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my pics from the zoo bar r now up 4 viewing under my photos ok
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Sasha and Digweed.. back to back..... 8 hrs... SPACE.... 1st September..... I think I just came in my pants.....
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Was very very good! Crazy Crazy music, we're talking like upwards of 150-160bpm some of it! Fantastic Fun Though...I kinda got thrown out at the end of the night by the doorstaff for doing something a little silly - The guy said Banned for life but lets not take that too seriously eh? Nuff said! Sig
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I'm so angry with myself, I took ages getting this ready and then saved it as the wrong size - like 5 times too small!!! Arrgg!! O well, will do another one when I can.... What a night..... James
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Well, I went to Unity, and was very hyped after seeing pretty much the same line-up at Sundissential the week before. How was it? Not as good as Sundis!! Why not? a) It was crowded, not much room to dance I didn't think the sets were as good and uplifting as at Sundis (altho was impressed by Alex Kidd), but this may have had something to do with c) my sweeties weren't as good as at Sundis, and I went on my own till my friends came over after work, so being sensible and knowing they wouldn't get searched as guest list, I gave them most of my stuff to bring, which brings us to d) Somehow, my friends didn't get put on the guestlist, so although some of the staff knew t…
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I have been invited to this to take pics & do a review. SATURDAY JULY 20TH TIDY TRAX TOUR NIGHT LISA LASHES. THE FREAK. DEAN WILSON. JAMES CAMM UPSTAIRS: DANNY TAURUS. VASCO. COMPLET COMMUNION £6 NUS £8 MEM £10 GUESTS Is anyone interested in joining me? [ 11 August 2002, 19:18: Message edited by: CreamyC ]
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*See the Cuban brothers live, plus Ralf Little, Ross Noble, Mackenzie Crook, Plus suprise DJ line up. At The Stand in Edinburgh, Thursday July 18th. If you are 18-22 years old - enjoy top comedy and clubbing and consider yourself a VIP then text your name, date of birth and Contact number to 0775 297 6034. You will be called by one of our team who will give you all the details of this fantastic night out. Please note that the night will be filmed for Play TV.
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We're gonna hae a sort've quiet one fri nite as I am a bit skint and have to watch the pennies til i get anohter job and so we r just going to the Purple Turtle in Camden opp the Palace, anyone fancy coming is welcome [ 15 July 2002, 08:54: Message edited by: CreamyC ]
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CLUBBERS IN IBIZA WANTED Clubbers heading to Ibiza in August are being asked to take part in a special Channel 4 project Film. Danish filmmaker Lars Von Trier, who was responsible for Bjork’s ‘Dancer in the Dark’ movie, is lined up to make a film about their experiences. The idea of the film is to look at how people use their holidays to get away from their everyday lives. Producers are hoping for “a fascinating group of people” to head off on a holiday to the island between July 25 and August 15, who are available to take part in the experimental film. Anyone interested in taking part can contact the following numbers: Paul mobile +44 (0) 7973 791 169, email p_wilm…
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Point 1 - It was an excellent night and I'm really glad to have met everyone Point 2 - I'm at work and still drunk Point 3 - Same as point 2, but I needed the emphasis Point 4 - Sorry. I'm sorry to anyone I abused,called, texted or tried to lift up last night! Point 5 - Why oh why did I give my bank card to Mike when it was his round???? [ 15 July 2002, 08:52: Message edited by: CreamyC ]
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As far as i know this is SLUK's birthday and we are planning a trip to Garlands to see Rob Tissera! Who's gonna come? [ 08 July 2002, 15:24: Message edited by: CreamyC ]
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Hi guys, just thought i would let you all know it's our 3rd birthday party at the Fridge on Friday 26th of July Can't believe we are 3 already, time flyes when you are having fun Here is who is playing that night, Daniel Ro (Logic,Peroxide Rec) Tony Kinetec (Logic) Dri Weave (Logic) K90-Live on stage (Telica,Eve Records) Oberon (Opal) Superfast Oz (Logic, Kaktai Rec,OD404) Karim (Superfish,DONOTBEND Rec) To make it extra special we are hiring in 48K of turbo sound on top of the Fridge's own sound system, special angle grinding performance, + specal computer FX and Out Of The dark light and laser show,+ dancer's + more..If this appeal's to y…
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Sundissential is once again nearly upon us! 1st part - Saturday 6th July - Sundissential reopening night at Academy - Birmingham 8pm - 4am. 2nd part - Sunday 7th July - Evolution in Leeds 2pm - midnight. So who is coming? [ 08 July 2002, 15:16: Message edited by: CreamyC ]
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Finally after taking me all day - ive got the photos up! If i have taken a picture of you & not put your name please email me - im hopeless at remembering names! Sarah's Photos: www.clubtheworld.uk/photos/Sundissential-Weekend-6-7th-July James' Photos: www.clubtheworld.uk/photos/Sundissential_20020706_07 Sarah [ 10 July 2002, 10:38: Message edited by: James ]
