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  • CTW Admin

LMAO - PROOF that I've moved on and most of these fools havent - he STILL cant resist but resort to names.


Just for the record the last straw for me at the time was what he said about Sarah, and then also when he (and Jay) subsequently decided to get involved in my PRIVATE/PERSONAL life and lecture me about my relationship and even had the nerve to go and speak to Maria's mother directly about my so-called 'behaviour'. I'm still EXTREMELY fucked off to this day - the fucking cheek of it. How can people in this world be friends with shit stirrers like this ?


One of the people I particularly REALLY dislike in this world (I'v only ever met 3 people I particularly dont like in this world).


Its people like this which put me off going to events like Tidy Weekender - I dont book time off work to end up in arguments - its precious enough as it is.


I've also deleted Jay's account and will soon the others who I and we no longer want here. I tried my best eh.


I've done as he's requested and deleted his account.


From : Rick Davis

Sent : 13 January 2005 16:40:21

To : "ClubTheWorld Forums"

Subject : Re: ClubTheWorld Update - January 2005 ( From ClubTheWorld Forums )


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Can you take me off this mailing list as you banned me and i don't want anything to do with a tosser like you James, could you also delete the rest of my details in accordance with the data parotection act.

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
Clubbing the world together ...

You should have removed his account a LONG time ago. You wouldn't have had that response then and shit like that could have been avoided.

  • CTW Promotors

James, right then....


Firstly I do not understand why you feel the need tom post this & tell us as we already know how Rick feels & you of all people should know baz.gif


I recieved the email you sent showing the emails sebnt between the two of you & James you are, sorry but im gonna be blunt & honest as im beyond giving a fuck now, but your own worst enemy!!


When Rick sent you the first reply you should have just responded with cool, account deleted & not got into a email slag match, this is how it all went pear shaped before mad.gif


Sorry if you do not like my reply here but bollox im honest & I think you need to watch how you handle things as it went off on one last time & it was Maria & I who copped the back lash & we are the one's who through all this have stuck by you & CTW & tried to keep it alive.....


Ok I posted before I was leaving as I had had enough & I did feel like this & had no end of rows with Tony over it but end of the day Maria is my mate as are you & I fely=t loyal...


These idiots like Rick, Ian Cashman etc etc who all fucked off after giving shit are NOT loyal or are they mates so dont bite James come on hon, how old are you?? sorry!!!

Techno, Techno, Techno

  • Author
  • CTW Admin

yep you are right - i should have just replied 'account deleted'

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
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  • CTW DJs

Well, its done now.


This is a fresh start, lets just learn from it.

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  • CTW Promotors

my thoughts exactly, fresh start & fresh members thumbsup.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

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