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I know everyone has something that makes them loose it in a club wether its someone constantly banging into you or a group of beer monsters jumping up and down on your new shoes!!! Well personally for me its people who have had a few too many little ones and gurn and scrunch there face in my face then proceeed talking to me while grabbing the back of my head and drinking my water!!! Ask BEAKEr he knows!!! So what are your dislikes??? [ 29 May 2002, 14:46: Message edited by: artist formally known as Housewhore ]
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I'll be going with active (David) and getting there for around 11pm, if anyone else is up for it, call me on 07956 462 642 and we'll meet up!!! Alternatively, if anyone wants to come down to the Roadhouse between 6pm and 10pm then call me on the same number obviously!!! Laterz Peeps! [ 03 June 2002, 18:42: Message edited by: tRaNcEd-kEv ]
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Attendees: CreamyC Tara + Crew Jon Bunnikins230 Tony P active (maybe!) Anymore for anymore? Call me on 07956 462 642! We will be meeting at the Prince Of Wales pub in Brixton at 10pm! [ 03 June 2002, 18:43: Message edited by: tRaNcEd-kEv ]
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Well what a blinding night yet again - wasnt the fullest ive ever seen (prob due to this coming weekends activities). The highlight of the evening had to be sets from DJ Shan who played a fantastic set in the upstairs trance room and Dj Sterling Moss who played a hard as f*** set on 3 decks down in the main room. They are well worth watching out 4! Roll on this weekend now!
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feckin hell, woke up this morning with the biggest hangover i have ever possibly had the displeasure of havin last night i went to Kings College Union (any other students been there?) - its right next to Temple tube. i was just gona put it as another night when i saw in the clubbing list you wana visit the ULU union at some point. just thought id let you know about both of these. 1.)ULU is s**t 2.)Kings is FOOKIN' SUPERB! id strongly reccommend you change plans from ULU to Kings, although it is only open til 3am and plays good cheese and dance music (which is good when not in complete control of your bodily funcitons) reasons to go: 1.)FULL…
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ello everybody peeps As I'm sure you all know Euphoria time is just round the corner (Sun 2nd June) and Davey Boy Pearce is playing one of his last nites before f**king off to Ibeza. **THIS PROMISES TO BE A BLINDIN' NIGHT** Me and my mates are already goin' and Beckie (in Laa laa land) is comin' down for the weekend, so the touch paper has been lighted and I'm like a bottle of pop ready to burst... I just wanted to make sure that if anyone/everyone else is going, that we meet up for a few swift voddys in the Wetherspoons opposite side of the road from MoS. I am also aware of an afterparty that is arranged if anyone fancys it.--Remember we have mo…
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Heya, Just to say cool pics, i help out at XLR8 and Penny forwarded your mail you sent to Queen Pen, sound like you had a blast!!! Glad you did and as Apu says in the Simpsons:"Please come back again!" I'm the one with the vid cam! Nutter hugs XXX Gleny.
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Sorry peeps - another LAST MINUTE night out - please reply back to this or phone me ASAP if you want to come to this tonight - we will be there taking pictures!! MY MOBILE NUMBER IS 07799 038836 if you wanna come call me. A night of uplifting, funky and old school house produced, remixed and played by some of the finest purveyors of music in the South East. Red Velvet is proud to present £15 entry on the door (£10 advance booking) 18th May 2002 @ Thai Square City 136-138 The Minories, London. EC3 DJ's on the night George D Tony R Jas Ramsden Jim London Bongo Ian Martin Gray [ 20 May 2002, 11:45: Message edited by…
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This night was planned at about 4pm friday afternoon via msn messenger - class!!!!! James
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Fantastic night - yet again! Thanks to graemlins/STAR.GIF James, Shaun & Tony graemlins/STAR.GIF for organising this and inviting us.... Make sure you check out their web site --> www.RedVelvetPromotions.com James /images/icons/grin.gif Photos
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Last night me and Jon went up to Jongleurs in Camden then after that decided to make a night of it and head to Peach (even though I was meant to have a quiet one!) The DJ's played f**king speed GARAGE for hours and just as Graham Gold finally started pumping some trance, DJ's switched over and we were back to square one! I don't know what it is with me and Camden, seems to be: Tara + Peach = Bad night?!!!!
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Please send YOUR pics in! Follow the link... http://www.clubtheworld.uk/photos/Members
10th May, maidstone, friday, ikon, club class. who is coming?James, Kev, anyone else? James, Kev please email me asap
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Here you go peeps, follow the link... James graemlins/WAVEY.GIF
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Nice one! i bet the DJ had nothing but respect for you girl! if its one thing that does my head in its class DJ's not getting a crowd that repects their tunage. Gutted.
