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Mixes, Tunes, Genres & Music Industry Forum

Discuss & share your favourite tunes, mixes, genres & the general music industry here ! 🎵

  1. Started by jon_m,

    dirty filthy usual casper stuff!! all good!

    • 2 replies
  2. Started by Lisa,

    Hey I dont suppose any of you noice peeps have this cd do you?? I did & it appears to have gone missing from my cd collection & im so so fooking gutted!! Anyone who has it would they mind doing me a copy please, pretty please!!!!!

    • 2 replies
  3. Started by LiamStyles,

    Ive just been on the www.tuneinn.com website, as I do every week to pick up some new vinyls. I was browsing through the new techno releases to come across Fergies new track "Teknoise" on a Duty Free Promo. Nice one I thought, good to see it getting out there. Then I looked across at to my dismay I saw it was priced at £12 !!! WTF !!! I already have this track on CDR, but that is not my point, there will be alot of DJs wanting this track im sure, as the release date is not for at least another month or so. I am very close to contacting all involved ie. Fergie himself, Duty Free, and Tuneinn to see who is responsible for this outragous over pricing. I can und…

    • 23 replies
  4. Won't be there forever.

  5. Started by Jana,

    Got my first track 'Style of Music' being released on Feersum in Nov well and trulely happy. let me know what you think feedback more than welcome. Jana xx

    • 27 replies
  6. Mighty Dub Katz - Let The Drums speak. Thisnk it's a Fat Boy Slim Tune ?? WANTED ASAP. WILL RETURN FAVOUR.

  7. Started by PompeyLad,

    Jus got round to buyin the Tony De Vit tribute album..jus like to say..wot a guy! His remixes are absolutly superb! And his tracks were way ahead of their time! distinctly bouncy punchy hard fast beats..he pushed the boundries..pratically invented Hardhouse as it is today! His track "are you already" still sounds fantastic now..five years after his death! It still remains my fave hardhouse track of all time..wonder where he would be in his career today,had he lived? any thoughts people??

    • 33 replies
  8. Something is rotten in the state of dance; clubs are closing left, right & centre, the record industry can't seem to find the next big thing, and even Ibiza is feeling the pinch. Meanwhile, the freedom to dance that was a vital part of rave culture has been replaced by all-nighters sponsored by mobile phone companies. Has the dance music bubble burst? Have corporate clubs killed the spirit of dance music? Is dance music dead........What do you think and if you say it's dead, what do you think the reasons are for it?

  9. Started by jamesthemonkeh,

    I surprisingly got rather into funky house when I was in Ibiza last week, and I am completely out of touch with it...so I am wondering which compilations would be worth spending a few quid on...preferably with tuneage...i have enough deep and techy stuff already thanks my dears

    • 16 replies
  10. Started by Mr Happy,

    i love ambiance in music. theres nothing better than having an atmosphear set to the point where its almost visual by sound. its really amazing how cleaver music can be.

  11. Started by Mr Happy,

    not usually a big fan of vocals, but this really does the job for me nice and dark an eery in the 'king unique remix' yet remaining sexy.

  12. Started by jon_m,

    diced with dysons mix!! manic hoover fest!! nice!!

    • 4 replies
  13. Started by TomD, have a listen.

    • 21 replies
  14. Started by JoeDrawb,

    After buying the latest issue of Mixmag, I haven't stopped playing the Acid House cd mixed by Jon Carter...Would love to see him live now, anyone know if he's got any dates coming up in the North West area?? Or if he regularly plays a set venue??? Did anyone else get the cd? What did u think? l8r

    • 14 replies
  15. Started by Maria,

    I love this tune so much at the moment. It's on Phil B's latest CD. A fookin WIKID bouncy bassline that feeds me with NRG. It's wikid. Its a.. CHOON!! And I'm loving it.

    • 23 replies
  16. Started by Jimmy,

    ppl wonder why ppl hate tidy.

    • 4 replies
  17. Started by Phil rr,


  18. Started by Bushy,

    I found it on an old helter skelter tape of mine! Its Ramos, from NYE 97/98. Very dark set. There is a tune on it that has a sample of the tune that the aliens used in 'Close encounters of the third kind' then a dark dirty hoover driven b-line kicks in! I almost packed my whack when i heard it! I want a copy!

