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Mixes, Tunes, Genres & Music Industry Forum

Discuss & share your favourite tunes, mixes, genres & the general music industry here ! 🎵

  1. new vicious circle album out september with a 'never to be released' nick sentience remix of hostile mixed by glazby and farley wooooooo

    • 20 replies
  2. Started by Wub Wub,

    Anyone know where I can get a copy of the Cowgirl/XPander mashup that Sasha's been dropping of late?

  3. Started by oddball,

    does anyone have this? i really wanna hear it but i can't rip it of soulseek cos of my connection just wondering if anyone has a copy that they wanna burn on to cd for me

    • 8 replies
  4. Started by TomD,

    THE MAN, THE LEGEND Another Day In Paradise Easy Lover Two Hearts I Wish It Would Rain Down Something Happened On The Way To Heaven Sussudio A Groovy Kind Of Love In The Air Tonight phil you [censored] legend

    • 4 replies
  5. I know I was rantin on about how [censored] maddox is not that long ago but I really like this tune the break down is wicked!

    • 5 replies
  6. Started by Phil rr,

    seems to be a filler track on every other trance CD i've got quality tune. used lots!

    • 0 replies
  7. Started by Mr Happy,

    cluster records! thank u guys 4 giving me such great techno

    • 7 replies
  8. Started by Chris Hutchinson,

    dont need to say owt really - quite possibly THE BEST hardhouse tune ever made And I finally have it

    • 34 replies
  9. Started by Tranceywobbler,

    IMPACT RECORDS!!!!! I love this label which bangs out some absolutely quality hard trance. If you dont know already, its run by The man like phil reynolds and steve blake. tracks like'escalation' 'its a dream' and the todd tobias EP are wiiiiiiicked!!!! LONG LIVE HARD TRANCE.

    • 3 replies
  10. long shot i know, but worth a try. (will try banging tunes as well if this fails i think) 1) alt ego - betty ford [i'm guessing its on BXR but dont hold me to that] (this is about 3 years old now but its an absolutely amazing acid techno tune ) 2) that techno tune with eminems sample of 'not body listens to techno'. dont even know what the bloody tune is called let alone if its been/going to be released 3) green velvet - la la land (zino & filterheads remix) (about a year and a half old now i reccon. a stomping remix of the original vocal techno tune that got cained alot by the likes of misstress barbara. has a dark acid line flowing right the way …

    • 6 replies
  11. Started by tommy,

    'I took off the top of my head, and I laid my mind on the floor' etc. I know this is prob a really well know tune, but Iv'e only heard it played a couple of times and haven't got a clue who its by !

    • 11 replies
  12. Started by Phil rr,

    i found i listen more when i know what clubbin I'm doing the coming weekend (or if i know i AM clubbin), and weeks where i know i'm not doing anything (like last) i don't listen to as much, cos i spose i know there' s nowt to look 4wd to.....which kinda leads on to: is each and every week just a build up to the weekend

  13. Started by Maria,

    You will all know it - lyrics are "When the sun goes down". Track name and Artist please guys ? cheers - mwa

  14. mangum force - blow the bloody doors off [stay up forever] i think this tune is fuking great. granted its a little cheesy as acid techno goes, but still, its done as tastefully as it could have been. has ne1 else heard/got it? what do u think? i only got it yesterday so i'm guessing its new like

    • 0 replies
  15. Started by Ginge,

    I've been asked by a few peeps I know if I know who has done the remix of Mel and Kim "Respectable" into a hard dance version? I think it was played at Global in the SunnyD tent towards the end of the night but cant remember I've heard it once or twice at other places but have NO idea who remixed it or if the name has been changed (to protect the innocent) Any help would be appreciated.

    • 12 replies
  16. Started by Claire DC,

    I got this on now - old i know.... but WHAT A TUNE!!

    • 22 replies
  17. Started by Ginge,

    "THE BRUTAL SOUND OF HARD TRANCE" Just bought these last week and I cant stop playing them. Anyone who has them...whats your opinions?

    • 16 replies
  18. Started by Lisa,

    well as the title states, disscuss.... I like it but it seems a bit on the slow side IMO.. Trax 9,10,11 & 12 are the best!

    • 23 replies
  19. Just listening to this now - LOVE IT, LOVE IT!! It is so happy, and Trancey and lush! Weeeeeeeee *Sings* Imaginationnnnnn!

    • 11 replies
  20. Started by jon_m,

    u got this and dont want it?

    • 8 replies
  21. Started by Claire DC,

    WOW - takes me back a good few years... yes im postin a load of older stuff but its all so good to hear again!!

  22. Started by Tucky1562627679,

    when is this being released or has it or where can i get it???

    • 4 replies
  23. Started by Phil rr,

    just ID;'d this tune! pvd played it at the end of a set, and his dex broke during it just found it on an electro trance mixmag cd. lush...er....electro, steady, darkish, trancey, proggy..sort...of.....tuney....tune.

    • 0 replies
  24. Started by Leesh,

    Bass bass bass bass!!!

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  25. Started by Leesh,

    Andy farley played it at Global Gathering and i heard it at the Convergance they held at camden palace. its just solid bass all the way through, just mad. it was on near tune that goes "do u know where ur children are at 5am in the mornin" but its not that tune.

    • 10 replies
  26. omg any1 else [censored] love it???????????

    • 17 replies
  27. Started by Mr Happy,

    1stly i'm listening to the CD. dunno how much the vinyl differs. i presum its just the vinyl is more DJ friendly but the tracks r in the same order and the tunes r bascially the same as 4 the tunes: not really that keen on the 1st 3 or 4 tunes on there. its not that i dont like em, they're just not the sorta tunes i would want to luisten to at home. but from track 5 onwards it just goes really really good (not that i was suprised really) listening to track 8 (prey for you) @ the mo and its fab! deffo the sorta breakbeat i love the most . nice and chilled, has a good pinch of emotion and some vocals to finish of the cocktail (notice that the only time i lik…

    • 3 replies
  28. Started by Tomo,

    Ok, after having a quick browse of what little miss loud said in a previous thread this is what I think: Hard House, Drum n Bass, Hardcore (not cheesy stuff), Old Skool (Seduction, Ratty etc.), Hard Trance, Techno and such like are for REAL clubbers. The stuff I hate, and I mean HATE with a passion is Pretty Green Eyes and all these crap hardcore rip offs that keep being produced. A classic example of cheese is the latest offering by Radio 1's Dave Pearce 'Summer Dance Anthems' or what ever it's called. It's for kids who go home at 2am. This music should be left to the youth club. Unfortunatly for me, Liverpool is full of this crap. We have local idiots like Lee…

    • 74 replies
  29. Why do they feel they have to slag a certain type of music off just because they dont like it or it isnt their preferred genre... ok not everyone is gonna like one kind of music as if they did it would be a very boring world we live in... but why feel the need to slag/slate the genre/kind of people who like the genre off... there's just no need in my opinion!!

    • 28 replies
  30. Started by Sparky,

    Sorry if anyone else has sought an ID on this one before but I fell in love with this tune in Ibiza and need to know what it is, it goes ... "Just a little more love, just a little more peace is all we need to (feel the dream)"... First heard it at the start of X-Press 2's set at Underwater they mixed it superbly with "Sweet Dreams" and then heard it in countless other places... please put me out of my misery!

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