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Current attendees I do believe are: CreamyC FredTheBaddie CrashingCarey nice1bruvva beckieinlalaland Dakers No confirmed places as yet!!!! [ 27 June 2002, 16:26: Message edited by: CreamyC ]
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As usual, missions to get there but worth it, though i was severely annoyed at the lack of carl cox arena, as that was a main reason for going. But PvD, Ricky Effe and Picotto were amazing, chemicals live was incredible and it was a wicked night, though not as good as the last time i went to GSSS. [ 01 July 2002, 11:34: Message edited by: CreamyC ]
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BunnyKins - I've added your new pics and others ... www.clubtheworld.uk/photos/Members
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Anyone going??? Main room : Paul Glazby, Lee Haslem, Alex Kidd White Room : Adam Sheridan (5hr exclusive), Funky Lounge :Kris James& Gavin Herlihy (Mixmag) I cant wait! havent been to Goodgreef for ages coz it went to Trancy but im garenteed some decent Hard House on fri arnt i! [ 01 July 2002, 11:25: Message edited by: CreamyC ]
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I've just moved these across from the old gallery - trying to do all the others when I have time. This has so far been the best weekend I have ever been on this year - it was incredible and met so many lovely people ... I cant wait to get back up there on the 13th July for Dave & Claire's birthdays!!! Saturday www.clubtheworld.uk/photos/Garlands_20020330 Sunday www.clubtheworld.uk/photos/Garlands_20020331 Please add comments / names James
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Looks like DNA in Birmingham (Sundissential) is a strong possibility but theres also a chance i may have to go to Wales to promote a night there, details a bit sketchy at present.
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Travel Arrangements (Origional got deleted ???) So far people coming from ALL areas are: *****UPDATED WEDNESDAY 19TH JUNE 2002***** James SarahPvc + crew CreamyC OneSmartMonkey + 1 Tara Jon Soph Housewhore FredTheBaddie Kym ELLSxBELLS matthew + crew Stuart Anymore peeps I've missed out??? I will be travelling by train and no amounts of money will make me go by car with James after nearly dying last time 3 times over!!! Sorry to those of you that replied to the original post to this but for some reason this got deleted!! James???
- 39 replies
Travel Arrangements (Origional got deleted ???) So far people coming from ALL areas are: *****UPDATED WEDNESDAY 19TH JUNE 2002***** James SarahPvc + crew CreamyC OneSmartMonkey + 1 Tara Jon Soph Housewhore FredTheBaddie Kym ELLSxBELLS matthew + crew Stuart Anymore peeps I've missed out??? I will be travelling by train and no amounts of money will make me go by car with James after nearly dying last time 3 times over!!! Sorry to those of you that replied to the origional post to this but for some reason this got deleted!! James??? [ 19 June 2002, 17:49: Message edited by: CreamyC ]
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Members section updated with 3 pics from that cutie LibbyVanDyk(e) ... www.clubtheworld.uk/photos/Members James
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CONFIRMED ARRANGEMENTS FOR TONIGHT @ THE FRIDGE, BRIXTON! As organised by a ONE Miss Tara Scarfe: MEETING ARRANGEMENTS: Place: Prince of Wales pub,(Next to KFC!) Brixton rd, Brixton Time: 10pm Then moving onto The Fridge for 11ish? Price: £12 advance, or more on the door! For further information about superfish check out www.tinrib.com For information about The Fridge check out www.fridge.co.uk CONFIRMED ATTENDEES ARE: Tara Soph CreamyC ELSxBELLS Bunnykins230 Jon FredTheBaddie nice1bruvva CrashinCarry active m0nster and James now See you all there at 10ish! If anyone has probs call me…
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Pictures from Londinium Events' boat party on the thames ... Look out for Viney amoungst others ... www.clubtheworld.uk/photos/LondiniumEvents James
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Unfortunately I can't make this one- but I thought I'd share this special offer in case anyone else fancied it. Went to last one which was wicked! Camden Palace, 1A Camden High Street, London, NW1, 22:00-06:00 :: SPECIAL OFFER :: Contact Robyn and mention UKClubland.net and you can purchase TWO TICKETS FOR THE PRICE OF ONE! Robyn 07949 618 035 robyn@franticuk.com Frantic launch the first in a thrilling series of joint parties by teaming up with the world's biggest Hard Dance promoter, HQ from Amsterdam. HQ aka High Quality has sold out every event for the past 6 years and is a key part of the massive DanceValley (DanceValley 2001 attract…
