she is watching everywhere i go what can i do ?

    • 30 replies
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