    • 18 replies
  19. Had quite a few people asking for copies of my old c.d, so i got it put online as i don't have any copies left: http://www.bmdjs.co.uk/djmixes/andy_whitby_2_biscuitmonsters_dot_com.mp3 And here's the tracklisting for it! : Andy's Intro. 1) Signum - Wot u got 4 me? (Kumara Remix) 2) Heaven's Cry - Til tears do us apart (FlashHarry Remix) 3) Ben Kaye - Memorie down trip lane (never2be released) 4) Paul Maddox & Ingo - Reactor (original never2be released) 5) Ben Kaye & Daz - Time please! 6) 4motion - Over4me 7) Ilogik - i just can't stop 8 ) Stimulant djs - Blow da roof 9) Phat Controller - Rave Alarm 10)Kernzy & Klemenza - …

  20. Started by BouncyBall1562626684,

    Anybody know where i can download any realy BOUNCY Hardhouse sfuff? Thankz

  21. Started by James,

    FOOK ME IAN - this is the NUTS of a CD, you never fail to impress me mate - only just found this CD of yours at work ! PLEASE tell me what track 9 is - its AWESOME, I remember hearing it at your party the other week but I forgot to take note of the title, CHUFFED to fook i've found it again ! Anyone who's into their trance on here I seriously recommend you ask Ian nicely for a couple of his demo CDs. This boy is going far ! I LURRRRRRV your blending

  22. Started by alasdairm,

    hi i'm pretty set in my ways with regards to electronic music. i know what i like and i listen to it a lot: psychedelic trance. that said, i'm always interested in checking out other genres because i like music as a whole and would not want to miss something because i, or somebody else, put it is a specific pigeon hole. so i listen to a lot of HH and trance recommendations that i see here. i read a lot of posts where people are talking about how they love their music "hard". i've listened to a lot of "hard" house and "hard" trance and much of it - for me - is just not that hard compared to a lot of the psytrance i listen to. that's why it surprises me …

  23. Started by Maria,

    ..is anyone a lover of this type of music or am I on my own on this one ? Im listening to the instramental theme tume to the film True Ramance and I love it. I love hearing all the different instraments that catch your ear and sound sooo crystal clear (I guess that could be my BOOM sound system ). I could sit for hours listening to pieces of music like this. Call me sad but *bothered*...I love it. I love it all !!

    • 13 replies
  24. Started by LiamStyles,

    I have always been one of the 1st to slag off Hard House in the past, As some of you are aware i did used to produce it and had my own label. Although i was never merged into the scene, I did listen to it occasionally. However after producing it for a while, I tired of it and totally removed myself from any contact with it. I then joined ClubTheWorld, got to know a few DJs, got sent CDs, listened to them, got to know the tracks again etc. I would listen to them pretty often but never really appreciated it that much. However, I have to say after my recent visit to Smile I must say that my views on it have changed so much. I had forgotten that nearly all dance music is …

  25. Started by starchaser,

    There is a cool trance tune available in 1 week by 'headstrong',called 'shineon' here is an mp3 link www.headstrong-hq.com/music/shineon.mp3 if you would like a 12 inch promo then go to the website www.headstrong-hq.com then to the dance music forums and get in touch there,pm the grandmaster,cheers

  26. Started by James,

    Have to say I'm most impressed with this album, still only on first CD but its got a [censored] load of funky tunes I aint heard (and my flat mate has most funky vinyl). Tracks 4 & 5 on CD1 are FOOKING class ... 4 - 7th District Inc. feat Beverley T - Destiny 5 - Lucy Perl - Without You Still on first CD so will let you know my thoughts on 2nd QUALITY album

    • 0 replies
  27. Started by Technikal,

    Hey everyone, After what seems like years (but actually only about 8 months!), me and Gaz have completed the fourth RawKraft tune "Go Away". However, do not be fooled. We haven't spent every day since Mission Accomplished working on this! We started it very recently, and thought that some of you liked our other stuff so may like to hear this! The reason it's been so long coming is because we've both been very busy with other projects myself with Pierre at "P&B" and my solo project "Technikal"; and Gaz has been working full time at his solo projects "DbD" and "Gaz West". On a related note, Gaz has got a forthcoming release on Nukleuz Black for all of his hard…

  28. Started by LiquidEyes,

    I was just wondering where I can listen to this tune. Seeing as everybody's always raving on about it, I thought I might give it a listen! There's a clip of it here but it's not very long, and I'm not sure if it's the right mix of it...? __________ Updated post, here it is …

  29. Started by oddball,

    i know its 'only' a cd but i can't wait to get my grubby mitts on this... 29th September VICIOUS Paul Glazby track-listing: 1. Nil vs. Miss Tracy King Of House - Base Graffiti remix 2. Ian M Wind Up 3. Andy Farley & Paul Janes Addict 4. Base Graffiti Base EP part 2 5. BK & Paul Glazby Outta My House 6. Ali Wilson & Matt Smallwood Just Listen - D.A.V.E. The Drummer remix 7. Ali Wilson & Scott Cooper Disease - Paul Maddox remix 8. Dynamic Intervention Underwater 9. Trauma What Ya Got - Paul Glazby remix 10. Tara Reynolds Mercy 11. Energy UK DJ’s Punk - Justin Bourne & …

    • 15 replies
  30. Started by ReBirth,

    Ive had a hand at remixing this...U can pick it up at http://www.soundclick.com/bands/6/djrebirthmusic.htm Its not the full version, but close enough

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