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Homelands 2004 - Sat May 29th - Winchester Its 3 months now until the first (and best!) festival of the year: Homelands !! I’ve been for the past 2 years, and haven’t experienced anything else like it. My best memories being Carl Cox playing the outside arena as the sun set in 2002, and getting to see both Dave Clarke and Jeff Mills in one evening last year. This year, as always, promises to be a combination of the world’s best djs and live acts. Faithless headline along with PVD, Eddie Halliwell, Scratch Perverts, Groove Armada (DJ Set), Hype, Dillinja and Ray Keith to name just a few. It would be really good to get a reasonable crowd to …
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um...yeah..it's happening...but it's not Wildchild so now ya know. devils advocate. https://www.psynews.org/forums/topic/7229-projectozma-the-search-for-tau-ceti/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Based around psychedelic dance culture, the event concentrate's on audio and visual communication and there relationship to each other. With a different line up of international acts, dj's and vj's at every party the event pushes the opportunities that are now available in the party scene today. Working at combining the two mediums of expression the organisers hope to bring a closer understanding of ou…
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Exactly what it says on the tin. Map here Nice little pub just near Oxford Circus tube. Who's in?
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From 29 May 2004 Saturday mornings will never be the same again. Club 414 will be the home of Londons brand new party called 'Essential'. Run by some former crew members of the legendary Milk afterparty this is set to be something special! Essential will bring you cutting edge music, an up for it crowd and an electric atmosphere. Line Ups: 29 May ESSENTIAL - The Residents Kick-Off * Peter Ward * Dave Holmes * George E * Rachel Auburn 19 June ESSENTIAL - Dance early sleep later * Dave Holmes * Peter Ward * George E * Lady Bianca 26 June ESSENTIAL - The big bounce * Dave Holmes (2hr set) * Donna Birt (2hr …
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*Skwosh!* Fridays @ 3rd Base. St Matthews Church. Brixton Hill. SW2 10pm-6am £5 B4 Midnight £8 After. For map & Directions, please visit: www.Mass-Club.com FRIDAY 14TH MAY! Join *Skwosh!* This Friday for another fun filled night of Bouncy/Uplifting Hi-NRG hard house! This week the musical mayhem will be supplied by: Roosta (Honey Pot) Paul Divine (No Limits) The Prophet (Afterlife/HardWare) Andy McCall (Shining) Rob Kane (*Skwosh!*) As always, the DJs won't be playing the kind of set you'll hear anywhere else! They'll be going through their record collection and digging out their finest Hi-NRG music and showing you wha…
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MANGA TANG#1 (YES, THE JAPANESE CARTOONS) @Creation Cardiff Sunday May 30th Bank Holiday, In association with ROAR, Extreme Drinks, Gurn.Net and Offitsface.Com. To Be Filmed for future Broadcast on RAPTURE TV and tobe BROADCAST LIVE ON VIBE101 Radio. Supported By – Envy, Catapult Records, Creation Night Club, GTFM Radio 9.00PM – 5.00AM Subject to license £15.00+bf Advanced Tickets - £20.00 On The Door 4 AREA’S – OVER 20 HEADLINE DJ’S – 2000 CLUBBERS – WALES BIGGEST CLUB - 8 HOURS OF MANGA MADNESS – FULL ROAR AND MANGA TRANSFORMATION – 5 VISUALS – 5 LASER SYSTEMS – PEN&LOLLY DANCE TROOP – STALLS - PLUS LOADS LOADS MORE……
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New exciting night has emerged in Stoke on Trent, Open House Hard Promotions have joined forces with succesful Hard Dance night BPM-British Pounding Music. They will be holding monthly parties at Club Shush which was formerly known as Brannigans which is situated on Octargon Retail Park, just down from Creations nightclub in the Hanley area of Stoke. The first party will take place at Club Shush on the 14th May and we welcome Fergie, from Radio One for this night for some Hard Tech sounding tunes.. Details about Club Shush.. The venue has recently had a big refit and has brilliant decor and brilliant system...a real clubbers venue. The capacity is a cool 1200,…
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How good is it tidy is Cummin North A The Border Least i wont need to travel half the country for a Decent Night Out!!!! Woohoo
