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Hi there,


new to the forum and looking for other people in or around Oxford who like happy Tidy style hard house.

Due to oxford having hardly any decent hard house nights , and as I love DJing so much, I have decided to strat my own night just so I can play.

Is there anyone out there in Oxfordshire Party land that likes this style of uplifting hard house?

I'd love to know cos I'm feeling alone wink.gif


  • CTW Members

i kinda know how you feel, believe it or not theres hardly any hardhouse clubs in manchester, goodgreef once a month, theres another club that has hardhoouse but thats once a month aswel

Hello hi.gif

  • CTW DJs

Hiya mate, welcome on board, what is the night called that you promote??

Bookings/Info - www.myspace.com/shaney_r
msn - punani65@hotmail.com


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  • CTW Members

QUOTE (tony84 @ Nov 28 2004, 10:36)
i kinda know how you feel, believe it or not theres hardly any hardhouse clubs in manchester, goodgreef once a month, theres another club that has hardhoouse but thats once a month aswel

no.gif there's more than that boyo blink.gif


just depends on day of week, whereabouts it is, how much it costs to get there / get in, who's on, and the times yes.gif








ooooh and welcome dude hi.gif

Edited by Spunkmonkey

  • CTW Promotors

hiya & welcpme to CTW grin.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

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Hello one and all.

what a friendly bunch y'all are.


To Shaney - my nights are RIP ( ringleader interplanetary productions - long story but i basicall used to get called a ringleader on my school reports ) logo is an astronaut plying the dex


I've done one night so far which was in Oct - called it Residents evil and ripped off the artwork from the film / game etc . It was cool as fuck but all looked a bit on "the darkside" when I try to keep it a happy Tidy style hard house.


i've got my RIP christmas party on the 18th with wid & ben which should be cool as well , but Oxford tends to empty of ravers in the hols cos all the students go home


had a good turnout for the first one as I had fubky house playing in the bar and had a good crowd juts there for that , but they've knocked the club into one so i've just lost half my audience


C'est la vie


Anyone out there living near oxford?

  • CTW DJs

Cheers matey, sounds as if you could get that up and running well hopefully???

Bookings/Info - www.myspace.com/shaney_r
msn - punani65@hotmail.com


1. Best Dj
2. Funniest Member

  • CTW Admin

Welcome to the site jtb !

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not spam really (I hope)

just wanted to share this with you all













Sick of the same crap Christmas party every year, socialising with people you have nothing in common with apart from the fact that you work together?




Fed up with being the idiot who slags off everyone you work with in a loud drunken voice cos you think they can’t hear you?




Pissed off with your boss being a drunken twat, and thinking he’s funny every f*cking year?




Tired of eating and drinking too much cos its all paid for?




Bored of the same old woman dressing up like the turkey, and trying it on with lads young enough to be her grandson?




And after ……




DO YOU …. Have to hide you head in shame back at work because …




1) Apart from your boss, no-one is speaking to you because you called them all a bunch of c*nts and puked all over their husbands/wives …..




2) … and he’s only talking to you because he’s giving you a verbal warning for touching up his misses






At least you have the reassurance that the whole night wasn’t wasted because you realise you pulled ……... until you get that flashback of groping someone old enough to be your grandmother on the dancefloor in front of the whole office








Well are ya ? Do ya?




In that case, there is only one thing you need to do ….




Get everyone you know and like, and who won’t mind you making a twat of yourself, and come down to the Coven on 18th December for R.I.P Christmas Party ….




If you try hard enough, you won’t remember a thing ………… ever.!!!!!!!!!








Quote of the day : Don’t be a c*unt …make this Christmas different







  • CTW DJs

lol, i like it

Bookings/Info - www.myspace.com/shaney_r
msn - punani65@hotmail.com


1. Best Dj
2. Funniest Member

  • 2 months later...

hiya I'm from Oxford too and ya rite bout lack of HH nites tho went to Republica recently and wot a nite that was


BTW is that my gorgeous little Jamie ??

  • CTW Members

hi jtb, welcome hi.gif


and i'd advise u if ur as sane as u appear, that u might wanna be careful of ppl like shaney who have the potential to stalk u hehe w00t.gif lol


im also MaDdEr ThAn A bAg Of SpIdErS! even tho it sez im CrAzIeR tHaN a BaG oF sPiDeRs! see i got it wrong so when James changed my name its the wrong one lol... so watch out if u dont like spiders either..................................or bags for that matter.... baz.gif


and for the count, i love hardhouse, but there are never any decent hardhouse nights up here in bonnie scotland....... or infact, any hardhouse at all unless ur in my house! (or sum chavs pure mental corsa man! haww!) lol tongue.gif

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