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this is the most I'v ever payed . done a lot of Europe & the most I'v payed was £162

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egypt is well nice


went for 3 weeks once with my mum and sister


was a nile cruise for a week, then red sea for a week, and then finished off doing the pyramids etc in cairo


i've always been facinated with ancient egypt. made myself an unqualified expert on it. Love the whole culture


top stuff

I was going to post a gag about flagellation, necrophilia and bestiality but it's just flogging a dead horse.

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neon, you'll have a great time in egypt..i loved it when i went...make sure you get to cairo - you wont need more than 3 days there...

luxor is fascinating and the red sea has to be one of the best in the world for a bit of scuba diving or snorkelling

Glad you said Luxor is good cos thats where I'm going

I think I would most deffinatly like to go there next year.

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QUOTE (Maria @ Jan 5 2005, 20:43)
Swimmingly well for me ! I have been studying pretty damn hard these last three weeks to gain some knowledge on hardware in computers etc, to then be interviewed today on how much I know, to be accepted onto a very indepth Computer course which is all being paid for by my local job centre. I was so fecking happy (and still am) to be told today there is a place on the course for me. This means that TODAY (well, in two weeks time), my career is finaly heading in a direction where I can now for the first time in ages (sinse I was last emplyed) continuously challenge myself / strengths and continuously improve the knowledge that I crave for to eventualy become a PC engineer. Happy / excited is an understatemnet as to how I feel right now. I am chuffed to bits and more importantly am very happy within myself knowing that I know exactly what area of IT it is I want to have a career in. I just can't wait to be constantly studying studying studying for 10 weeks solid. I AM DETERMINED TO GET THIS QUALIFICATION IN 10 WEEKS TIME. Then I can work anywhere I want and learn more and more. I am looking forward to this year SO MUCH. thumbsup.gif

#What a feeeeeling !# yay.gif

can u send me the test? grin.gif

Can you rim arseholes ?

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only if u teach me

lol. No. It's a secret talent.

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QUOTE (Maria @ Jan 6 2005, 18:34)
lol. No. It's a secret talent.

LOL... Was going to say something.... Decided not to incriminate myself though... wink.gif

w: www.bukeytheloon.com
e: cunt@bukeytheloon.com
msn: msn@bukeytheloon.com

Other CTWers verdict of Bukey

haha tongue.gif

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