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FRANTIC & LOGIC present WAR OF THE WORLDS 15th May 2004 21.00 – 06.00 The Scala (www.scala-london.co.uk) This is the War of the Worlds! After the sell out success of their first collaboration Logic & Frantic are back in 2004 with the ultimate battle in underground clubbing! We have searched the galaxy for our favourite DJs. Each club has trained their artists for a battle where the winner takes all! The Scala will be transformed into an intergalactic paradise with London’s biggest full colour laser, the sharpest lighting and best sound system in the Capital! This is the only collaboration between Logic & Frantic in 2004! …
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Toast presents '12 hour party people' 08/05/04 With April's 12 hour event bringing so many smiles to faces, we're proud to announce that we return to celebrate our twelth month in Manchester with the third installment of our amazing 12 hour themed events on May 8th and this time the lineups even stronger with a whole host of exclusives for you to sink your teeth into.... MISS IT AND MOST DEFINITELY MISS OUT!!!!! Main Room Caroline Banx B2B Little Miss Natalie (Exclusive) Andy Whitby Ben Stevens B2B Energy UK DJ's (Exclusive) Colin Romeo B2B Zippy (Exclusive) Morgan Tim Clewz Lox B2B Sam Townend B2B Nocturnal DJ's Pete Carvell Lord K…
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The Saturday 8th May see's the Rush Residents showcase 8 Hours of pure extreme Hard House and Hard Techno with that Rush style. The Damage makers Jana (Rush,Feersum Records) Banga Matt (Rush,Arktik Records) Matt Mara (Rush) Morgz (Rush) Rush No 1 Hardest Afterparty Saturday 8th May Club 414, Brixton Time 6.30am - 2.00pm price - £6 Door / £5 Flyer - Jedi www.rushuk.net rushuk@hotmail.com
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Thursday May 6th - Club Intelligence on Tour! In May, Existence will be welcoming down one of Stafford's best known Trance nights, Intelligence. Intelligence DJ's Chris Dodds and CJ Horton will be banging out the kind of Trance which has made there night a success. Full line up for the nite is: Ian Cashman (Existence) DJ Tranceharder (Existence) Chris Dodds (Intelligence) CJ Horton (Intelligence) Times: 9:00 till 2:00 Door: £ 3 before 10 / £ 4 after Location: The Met Lounge, Bridge Street, Peterborough Dress: To Dance, trainers and demin welcome www.existenceuk.co.uk
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[dohtml] Wildchild if the e-flyer does not launch, please click here http://www.clubpromos.co.uk/wildchild/eflyer.html codebase=http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=5,0,0,0 height=400 width=640 classid=clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000> src="http://www.clubpromos.co.uk/wildchild/eflyer.swf" quality=high pluginspage="http://ww…
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Bank Holiday Monday we see TWIST really turn up the heat and make the party even hotter!! Where else can you see 3 of the biggest names in hard dance at the best afterparty venue with our compliments? Yes it's the TWIST bank holiday Monday bonanza and these 3 legends (IAN M/KARIM/PAUL GLAZBY) will playing to finish the weekend on a high. All you need to do is show your Lashed ticket stub and hey presto totally FREE admission. In the afternoon TWIST turns into the best party vibe and chill out zone in London with the best funky house music, so the perfect way to complete the weekend. ++++ THERE IS A FREE BUS TO TRANSPORT YOU TO AND FROM THE EVENT ++++ Alre…
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Binary - The Harder Sound of Mancheter 1st Birthday Friday May 14th 2004 @ Club North, Manchester ALLNIGHTER As we proudly cross the 1st milestone Binary invite the mighty producer S.H.O.K.K. for a 2hr Hard Trance set. Playing along side him we invite back Dave Stewart and Stride with the pleasure of debut sets from Kutski and Liam B, rounding of with out residents. We guarrentee a night of the best music around. HARD!!! Doors open at 9:00pm and we finish at 5:00am with 50 free CD packs available to the first 50 ticket holders through the door with mixes from all 4 residents, Rascal, Sheldon Revival & Clayton. (So Get there early). Main Room - …
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once again it's time to dig out yer pogo sticks and get yer butts stompin cuz sundissential presents: BOUNCISSENTIAL @ SANCTUARY, DIGBETH - BIRMINGHAM MARK AUSTIN STRANGE DAVE RACHEL AUBURN KNUCKLEHEADZ 12" THUMPERS so, whos gonna come down, get kippered up and 'ave it like wid did back in the day?
