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WHAT THE FUKIN-HELL have they done to that pink floid track its fukin awful!!!
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Here Awesome Awesome Deck n fx mix....check this track list....... You do need Windows Media Player tho............ 1. Feelin Kinda Strange – Drumattic Twins – Fingerlickin 2. Superstars – Loose Cannons – Universal 3. Supersytlin Breaks Mix – Groove Armada – Bootleg 4. Nylon Radar – Plump Djs – Fingerlickin 5. Kind Of Magic – Macabba Hifi – Viperjive 6. That’s It – Slide – Fingerlickin 7. Creepshow – Plump Djs – Fingerlickin 8. Cant Stop – Stereo 8 – Fingerlickin 9. Dope Freak – Move Ya + Steve Lavers _ Audio Bug Records 10. Body Popper – Deekline And Wizard – Botchit And Scarper 11. Herbgrinder…
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The one you gave me at WildChild. I just been listening to it although aint got through half way yet (will listen to the rest later), but just have to comment on how wicked it is ! Constant beat all the way through, not just any beat but a racing bass ! I LOVE IT ! DEFFO my kind of music at the moment ! Couild listen to that kind for HOURS ! Well done dude - im well happy with it - hope you are too !
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not really a fan of them, but their latest tune isnt bad at all. not bad for a piss-take band gone serious
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is currently making my head spin as is sisko - light over me
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Hon, recieved it this morn & what can I say, you is ace My fav mix is track 2 into 3 WOW FOOKING WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thankyou xx
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must say, i'm quietly impressed by her latest single. its actually quite a challenging song (vocally speeking). nice to see that some pop artists do try to push themselves rather than releasing tripe after tripe
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mod and tommy will know what i'm on about here its nights his doing at the moment where he plays back to back with himself (a DVD of himself) has anyone got the DVD?
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Pure genius from the ferrymeister. Completely different to the rest of his stuff and from anything else for that matter
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the spin back in panic button soooooo amazing. Just listening to it just now.. first time i heard panic button (but the prog remix) i thought it was an announcement in the club lol.
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What tune would you say was your secret weapon? A rarer tune that always picks the mood up. Either from the crowd reaction or just from the feel of the record when you mix it in your bedroom. mine would be 'Jeff Amadeus - Pauls Gate' [squat Records] such a unique record
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I LOVE THIS TUNE SOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!! just playing it just now... wildchild always seem to play it when im dancing, Bk played it on friday and i was soo happy....just looking out onto the crowd when it gets to the amazing bit.. sends shivers down my spine...
Afterlife are looking for new talent who play Hard 'n' Bouncy/Cheeky hard house. If you think you have what it takes and live in/around London. Drop me a P.M and I'll give you the addy to send a demo. We like anything that makes you smile, so get mixing and let's see what you've got!!
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Still the best compilation in any style of music ever. Put this on for first time in, well a few weeks and it blows me away every time still. Every1 shud create a shrine and worship this cd
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anyone wanna sell me these (or burn me a copy ) ? i want the resonates and my copies of both bosh are bashed. hugs
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first draft, just a mess about of a techno production i started tonight... dirty minimal techno by Mod1 (unfinished)
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mate, I know James waxes lyrical about you, but now I realise why. The two CD's you sent over are awesome. Circular is brilliant (but who is it on the cover?), but the blue one is currently diving through my ears, and ripping my main frontal lobes kicking and screaming into the daylight! Love it - I'm not much of a sound guy or audiophile, so I can't really comment on that. Love the tune selection (especially the blue one. Bosh from the start), and the mixing is so good to hear after listening to loads of DJ's do the same kind of mixing, without getting slightly different at all. I know they will be gracing my CD players for some time to come... (B…
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I know i shouldn't, but i really like this tune. What everyone else think? **gets ready for onslaught of abuse**
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Bought the new Andy Farley "Music for the harder generation" CD at the weekend, and have to say i was pretty impressed. 1st CD is very techy - right up my street, but even the 2nd cd has some wikid harder tracks on it. But have to say the best track is Karim "WC2" = fucking hammering tune! Am liking Karim now ive heard a few of his bits and am looking foward to seeing him at wildchild.
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The Feeling - D-Tek How fucking good is this tune? You cant get nails as hard this! By the way........I like it. Its also got: Guy Mcaffer - House Rocker, which is rather appealing too!
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Have an oldish mix up on my site for download. TECHNO EUPHORIA
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Don't get me wrong I do love all the 'bosh-bosh' hard stuff but if it came down to a choice between Hard House (or Hard Dance or whatever it is it's getting called these days) and Trance i'd go for Trance anyday Now we've got that established let's move on to the point of this post ...in my record collection i've got one or two tunes that i've not really heard that much of anywhere else and as such always cause something of a stir and make people go all wibbly when I play them...anyone else got 'secret weapons' like these? I'll show you mine if you show me yours lol Here's a couple of fave examples: Mirage of Hope - Hemstock & Jennings (Lange Remix) M…
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I really love both of these tracks, especially Renegade in Me. It's so different to other stuff that is coming out at the mo, and I really think Champion Burns are pushing out some quality hard funky stuff at the mo!
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Isnt this just one of the best tracks ever written And he got an orchestra to play it for him Hybrid = legend
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The new edition website is now up and running at www.clubedition.co.uk. All 3 resident mixes are available to listen to/download. If trance is your thing, then edition is for you! The edition launch party will be kicking off at Freedom on 6 March with Matt Hardwick headlining. Please visit the website for details. Vive le trance! the edition crew
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