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Has anyone got this available for download. WIcked tune, bouncey hard house! Thanks. Tryed Kazzaa as per nothing found.
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got the chance to hear this in the tune shop, thought id see what all the raw label was all about...its now in my tune collection! also another i picked up that was pretty banging was S.H.L.A.G - Emergency...one to look out for if you aint heard it already
- 13 replies
for all u techno bods, just done a new interview with the almighty Geezer here he's playing at Riot on the 14th september too as a live PA set, i so so cant wait for that!!! is anyone else gonna go!??
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WOW amazin... Alf you've done good with this www.soundclick.com/alfbamford if you havent heard it!!
- 24 replies
I know theres not too many funky lovers on here, but... Its really bouncy and chunky and the only vocals go "Baby let me tell you you're the worst I've ever had". I've never heard it out, but its on a mix cd that i got from a friend of a friend of a friend. Anyone?
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Right, for the funky ones out there, this is tune is one serious piece of vinyl that should be in everyones box! It's been floating around on promo for a few weeks now and in my opinion, now that it's been released, is one of the 'must have' tunes of the year. For those who haven't got a clue what i'm going on about, i'm talking about Hardsoul feat. Ron Carroll - Back Together [Hot 22 mixes] - Soulfuric Records I haven't seen a tune cause so much damage in a club for a very long time. Seriously, this tune is the only tune that has made EVERYONE in the club stand up and dance around with massive smiles on their faces this year, and for me, it's the one tune …
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This is a funky tune, again anyone heard or got this. Love it!
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???? - ??? the/da/ya/you bass [3 characters long i think] right. this is gonna be a mission i suspect. heard this tune dropped a few times over the course of the wkd. every time i asked what it was called it would save it on me phone then dlete it by accident afterwards (happened 3 times ) basically its a hardhouse tune and from what i remember it was bascially just a beat. a minimal dirty hardhouse tune. cant remember the artist. i think the tune was 3 words long and the last 1 was bass. the middle 1 was sumthin like the/ya/da/you (i think). and i think the label was 3 characters long (2 letters and a number?) need ur help
- 18 replies
What a tune! Asa played it in Ibiza & it rocks!
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anyone got a copy of this that they wanna sell/swap?? Tis one of the few hardhouse tracks that I REALLY [censored] love and this afternoon I put a big scratch down the side of my copy making it unplayable anyone???
What a fooking awesome tune!! Yes or no??................
http://www.amatodistribution.co.uk/ go to the new releases and 22nd sept and listen darko 001 northern comfort the pain/bad time. tunes labelled wrong way round btw let me know what u think if u would be so kind!
tune, anyone agree?
- 21 replies
I thought the Todd Tobias mix was good but I got the Phil Reynolds & Steve Blake mix at w/e...... Kinda has the same effect on me as their mix of Breathe *tingles & big grin*
Heard this a few weeks ago and i have to say i *really* like it... some good stuff comin from them, hope this gets signed!!
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I remember someone posting about Kai Tracid about a week ago sayin that he had brought back their love of hard trance (cyberspike i believe) So I went into my collection to find a few of his tunes and give them a whirl on the 1200's Trance and Acid What a fuckin tune! A W E S O M E ! ! Hard trance the way it should be, my interest has returned.
MC Rage- [censored] the Macarena grab it out of my soulseek directory and proceed to require fresh underwear. user name is Zen Master path is: dloads\cheesecore
- 6 replies
Here's a couple of tunes that are pretty damn good: Marco Bailey mb elektronics 10 - double pack release with tunes from mb, beyer & henrik B and sims and broom - awesome double pack. Chris Liebing - American Madness D.A.V.E the Drummer - Hydraulix 19 - usual stuff from him - hard and acid Umek - Voices of Africa 3 (I think - the new one anyway) - not as good as the last one but still pretty good, especially to use on your third deck to add those african vocal hits There are some other tunes out from Tom Hades, Stanny Franssen, Alex K Katz, but can't remember exact details - but all good.
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The vocal sample goes something that sounds like "all you bass lickers" in a real deep voice. U know wot I mean but i ain't got a clue wot its called? Plz help.
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pvd, energy 2003 set, 14 mins in, and tell me they don't want to cry
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[censored] TUNE. DJ Mag is of the opinion that this is a track that crosses boundaries and should also appeal to the hard housers amongst us. I see where they're coming from...
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Picked this up yesterday on a white label, what a tune!!
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Didn't really like this tune when it first played, but now its grown on me to the extent of madly cheering when it was played at the Gallery last Friday. Anyone else got any opinions on this fine piece of work? Apologies in advance for the commercial dance post....
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Yes, I have gone from living in a world where FILESHARE is an unknown word may as well be Dutch to a world where tunes can be downloaded on a PC if only I knew where from! Can anyone suggest please and thank you
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Picked up a pre-sale of a forthcoming Nukleuz release today. Its called Energize / Saturday and its a GREEN release. Although one side is a bit trancey for my liking, I have to say the other side is awesome. Very dark and moody but pretty bangin too. Very techy - I like. Hopefully this will continue.
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