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I'm not the worlds biggest drum'n'base fan but it makes a change and is still a wicked nite out. Just wondered if any1 on mite happen toB going? [ 01 July 2002, 12:07: Message edited by: CreamyC ]
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Pics by Dave (Daddy) www.clubtheworld.uk/photos/Demon Review by Dave (Daddy) Demon, 89 Holloway Head Birmingham. 'Demon' is a relatively new after hours club in Birmingham, opening its doors at 2.30am and chucking the remaining hardcore sweaty gurners out at 6:30 am. What sets Demon apart from many clubs in the second city is the attitude. Essentially, there are no pre-Madonna’s or pretentious fools, just an array of people out for a good time. This is what is so different, refreshing and needed. I tend to find it best to turn up early as it gets very busy, this isn't hard as the capacity is only a few hundred but this is what endears many to the ve…
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Just wanted to let you all know that garlands on saturday was absolutely amazin. Eddie Haliwell was bloody great but JFK blew the fuckin roof off. I have never been in a club with such a brilliant atmosphere - (even tho some stupid bint stole my bottle of poppers) I cant wait to go there again-- can we organise a CTW trip asap pleeeaaassseeeee!!!!!! Thanks HouseGigalo for letting me watch the boxing at stupid o clock at your house -- much appreciated. Garlands rocks!!!! [ 01 July 2002, 12:00: Message edited by: CreamyC ]
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Check out the latest pics taken at Parlez Vous on sat night..... Follow this link...... http://www.clubtheworld.uk/photos/Parlez-Vous [ 10 June 2002, 16:26: Message edited by: SarahPvc ]
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Anohter excellent nite - actually learn't the best way to do this one as everyone else says the same - music is crap til abut 2 and then it's bangin!! - Go to Purple Turtle 1st coz that's bangin excellent hard house all nite! and go in about 2, was excelent nite um mornin bit of a mash up tho - had dumb idea of deciding to wait 4 cyberdog to open to save coming back up later so 4 of us found a kiddies playground and crashing down in a little wooden wendy house in a sandpit with a load of bloody birds sqwarking!!- well let's say I've had better sleep - haha!! [ 10 June 2002, 09:51: Message edited by: CreamyC ]
Anohter excellent nite - actually learn't the best way to do this one as everyone else says the same - music is crap til abut 2 and then it's bangin!! - Go to Purple Turtle 1st coz that's bangin excellent hard house all nite! and go in about 2, was excelent nite um mornin bit of a mash up tho - had dumb idea of deciding to wait 4 cyberdog to open to save coming back up later so 4 of us found a kiddies playground and crashing down in a little wooden wendy house in a sandpit with a load of bloody birds sqwarking!!- well let's say I've had better sleep - haha!! [ 10 June 2002, 09:51: Message edited by: CreamyC ]
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Just want to say that I went to see Mr Scruff in Reading last night and it was excellent. Nice chilled music to start with, and not too loud so you could actually have a conversation, then about 12:30 it all kicked off! And I sold two tickets outsid that I had spare which was a relief. And there was a mr scruff tea shop, with cd's, t-shirts and of course tea for sale. Top Night. And he played a wicked remix of get a move on with some fat filters going over the top! [ 01 July 2002, 12:06: Message edited by: CreamyC ]
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Many many thanks to Sarah(PVC) for providing these excellent pictures from Mainframe @Lotherton Hall last Saturday. More to come ! Please remember to add your comments! Follow the link... www.clubtheworld.uk/photos/Mainframe I'm not sure whether to have the albums sectioned by area or by photographer - any ideas anyone ?! James [ 05 June 2002, 12:02: Message edited by: James ]
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Wayhay! Fame at last! Thanks for grabbing that pic of me at Sundissential. Your a star! Did you notice how urm 'messy' i looked! Anyway, despite the dodgy p1ll was still a top night!
