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A mate of mine at work has just come back from Edinburgh today as he spent New Year up there and he's just spent the last 30 mins or so telling me how superb it is up there (great atmosphere, really friendly/smiley people etc.. etc..).

Unfortunately I missed the trip Kev arranged for CTW a year or so back and I'm still desperate to get up there and sample the bars and clubs ASAP.

Please will you reply to this thread if you are interested in coming up on a properly organised meet-up ? i.e. I'll personally look into travel/accommodation/bars/clubs etc..

I know we have a few members up that way and to be honest I've spent the last year or so going out in and around London only and its time to have the odd trip every few months further a field.

Looking at the prices for flights and trains it seems very reasonable to me and according to my mate the price of drinks / food / club entry etc is superb value for money up there.

To get the ball rolling please reply (only) if you are interested & we can work out the finer details of where to stay/go later on. I know that Tidy Weekender is coming up in March but I'm keen to get something arranged for Edinburgh in the next 3 months if possible (February would be ideal to be honest but we'll go with the majority of course)


ps. Just speaking to another mate at work and he arranged something else in Scotland a while back which was some kind of lodge / bunkhouse he hired out for about 25 people and it worked out at £8 a night (!) with a huge burning stove in the lounge and hot tub outside ! lol

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nice one Liam

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Aslong as we have a good bit of notice im deffo there. Would really like it if we could meet up with TomD (if he was up for it) as i have never met him.

Bet you look good on the dancefloor
*LiamStyles - mixes on rotation*
Current mix "No Concept Of Time" CLICK HERE

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Shall we make it late March / early April then ?

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
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I hope this doesn't clash with Center Parcs in Easter !


I can't afford this anyway, it's too much money for people who are unemployed. Super. Winner.

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Deffo up for it - 'specially the bunk house idea...


TBH it would be better for me to be june/july time... April is gonna be a dodgy month for me, and with costs of flights and things this would prolly be better at a later date?


Also, with wanting to kick-start meets again (if only every few months), surely it would be better to have a very successful meet more southernly first, which would be a springboard to a successful meet in Edinburgh?

w: www.bukeytheloon.com
e: cunt@bukeytheloon.com
msn: msn@bukeytheloon.com

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Bukey - one of the main things people moan about is that fact we're always out down south / in london and dont make the effort to go further north.


I personally want to get up to Edinburgh ASAP as I've been told its excellent and I also have contacts with quite a few people up there through this board and others now who I've never met and keep promsiing to meet (this has been outstanding for like 2-3 years!).


I agree we need other suggestions and smaller/cheaper meets again but I thought i'd just get the ball rolling - I'm defo going up there regardless - even if its just 3 or 4 of us - it will be good research for the next time I go - hopefully on subsequent trips more and more people will be up for it.


Kev did a great job of arranging the last trip up there (quite a while back noe!) but I sadly missed it sad.gif

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I would be up for this depending on cost and timing. I'll chat to Helen too because Edinburgh is a decent weekend away and it would make a nice break. Earliest i could do though would be May/June

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Nice one - we're thinking from May onwards in either case - will keep you posted !

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Sorted..i'll chat to Helen at the weekend..


Dont want to leave it till as late as July as Global Gathering have a 2 day event this year and definately doing that so need to save pennies..

  • CTW DJs
Global Gathering have a 2 day event this year



Really? Thats ace, maybe another date for my calendar.

Bet you look good on the dancefloor
*LiamStyles - mixes on rotation*
Current mix "No Concept Of Time" CLICK HERE

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