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Spare some of your time to read this. It'll be much appreciated:

No matter what you're looking for in a woman/man:

  • GOOD LOOKS + BAD PERSONALITY = Still have chance with date / getting laid still on

The thing is, why do some people say that it's "personality that counts" for christ's sake...l think it's a load of bullshit. If you haven't got the damn looks you're screwed.

I am particularly aiming this discussion at those little shallow little sluts you get everywhere. I work in a shop where I work with these other 4 caucasion women, whose ages are I think 19, 22, 25, and 24. And yes, they way they look are what people call: "HOT", "FIT" or "BUFF". They're proper barbies, like Britney Spears, J-lo, or like any fucking gangsta rappas girlfriend. Clothes include pink stuff, like pink tracksuits by Playboy brand, 3/4 length tight demim jeans which shows off their arses, cute pump shoes (with no socks). Looks include bleatched blonde hair which is long and straight, heavy black eyeliner, pink lipstick, blusher, and sometimes with small hoop earrings. Known as "chavs", but they are over 18!! I hate every every one these sorts of bitches. So forget about the "chav label", because 65-70% of them make up the population of young girls today.

Anyway because I have to work at the till, I can't help but always hear these little sluts gossiping with each other. All they ever talk about is fucking boys sex boys sex boys sex and fashion and makeup. They're ALWAYS JUDGING every young guy that comes into the shop, and its always about the guys looks. Some of things they say (after the guys leave) includes:

If it was a pretty boy:

  • "I WANT HIM!"
  • "WOULD YOU SHAG HIM!!!!" - in a 'yes' sense

The above all said with with their eyes wide open and giggling while chewing open-mouthed on their chewing gums. AND they also act really nice and helpful to the guy if he asks for advice on products.

HOWEVER if was an 'ugly' boy:

  • A big, loud, "ERGHHHHHHHHHH" altogether with that cringing look
  • followed by "WHO'D GO OUT WITH HIM"
  • "IMAGINE KISSING HIM ERGHHHH" while laughing
  • "HES YOURS SARAH" (ones of the bitches names)
  • followed by "NO I DONNNT THINK SOOO" with a saracastic look

All the above are just some examples because I can hear them so clearly (the shop doesn't have a lot of customers on weekdays you see).

But of that is just an indication of what most young girls are like. Which is sad thing, because to date one of these little sluts you HAVE to be drop-dead gorgeous, otherwise you don't have damn chance.

I'm not fussy myself, and seeing as I'm a man who is not drop dead gorgeous (far from it), I wouldn't mind getting to know these types of girls. And don't say you wouldn't - they ARE pretty. I can date/form/have sex a relationship with average-looking women. Hell I can get on very well with them. But I admit that the girls I work with are my type (and trust me they would be most guys types) . But because of my looks I cannot ever get it on with these sorts, something I am angry as fuck about. And depressed. :sad:

I have seen them in their clubbing outfits a couple of times and all I can say is they're beautiful. VERY beautiful. And guess what. They only hang with the tall, "hot" and "buff" guys, touching them etc etc. But NEVER with an average Joe (shorter than 5ft 10", not hot) It hurts me deeply when I see girls like that because I know I won't EVER be able to date/relationship/have sex with them. Hurts like fuck when I get home alone. I am 25 years of age and I haven't got long till I get to my 30s. People always tell you to "enjoy your life when you're young", which is precisely what I'm trying to do. Like I said I have dated/relationshiped/had sex with average looking girls, and even some ones which are a little "ugly". All I want is to have a chance with the shallow girls I'm talking about.

And this is where my rant comes now. I have no doubt that this forum contains some girls who are one of those shallow little sluts I'm talking about. Own up. Admit it. After all I'm only some average joe. Go and challenge yourself. Get laid with an average/ugly guy. They'll be fucking grateful.They are HUMAN BEINGS. They have FEELINGS. They won't infect you with Uglyitus. Shallow little bitches.

I am pointing mainly to girls about this (yes guys can be shallow to), but a guys degree of shallowness is nowhere near a woman's degree of shallowness. I read in a magazine once that a guy's 'tolerance' level (shallowness - how much he can put up with if the girl/guy is ugly) is around 6 to 7/10. Which means they can have sex with a girl as long as they can put up with it. And suprise surprise, the women's tolerance level is about 3/10. Can't tolerate much can they. And you little bitches know it full well.