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Well this was probably one of the best Sundissentials I have ever been to! I didnt stop bouncing around from start to finish! The heat in there was immense & almost reminded me of how it was in the days of Uropa! I took refuge in the funky room for a bit (dont like the music but it was nice & cool!) until they opened a few of the fire doors to let the cool in. Ventured back to the hard house chambers & what a buzz - the atmosphere in main room was electric - everyone was up and dancing anywhere - on the stairs, the balcony, the stage next to the DJ box & the dance floor was crammed! Then i realised why - Lab4 were playing! Went over to briefly say hel…
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Well this was an event of many contradicting views, most people found it dissappointing. Firstly, it started at 5pm instead of 2pm (due to the council im told) and secondly, there was hardly anyone there! The clubbers that were there seemed to congregate mainly outside, sitting around or dancing on the grass outside the Sundissential arena. Music coming from in there was great tho! The first set i really saw was from K90 - they played a wikid hard trance set & the Sundissential arena then started filling up. Me and my group of friends spent most of the night sat ouside the Sundissential arena, I went and aquired a large number of brollies and made our own makesh…
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Saturday 1st June 2002 Whos coming, I will be meeting up with Tony P, should be a wicked night!!
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Please can you all reply to this topic with details of what you are up to this weekend. I want to do this every thursday or friday so I can get a feel for who lives where and what clubs they visit to I can look at better planning. I also want to do follow up posts as to how the nights went. Friday 31st May CatBox's Birthday @Fabric, Farringdon, London Saturday 1st June Litten Tree, Leighton Buzzard. Speaking to manager of my new local to look into setting up hard house or trance nights (not sure how well this will go down!) Sunday 2nd June Euphoria, Dave Pearce @Ministry of Sound, Elephant & Castle, …
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Strange night for me to get into this one. Music was typically extremely hard. Cheeky boys/Rob Tissera and Lisa Lashes being the highlight for me. Still yet to work out what the hell the regualar Sunny D types dance like, thought they were having epilletic fits the first time i saw them but i guess thats Hard House for ya - Think ill stick to funky and trance... Met Sarah PVC and her bloke (lovely girl even if her bf's dress sense did freak me out somewhat ), plus Shan, Guffy and the other 4Clubber peeps. Funkissential was a strange addition to the club, some really nice funky beats in what can only be described as a bar squished onto the side of Su…
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Strange night for me to get into this one. Music was typically extremely hard. Cheeky boys/Rob Tissera and Lisa Lashes being the highlight for me. Still yet to work out what the hell the regualar Sunny D types dance like, thought they were having epilletic fits the first time i saw them but i guess thats Hard House for ya - Think ill stick to funky and trance... Met Sarah PVC and her bloke (lovely girl even if her bf's dress sense did freak me out somewhat ), plus Shan, Guffy and the other 4Clubber peeps. Funkissential was a strange addition to the club, some really nice funky beats in what can only be described as a bar squished onto the side of Su…
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Great nite. DuDu celebrating her bday in style with the troopers. Petrae foy playin what can only be described as a [censored] FANTASTIC set downstairs while dave and huey bounced things to the normal funky beat upstairs. Was a bit dissapointed with John 00 Flemming later in the night as i think most were but otherwise fantastic followed by a few drinkies in the pub to watch the match the next day - [ 01 July 2002, 12:02: Message edited by: CreamyC ]
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I shall be going Friday evening after work, if anyone else fancies it let me know, I'll be meeting up with Robin (DJ Freano) and may stay on for Saturday night as well! If not, I'll be going to The SE1 Tidy night!! Let me know if you wanna come.......
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