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Intergrate V No Limits @ Mass - 15th May Event: Intergrate V No Limits Venue: Mass, St. Mathews Church, Brixton Hill, Brixton, London, SW2 1JF Date: 15th May 2004 Time: 10pm-6am Cost: £12 (+b.f.) advance tickets (Guaranteed entry) £12 advance concession list (e-mail names to barelylegal@uplifting.co.uk or nolimitsinfo@yahoo.co.uk) £15 on the door all night Line Up: Room 1 / Intergrate / Progressive Trance-Hard Trance Blutonium Boy (Blutonium Records, Germany) Dj Virus (Blutonium Records, Germany) Pierre Knott (Intergrate) SHM (Intergrate) Delsa (Intergrate) Breaks Professor (Total Niceness) Room 2 / No Limits…
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Its time to round up the troops to take into battle for the 'Web Wars' on the 8th May. Anyone wanting to join up please pm me your full names no later than the 6th May to be added to the £10 guestlist. Your support would be greatly appreciated Full Details
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*Skwosh!* - Every Friday 10pm-6am+ @ Third Base. St Matthews Church. Brixton Hill. SW2. £5 B4 Midnight, £8 after! *Skwosh!* - London's bounciest party, continues the fun and frolics this Friday night! with DJs: The *Ting* (Classic Torture Garden set) Barmey Boys Alex Parsons (*Skwosh!*/ Afterlife) Ginger (*Skwosh!*) Mr T (Prime Time) Stuff & Things: Strictly Bouncy/Uplifting Hard House! 350 Capacity - The perfect size for a party! 12k of boneshaking TurboSound! Lighting supplied & controlled by Clubtek.it - including their full colour DPSS laser, one of the largest in the UK! 2 for 1 drinks until midnight! …
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AFTERLIFE - Every Sunday of the month Except the last @ George IV 144 Brixton Hill. SW2 1pm-9pm Hard 'n' Bouncy House £5 / £4 Members / Jedi Ravers. www.AfterlifeRavers.co.uk This week, we're in for a real treat, because as well as Matt Rush & Ginger getting the smiles going with some bounce and The Prophet playing his usual fast and energetic style, DirtyBitch & Lucy Fur will be providing you with a 3hr set of hardened beats to finish off the proceedings! The last time these 2 did this at Afterlife, it went staight into the "one of the best sets" box in many Afterlifers memories! Make sure you don't miss out on the opportunity to see it ag…
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Fri 30th April @ Storm Allnight event 9-6am Room 1 Fergie Billy Nasty Justin Robertson Ade Fenton Phil Keiran Nick Lunn Room 2 Mundek Aphrodisiac £12.50 + bf in advance / more on the door Anyone interested in this. Its going to be a wikid techno night. Im flying over that day and am considering it. Line up looks awesome!
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Sessions @ The Space, Hirst’s Yard, Leeds, LS1. Wednesday 5th May 2004 10pm-2.30am, £5 NUS / £6 Others. HARD SESSIONS: Ingo DJGRH Caroline Banx HOUSE SESSIONS: Filthy Rich Matt Mehigan For paying guestlist & general enquiries: 07793 251366 (Taz) For general enquiries: 07951 587433 (Gary) QUOTE Bank Holiday blues firmly swept away and midweek chaos imminent this week at Sessions - strictly for the hardcore. Paul Glazby, Sam Townend and Lox guested last week and provided a suitable Wednesday night out. This week, we present a long-overdue debut to Ingo. On the scene for what seems like a lifetime, Ingo’s birth into th…
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GoodGreef Yorkshire @ The Foundation, Market Street, Wakefield GoodGreef Yorkshire's Second Birthday Friday 7th May 2004 9.00pm-4.00am, £9 members & tickets / £10 on the door The Club: Rob Tissera vs Shan Scott Bond Barry Connell Stevie G House Party: Trophy Twins Indy500 New Talent Room: Andy Hames Deano Ben Eddie Firas Matt Abbott Pete Deane www.goodgreef.com For tickets and travel contact: Crasher Dave - 07751 238 096 // crasher.dave@btopenworld.com
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INGO, DJGRH, CAROLINE BANX, FILTHY RICH, MATT MEHIGAN @ SESSIONS, LEEDS – 5.4.04 5th May 2004 Sessions @ The Space, Hirst’s Yard, Leeds, LS1. 10pm-230am. £5 NUS / £6 Others. For paying guestlist / general enquiries : 07793 251366 (Taz) For general enquiries : 07951 587433 (Gary) - HARD SESSIONS : INGO, DJGRH, CAROLINE BANX HOUSE SESSIONS : FILTHY RICH, MATT MEHIGAN - Bank Holiday blues firmly swept away and midweek chaos imminent this week at Sessions – strictly for the hardcore. Paul Glazby, Sam Townend and Lox guested last week and provided a suitable Wednesday night out. This week, we present a long-overdue deb…
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http://www.filthy-music.co.uk/web/logo-trans.gif Friday 7th May 10pm - 4am @ The Park Nightclub (Grosvenor St, Manchester) Featuring... Justin Bourne (Short Circuit Records) Superfast Oz (0D404/Kaktai Records) Energy UK DJs (Residents/EUK Records) StuartM (Resident/Birthday Set) Dave Owens (Resident/Toolbox Recordings) The Swill (Resident) Admission: Members £7 | NUS £8 | Others £9 Check out our new look website for full details www.filthy-music.co.uk - Chat | Info | FilthyDJs Plus loads more! Sign-up to our message board for chance to win 2 tickets to our next weekend event F…
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