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I went out on a work doo last night (ex employer) and one of the pubs we went into, there was a bit of a disturbance caused by a few 'bouncers'. I was sat chatting with a few ex colleages and I seen this guy get grabbed by a bouncer (whilst the victim was trying to plead the bouncers to let go so he could leave the pub) who proceeded to take him out the fire exit doors. The doors took a few seconds to close, and I could see in this back room, where this guy was held to the floor by these 'bouncers' and they proceeded to hit him whilst he was held down on the floor ! And I mean I could see one of them continuously raise his hand punching this poor guy in the face.


From where i'm sat, 'bouncers' are there to stop trouble, not instigate it, and I know for a fact this guy, who I could see perfectly well before he got grabbed, was NOT up to no good what-so-ever. I think it's bullshit that this type of staffing think that they are employed in these pubs / clubs (and it wasn't a rough pub at all - it was a funky house club, very classy / smartly laid out with reasonable, tidy people) to take power over people who they think they can use as a punch bag for their own enjoyment, 'oz let's face it, the majority of the time it is SOLEY for their enjoyment. The majority of bouncers I have encountered on the door or in the club / pub have had such an attitude / head that is so far up his own arse that their breath reeks of shit ! mad.gif


But then the other thing that pisses me off, is the fact, that some pubs / clubs do not have CCTV Cameras, and when someone is taken out the back to be jumped upon, if the victim decides to press charges for whatever violence was caused, it's usualy ALL the bouncers word against the victim, which leads to the victim getting the shit via the police. I really HATE 'bouncers'. The only bouncers I have EVER met and RESPECTED, are the staff at Twist / London.


That is all.

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My other half was a DOORMAN from his late teens til he met me 5 years ago and he only ever threw one punch in all his "career", and that was aimed at his younger brother! He said he would rather talk his way out of a volatile situation, and it usually worked for him. He is one of the gentlest men you could ever wish to meet, and he gets really annoyed when he hears of thugish, unnecessary behaviour by so called BOUNCERS. These people dont deserve a job in the industry. no.gif

  • CTW Members

I frigging hate them... useless overly aggresive fuckers. I've stood up to their pointless threats (outwitting them with logic and sarcasm, nothing physical) and been thrown out for "fighting". They hate it when someone who is enjoying themselves stands up for themselves when they feel like being pushy.

there are plenty of decent doormen, just the majority only remember the shit ones. also new legislation coming in means all doormen have to register with local council and pass a test and background chek before they can get the job.

yea they're not proper raves or clubs. theyre moody pubs. spoilt the scene jus' like moody raggas.

  • CTW Members

I've seen some really shitty door security... And some good ones too.


It's not just the smaller establishments, or the rough ones... I've seen one incident that upset me in the last year - outside a very, very big venue run by a respected team. The night was over, and the last few people had just finished pouring out. We were about to disappear, and a member of security came out, walked up to someone seemingly random (they didn't appear to have been looking for someone in particular) and whacked them around the face before disappearing back inside. Blood was everywhere. This guy's face was a mess and he didn't know what had hit him.


Security can be really fucked up - but they're not invincible. As someone that's promoted events I want to know when my security are misbehaving and so welcome it when people come to talk to me when things aren't right.


Afterall, security are the front-line to any event. If they put off clubbers, then before long the event is a goner.

w: www.bukeytheloon.com
e: cunt@bukeytheloon.com
msn: msn@bukeytheloon.com

Other CTWers verdict of Bukey

QUOTE (Bukey @ Dec 31 2004, 14:33)

Afterall, security are the front-line to any event. If they put off clubbers, then before long the event is a goner.


  • CTW Members

well ive worked with bouncers and all i have to say is there are two types. The first being the ones that are on a power trip and like to throw people around. These are called your average stereotypical doormen thugs etc. But then you do have the type that will go upto a person causing trouble and warn them a couple of times before going to drastic measures and throwing them out. Not all bouncers are stupid or thick. But its sad to see that the ones that are on power trips are giving decent doormen a bad name. Personally i do not go into a club unless im at ease with the security. I don't think they realise how much of a difference it does make and how being thugs, rude and obnoxious causes a loss for the promoter and bar thus affecting there own job really.



  • CTW Members

I have a love hate relationship with bouncers... I love to hate them.

  • CTW Promotors

mind you for as many plonker door men there is about the same amount of twattish clubbers etc I should imagine tongue.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

  • CTW DJs

Maria, do you know if the guy was badly hurt?

Would you recognise the offending bouncer(s) again?


I guess you'd probably had a few drinks, but if I was sober(ish) and I saw that happening, I would think about reporting it to the police. They probably would do fuck all, but at least it would be on record...? C*nts like that are likely to do it again.


I saw a program about dodgy bouncers a coupla months ago. One guy got hit so hard in the head by a bouncer that he suffered permanent brain damage and couldn't talk properly or fully look after himself ever again. Another guy was punched in the face and literally burst his eyeball; he has to have a glass eye for the rest of his life.

  • CTW Members

ive never really had bad experiances with bouncers. BUT while i was with my boyfriend in assembley in preston (just an average town centre pub) on a week night having a quiet drink playing pool, a large group of lads came in (all about 20 something) being very loud and aggressive. talk about testosterone flying with them lot! threatening each other, shouting, pushing each other about. it was obviously all a joke to them, but very itimidating to everyone else. after about 5 minutes i noticed the staff watching and i think they went and called the bouncers to have a word. well when the bouncers came upstairs it turned out they all knew each other, (i think they were all doormen) and it was all laughing and joking! if that had been anyone else no doubt theyd have been chucked out, but instead the bouncers simply joined in!


in the end we left, because they were making crude comments to the all the women in their and i felt very uncomfortable and also scared for my fella who was on his own with me! i didnt know what would happen if they started doing more than making comments at me and i said no because i had a boyfriend. surely bouncers are there to stop this kind of behaviour? but its ok for them to all behaviour like that? no.gif

  • CTW DJs

Bah, sounds like a typical night in Preston to me! smile.gif

  • CTW DJs

Half of them are pussies anyway, never bothered me in the slightest, and would always have a go whatever if they started anything or tried 2 chuck me out although there was 1 occasion where me and Bushy got chucked out big time lol, i think that was down 2 me agai, soz Bushy smile.gif

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  • CTW Members
Bah, sounds like a typical night in Preston to me! smile.gif



preston aint that bad! but nah, the point i was making was if it had been anyone else theyd of been out on there arse! but because they were bouncers it was all fun and games!

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