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QUOTE (LiquidEyes @ Jan 4 2005, 16:13)
QUOTE (marias mum @ Dec 30 2004, 16:30)
well I for one thank him and if you had family there and they were saved wouldn't you be thanking god too?

It depends if you really mean "thank God" or if you're using the expression in the figurative sense.


I think Alex's point is that the word "God" has been trivialised somewhat in this day and age.



well I suppose its up to the beleiver I guess everyone to his own. I for one beleive there is a god and I have had a few tragedies in my life and often wonder why did god lets this happen??????? but i still return to him to thank him, critize him, you name it i have said it to him.


But im not going into the religious stuff as I have said everyone to his own

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  • CTW DJs

So when things go well you thank God ... and when they don't...? wink.gif


Three words: positive confirmation bias. grin.gif

  • CTW Promotors

I think it has fook all to do with god if he does exist??


It is nature plain & simple & IMo I think some of natures changes are egged on by us as humans.

Techno, Techno, Techno

QUOTE (LiquidEyes @ Jan 4 2005, 16:27)
and when they don't...? wink.gif

She says 'Oh for f*cks sake' lol.gif

  • CTW Members
QUOTE (Lisa @ Jan 4 2005, 16:29)
I think it has fook all to do with god if he does exist??

It is nature plain & simple & IMo I think some of natures changes are egged on by us as humans.



yep we seriously need to look at our life styles and figure out ways of helping the planet survive as we all have contributed to its current state no matter how small

  • CTW DJs

Agreed it's all nature. The science behind earthquakes, plates, volcanos etc is fascinating (but scary).


What has happened in Asia is trivial compared with what can/will happen one day. Human life is nothing really when you look at the forces at work on our planet (and in space). It only takes a 'little' asteroid to slap us, or one of those overdue super-volcanos to erupt, and life as we know it on this planet is over...


Not sure what you mean by 'egged on' though...? Bad shit happens to good people and good stuff happens to bad people, it's the way of the world. Justice is a concept invented by humans; nature doesn't give a shit.

  • CTW Promotors

yup, you know I was thinking the other day, our planet has things we have become dependant on such as minerals, ore oil etc etc, but these elemnts must be i the earth for a reason & are we poss depleting the earth of vital ingrediants if you like!!??


& the ozone, surely everytime we launch a rocket etc into space, is it doing the ozone any favs & they then blame us for causing it by keeping our pits fresh!! unsure.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

  • CTW Promotors
QUOTE (LiquidEyes @ Jan 4 2005, 16:34)

Not sure what you mean by 'egged on' though...? Bad shit happens to good people and good stuff happens to bad people, it's the way of the world. Justice is a concept invented by humans; nature doesn't give a shit.

Sorry LE didnt make myself cear I ment egged on in the sense of my post above, not with the disater in question grin.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

  • CTW DJs

QUOTE (Lisa @ Jan 4 2005, 16:36)
I was thinking the other day, our planet has things we have become dependant on such as minerals, ore oil etc etc, but these elemnts must be i the earth for a reason

Depends what you mean by a "reason". Most systems are circular and adaptive. Living creatures change their environment (including other living creatures). In turn, living creatures adapt to that environment ... and so on.


I doubt the Earth itself is too bothered about us mining its oil and stuff! grin.gif


As for the greenhouse effect, even if we are fucking up our environment as drastically as some people think, one day a big meteor will come down and it will be neither here nor there whether there is a bit of pollution! Even if we wiped ourselves out due to global warming etc, some form of life would survive and things would evolve from there. More likely, maybe we'll take a few 'backward steps' as a society ... human civilisation as we know it is pretty fragile. As they say we're only four meals away from anarchy!


People have a tendency to be very human-centric in looking at the world. I guess it's natural, after all most of us are 'breeders' and we think about the world our children and grandchildren will grow up in! (i.e. a very self-interested view)

Edited by LiquidEyes

  • CTW Promotors

I agree with what your saying LE to a degree, I am looking at the bigger picture if you like when I go on one in wee brian tongue.gif & how as a race we take the earth for granted etc etc, oooh gawd hippie mode, tree hugger w00t.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

  • CTW DJs

Like the trees care! smile.gif

  • CTW Promotors
QUOTE (LiquidEyes @ Jan 4 2005, 17:33)
Like the trees care! smile.gif

it does!! It loves me wub.gif




well someone has to even if it is a bloody dutch elm rolleyes.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

  • CTW Members

i'd just like to add a few things to this which no one seems to have mentioned. my parents get the sunday times and i read this in one of the supplements that come with it, so blame the sunday times not me if you dont agree...



all the governments and officials in asia knew about the tsunami up to an hour and a half BEFORE it happened. an earthquake of that magnitude is obviously going to be recorded and the scientists know that if that kind of thing happens a huge tsunami is going to happen. so, the officials know there has been an earthquake and their gonna get hit by a tsunami and what do they do, absoloutly nothing. no annoucements, no nothing. in those places closes to the epicentre i think there was only about 20 minutes between the earthquake and the tsunami and so obviously they wouldnt have had as much time to evacuate but surely if those people had known what was coming atleast some of them would have been able to get out. and in those places where there was up to an hour and a half between them surely the government could have organised a complete evacuation?


also, in another place, i think it may have been india but i cant remember, a government army base got swamped by the tsunami an hour before it hit any populated areas. the survivors reported it to the government but still they did nothing. and what about all those boats out on the ocean? surely they would have noticed it?


another thing is that a very well respected seisemologist (sp? people who measure earthquake strengths and stuff) has been predicting this tsunami for the last 10 years. he's told the governments again and again that they need a early warning system in place because he said it WILL happen. and he was right. he printed 50,000 leaflets using his own money warning people of the dangers and handed them out on the beaches. unfortunately it looked as though his efforts werent heeded.


quite a few people have commented on how quickly the water came in. before a tsunami hits, all the water is sucked out to sea. now if that was me, and i was on the beach and i saw all the water disappear from the sea within a matter of a few seconds, so quickly the fish were left behind on the beach, id think something was up. even more so if id felt an earthquake earlier on. surely most people would put two and two together and work out what was coming?


also i noticed someone comment that a tsunami won't happen here. well there has been predictions that the whole southern coast of this country, along with the east coast of america will be devastated by a tsunami within the next few years. they are saying that a volcano on a island of the coast of spain is looking like it will errupt within the next few years, and when it does it will dislodge a piece of rock 12 miles long into the ocean. personaly u know i live up north so it wont get me, but if i was living down south id be starting to campaign for an early warning system for us! at the end of the day even if it doesnt happen, its better to safe than sorry. the president of india has know pledged to get an early warning system, but its a bit late now isnt it?

Yep, I also read this ! :S

  • CTW Members

its just sick that they did nothing to warn all those people. so many lives could have been saved. sad.gif

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