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Pics from the Saturday, plus a couple from the Sunday. I'm afraid my camera ran out of memory space! ... Follow this link: http://www.clubtheworld.uk/photos/20020504_Liverpool James
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Details regarding meeting up, times, cost etc coming shortly.............. If you're coming PM before Saturday so we can get a confirmed list up and running! JAMES LAWSON, SIMON THE FIREMAN, DEAN PETERS, KARIM and ALI WILSON. Witness the explosion of pure nrg rhythms combined with live visuals, insane stage shows and fireworks - resulting in far too much fun! If you're planning a trip to London and want to experience London clubbing at it's best... come and join the nuttiness. Visit www.xlr8-uk.com for evidence of the madness! https://ra.co/events/819 UPDATE: Photos !
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Unfortunately I couldn't take any pics on the Sunday cause I ran out of space on my camera and also Paul broke his on Saturday! Stuart D, as always, did take quite a few so check his site out ... Click Here --> IveBeenGoingCrazy My pics from Saturday 4th will deffo be up tonight - sorry for the delay - been on a bit of a downer. James
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I am ONE HAPPY BUNNY - the place and the people I meet never ceases to amaze me - fecking superb. Wouldn't trade a weekend or friends like that for anything in the world. Huge thanks to Sali for letting us crash on Saturday night and to Debs (again) for officially being the most hospitable & generous girl in the world - you dont meet people like this everyday, believe me. It was great to meet up with you lot again and to be introduced to YET MORE FANTASTIC PEOPLE - just when I thought I'd met everybody there are another 20 lurking round the corner!! Thanks to the following people, again, for making it extra special: Debs, Danny, Fish, Ric, Kati…
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Can't wait! Paul Van Dyk - woohoo!! [ 22 April 2002, 21:44: Message edited by: CreamyC ]
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if any one fancies a cheep but good night out then pm me, accomodation at mine! do yuo guys remember the Rhythum of a nation cd???? F*****G excellent! well another is being released and the launch party is being held at my local, batchwood ngiht club in st albans. on friday the 11th may, its £6 to get in all drinks are buy one get one free looks prety good and i am deffinately going on friday even if i go on my own!!!!!! let me no if anyones up for it, i can sleep up to five at my house??? sophie
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Atendees for this one so far: James - Liverpool! Paul - Liverpool! CreamyC - Amsterdam! Sophie - Cant Go! Tara - Cant Go! Lia B - Cant Go! DuMonde Raver - GOING! ELSxBELLS - GOING! Active - GOING! MINISTRY OF SOUND, SUNDAY 5TH MAY 2002 Tickets: £10 in Advance from TicketMaster, 24 hour Credit Card Hotline: 020 7344 4444 / 08705 344 4444! Website: www.ticketmaster.co.uk Contact Ministry: mhunter@ministryofsound.com Tel No: 020 7740 8610 ADDRESS: 103 Gaunt Street London SE1 6DP 10pm - 6am Nearest Tube is Elephant & Castle! Tickets will also be available on the door…
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Atendees from London: James Paul FULL DETAILS WILL FOLLOW SHORTLY....... [ 27 April 2002, 17:42: Message edited by: CreamyC ]
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Another Monster Weekend! Yes everyone calve it in your leg. This is another major event in the Clubtheworld calender. Try and come up because we always have a scream. It will be monsterous! James is coming up with Paul on the Friday, the the big night is on the Sunday were Garlands is open till 4am!!! Sadly....no creamy [ 26 April 2002, 17:16: Message edited by: Beaker ]
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Another Monster Weekend! Yes everyone calve it in your leg. This is another major event in the Clubtheworld calender. Try and come up because we always have a scream. It will be monsterous! James is coming up with Paul on the Friday, the the big night is on the Sunday were Garlands is open till 4am!!! Sadly....no creamy [ 26 April 2002, 17:16: Message edited by: Beaker ]
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Heres an idea for you peeps that cant decide what to do, where to go etc, heres a few tasters: -------------------------------------------------- Tasty 4: Electric Energy On: Friday 3rd May From: 9pm-6am Cost: Members £13, Non members £15, MOTD Website: www.honeypotrecords.com Ticket Info: Info line 07976 418 522, for £13 paying guest list, email payingguestlist@honeypotrecords.com More: Strictly Resident Rockers, for the 1st time at Tasty we announce all of our resident DJ's. Music: Hard House. Hi NRG. Trance. DJ's: Hard House & Hard Trance Room BILLY DANIEL BUNTER b2b ROOSTA - 2 hr set, JON DOE, STEVE HILL b2…
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To the biggest rave up in London this year ??.. M.O.S Dave Pearce Euphoria night, 5th May (Next Sunday), alongside a certain System F - Mr Corsten! I know Creamy and James aint goin but this is gonna be a hectic night !!!
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I'm afraid I wont be attending as I will be going up to Liverpool on the Friday for the Bank Holiday Weekend. James 🙁
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Right you lot.... I want all of you to reply as to who is and isn't coming to XLR8 at The Fridge??? So far confirmed... @Sophie & @Tara @James & @CreamyC Please can you immediately reply to this post buy the end of Monday!!! this is because @ajfrench needs to know who is and isn't going, to arrange tickets or a guest list etc.... which will help us prevent queue's etc... If there is no reply by 4pm on Monday we will assume you don't want to go. this is important, so please let us know. @Sophie & @ajfrench
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