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Anone up for this, think it's gonna be a good one as Okenfold is playing at Heaven for the first time in years, also Scott Bond is playing. Not sure who else. Tickets are £12 [ 12 August 2002, 09:17: Message edited by: CreamyC ]
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Due to wanting to get my sorry ass back down to Brighton for the HoneyClub ASAP I've now moved the pics from the old gallery to the new one ... www.clubtheworld.uk/photos/HoneyClub_20020323 ... this was the place I met the wonderful Rob (DJ) Freano and his lovely assistant Naomi ! See you soon guys - I'm SO sorry I couldn't get down for Slimboy Fat this w/e. James
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I've re-structuring the way our photos are stored - each club will have its own album. I've just moved all the Garlands stuff to it's own album... (to get me in the mood for Saturday night! hehe) www.clubtheworld.uk/photos/Garlands The pics from the first Garlands party in Ibiza will be up later on tonight. I'm afraid I didnt get too many because I was twatted (Dave & Debs' expression). James [ 09 July 2002, 18:51: Message edited by: James ]
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We arrived at Evolution nightclub in Leeds with the usual butterflies in stomach feeling. This is the only club in the country that has ever had this effect on me and its obvious why as soon as you get through the door! The atmosphere is electric! There is just something about Sundissential North that is different from any other club i have been to. The crowd are just so much more 'up for it'! Room 2 hosted by 4 clubbers was a little dead to start with, probably because of the popularity of the Tidy Boys who were banging the tunes out in the main room at the time - it was packed! As soon as Shan came on in room 2 the dancelfoor started to fill. I have never heard this…
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Saturday 6th July 2002 - Sundissential @Academy, Birmingham Picked @James & @CreamyC up from their hotel in Birmingham around 10.45. Their hotel looked lovely & not unalike something off Faulty Towers! A (not so) short walk later & we arrived at the Academy. True to form, @Madders had kindly sorted our guestlist passes - big thank you to him. Security on the door was a bit tight - a police officer complete with sniffer dog were present and we saw a few people get sniffed & promptly searched & thrown out! Obviously club policy though. The club had a very simple, square layout with a huge dancefloor with the DJ box at the front right …
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I really do apologise for both the lack, and the quality of these pictures. I also haven't had anytime to enhance them or to sort out the logo properly - its far too big. I will probably re-do these at some point. I think this is a lesson for me not to get so mashed in future and to spend some time with the members properly - I'm still recovering now!! www.clubtheworld.uk/photos/GCSSS James [ 27 June 2002, 10:07: Message edited by: James ]
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Ive finally managed to get the pics from Ricks video camera onto the site! So here they are.... http://www.clubtheworld.uk/photos/GCSSS2002
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Just wondering wat every1 is up2 this w/end as I haven't meet up with ne of U lot yet. I will hopefully B goin2 Peach, is nebody else? [ 08 July 2002, 15:15: Message edited by: CreamyC ]
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Follow this link ...... http://www.clubtheworld.uk/photos/Goodgreef-28-06-02
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Follow this link for ParlezVous photos - 29thJune 2002 http://www.clubtheworld.uk/photos/album13
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Met up with Creams for a few drinks and food, then went to the Arches for 11:30, I stayed til 4, though sadly old Creams thought it ended at 3am and walked out and couldn't get back in though I think he had an interesting wander around Glasgows city centre and met some of the local people. The music was top notch, Dumonde were great, real showmanship from them, Jules was cool also, but get this I actually missed Signum! (argh argh argh) This was due to me wandering round and round searching for Kev who had found some kind of secret chillout room(or maybe Im just stoopid - uh-hic (hillbillie hic) ) It would have been even better with some more…
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Are any of you going to see Fatboy Slim, Diggers and Midfield General on the beach next Saturday in Brighton?
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Kev - my head is fecked - can we go to the XLR8 one ?! Boo Hoo if we cant!!!? www.clubtheworld.uk/photos/Flyers
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Not content in travelling up to Birmingham on Friday for Gods Kitchen it looks 99% sure that I'm gonna be lured up to Sheffield this Saturday too!! I am too impressionable for my own good- did not take much to persuade me I can tell ya! Anyone else going, or fancy going?
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Anyone else still up 4 this , defos so far r ME (BUNNYKINS) ELS Bels Podium Girl Funkin Rob Crashin Carey [ 01 July 2002, 11:28: Message edited by: CreamyC ]
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