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Sorry if anyone else has sought an ID on this one before but I fell in love with this tune in Ibiza and need to know what it is, it goes ... "Just a little more love, just a little more peace is all we need to (feel the dream)"... First heard it at the start of X-Press 2's set at Underwater they mixed it superbly with "Sweet Dreams" and then heard it in countless other places... please put me out of my misery!
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hi all, our new website is now up. check out the news and audio pages for new forthcoming tracks and remixes, they will be updated regularly. www.testubebabies.co.uk New online mix will be available by the weekend too, keep checking site for updates!!!!!!!!!!!!
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This tune is STILL amazin!! And old one but still makes me tingle!!
The more i listen to this i think what a fuckin wikid track. Go that wikid beat with a very nice techie influence in it. Although my boss says the bass is out slightly, like i can fuckin tell. But does anyone know this track, if so HOW FUCKIN GOOD!!??
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www.juno.co.uk have it in stock LAB 4: Candyman (Tidy Trax) (ASF) (MP3) - Hard house pre-release 12": Candyman (Guyver remix, original mix) (TIDY 193T) [4.99] - add Its under the STOP PRESS section under thursday
I know Liam did a post on this a while back but I've just got my hands on it today, definitely Mauros best stuff to date...New Time,New Place Wicked stuff!!!!!!
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Hi there,just about to release this tune and wondered what you think? track is called 'SHINE ON' by 'HEADSTRONG' http://www.headstrong-hq.com/music/shineon.mp3
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Hallo, Heard this at smile @ sahara nights, guessing is from an oldie that re-mixed. Sure people know it! Words go: This morning, I woke up, and suddenly I realised that my mind wasn't mine anymore. They are spoken slowly by a bloke while tune bangs away! Cheers, Red
4gotten how much i love that tune until last wkd its 1 of those tunes that kinda haves sex with ur head its sooo goood was gonna buy a copy but then thought "y the fuk would i want that on vinyl. its not the style i play." now i'm thinking "fuk it - i'll play it [censored] loads even if its not in a set"
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for all those who heard the demo before we went to Damnation. This is that tune. Quality
I think the lyric is "Everytime I lose myself in someone else Is when I find myself"
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I know its not that new but I've been listening to this constantly since I've got back from GKGG. Witnessed Tiesto's blinding set at 10pm and loved the way he was properly 'aving it behind the decks. This CD is just soooo good - its pure, unadulterated, driving trance. Tracks 4-9 on the 2nd CD form a special euphoric journey and includes that CTW fave "When the Rush Comes"... If you remotely like trance, you'll fall in love with Tiesto after this.
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just got back and heard so many amazing tunes being cained but doe to being [censored] i have no idea of the neams of any of them!! any ideas anyone??
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top cd check it!! ian van dahl - castles in the sky - such a top hard dance tune!!
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whos heard yoji biomehanika - peace out ?? [censored] brilliant.. hard and mental the way i like it
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a tune called *welcome to the future* Peguin Conspiracy Digital beats??? OMFG!!! it is the absolute nads!!
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(which I'm not) what choons would you think would go down well - I have started us off, Living in a box The sound of the underground - Girls aload Knocking on heaven's door - G&R Stairway to heaven - Led Zeplin When will I see you again - 3 degrees Hot in here - Nelly Going Underground - The Jam
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Has anybody got a copy of this euphoric trance anthem on cd? Freefall feat. Jan Johnston 'Skydive' (Renaissance) More importantly anybody willing to sell? At a push 12" vinyl would be acceptable....PLEASE!! ANYONE?!
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Just how good is the new mixmag CD?! We played it over and over this weekend and even the many hard housers in our group were loving it. PVD rules and that Starchaser track (number 2) is a bit special. IMO this is the best freebie covermount CD ever.
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did anyone actually hear any of this? i managed till about 3.15 and then zonked out. i was half asleep anyway but it was totally [censored] with my head, the tunes were just [censored] bizarre. the intro was this creepy orchestral number and it just seemed to slide uphill on the weirdness scale from there. really, really interesting though, it's a shame i didn't manage to hear it all. will have to be trying to get hold of a copy somehow. anyone else hear it?
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I'm not being funny here, or trying to speak out of term but it appears that this forum gets very little use. Surely with the amount of DJ's on here, there should be loads of tune/cd reviews etc. Comments?
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I've just d'loaded a set of Paul Glazby's for HHUK radio, and there is a tune on it thats full of hoovers, and pretty damn hard as [censored], with a vocal sample that says 'you dont know what your dealin with' It may be pretty old as it was a july mix on the radio but is dated FEB 03. If anyone could help me out with label, title and artist it would be most appreciated!! I WANT THAT TUNE!!!!!!!!
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Frantic resident Steve 'Mr Bishi' Hill adds number three to the so far superb Frantic CD collection. The CD starts well with 'Total Confusion' and it all goes well until, yes, the usaul culprit of all things currently shite Guyver. He gets his hands on an already terribley cheesy scally house anthem 'Bullet in the Gun' the only thing to make that tune good is to take out the vocals, replace the tune with a few hoovers and beef up the bass line. Well Guyver being Guyver just makes it [censored], I don't know what Steve was on to even consider putting that on the CD. Apart from that mis-fit the entire CD really does make an impact. A superb remix of the Old Skool anthe…
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any one got/heard this track? is it any good? fuckin bangin tunes pisses me off!! i can never get a sample of a track playin on computer!! grrr.. basically does this track have hoovers?!
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am thinking off saleing yoji look@the heavens, am woundering what you people would offer for it cheer
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1) Southstylers 'Pounding senses' (Fusion records) 2) Chris C 'Mysterons' Ingo Starr & Nick Lunn mix (Mohawk) 3) Nowhere Boys 'Feel it' Nik Denton mix (Toolbox) 4) Steve Arnold 'Infectious' (Fidget) 5) Karim 'Begonia' (Kaktai) 6) Rowland & Wright 'Deeper' (Nukleuz) 7) Defective Audio 'Intoxicating' (Vicious Circle) 8) F1 'Recoil' Paul Glazby mix (Tripoli Trax) 9) Energy UK DJ's 'Punk' Justin Bourne & Dynamic Intervention mix (Energy UK records) 10) RR Fierce 'Miloude' Paul Glazby mix (Vicious Circle) 11)The Plaztic Surgeons 'Psycho man' (12 Inch thumpin hard) 12) JP & Jukesy 'H-Bomb' (Passion) 13) Casper 'Virtual Reality…
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