Yes I'm a loser. Yes I'm sad. Yes I'm somewhat desperate. Yes I want to date a hot girl like all the lucky guys get to. Yes I want to kiss a hot girl. Yes I want to have sex with a hot girl. Yes they are out of my league. Yes I'm lonely. Yes I do get pissed off when I see a hot girl and guy kissing in public. Yes I do masterbate over hot girls on the internet because I'm not getting any. There you go I've already truthfully insulted myself for you, so there's no need to for you to do it.


If you are that shallow little slut I'm talking about, prey to god you don't bump into me. Because you'll probably vomit, and I will hire a hitwoman to clobber and scar your pretty little faces in so you won't be able to flutter your cute little lashes ever again to get what you want. Now you'll see what it feels like.

Feel free to discuss and prove me wrong. But be honest. Are you that shallow little bitch???

Much appreciated for your time ladies and gentlemen.

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bloody hell M8 sounds like you are having a proper shit time atm


tell you summat now im not 1 of thoses shallow bitches nono.gif


all girls love a good gossip secret.gif


but the way you have spoken about females in that rant shows you have no respect for females so should never get the chance to sleep with a good looking lass!


tell you what mate you want my number????


maybe ill give you a ring and let you bang me shag.gif

Edited by tidytart

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bloody hell M8 sounds like you are having a proper shit time atm


tell you summat now im not 1 of thoses shallow bitches  nono.gif


all girls love a good gossip  secret.gif


but the way you have spoken about females in that rant shows you have no respect for females so should never get the chance to sleep with a good looking lass!


tell you what mate you want my number????


maybe ill give you a ring and let you bang me  shag.gif



Thanks for your reply. smile.gif I may have gone a bit overboard about the girls, but I'm speaking from personaly expereice of what they're really like. Trust me they ARE SHALLOW as HELL, and are so damn bitchy you want to get a girl mate to slap them. And in answer to your comment...well...I tried being so nice...having a great personality (trust me) and no result. Sorry but the fact is I never had a chance in the first place. smile.gif


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mate i know what you mean about the girls at your work when i lived in peterborough it was full of them!


you get them everywhere its the new thing for girls 2 just take the piss like that!


yeah fair enough i do say


fuckin hell he is fit

fuckin hell id sit on his face

want him to wank in my face


most girls do


but when it comes to the less fortunate blokes i just turn a blind eye



that might be shallow of me


but if i know them as a friend or a friend of a friend i get to know them forget about the looks and start to like them for who they are not what they look like. i have been out with blokes that arent that good looking and have a wicked personality!


TBH mate no matter how down you get and what you think....

out there somewhere is a bird that will find you attractive love.gif


and when you meet her you'll be happy and can stick 2 fingers up @ the shallow world that is out there bird.gif

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yeah fair enough i do say


fuckin hell he is fit

fuckin hell id sit on his face

want him to wank in my face


most girls do


but when it comes to the less fortunate blokes i just turn a blind eye


that might be shallow of me


Certainly is. AND you said in your first post: "tell you summat now im not 1 of thoses shallow bitches". Which, you're probably not a bitch, but still shallow.


but if i know them as a friend or a friend of a friend i get to know them forget about the looks and start to like them for who they are not what they look like.


As a "FRIEND" though. No sex. No relationship. No kissing. Jealousy factor of your ugly friend will no doubt be rocketing sky high, knowing he'll never get to kiss/fuck you. It'll get out of hand eventually with you yelling out either:







Girls and boys are only friends because either one or the other or both DON'T fancy the other one or each other. Again, shallowness speaks for itself.


i have been out with blokes that arent that good looking and have a wicked personality!


Must be great knowing that:


1) You won't have sex or sex will be shit

2) There's plenty of other hot guys out there

3) Your mates will 'talk' about you, and saying to you crap like: "URGGHH WHAT DO YOU SEE IN HIM".

4) You can't wait to dump this minger for that hot guy you met in the bar.


TBH mate no matter how down you get and what you think....

out there somewhere is a bird that will find you attractive  love.gif


and when you meet her you'll be happy and can stick 2 fingers up @ the shallow world that is out there  bird.gif


No this not about me being unable to get any, it's about the shallowness of these sluts, and why guys need to drop dead gorgeous to date/sleep with them. I've already said I've dated/relationshiped/had sex with average girls and even some "ugly" girls. Guess your standards are just way too high.


I take it that's you with the pink shoes on in the pic in your profile. FOR the record - yes I truthfully think you're pretty, and I probably have no doubt I'll definitely want to kiss and bang you. You look good. BUT NO, HANG ON....there's a little problem. Me. I'm not hot. Well there goes my dream once more.


In the end you're no different. You're just a nicer version of those kind of girls.


That means I'll have to stick two fingers up to you then. Sorry.

Edited by RandomGuy

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tell you summat now im not 1 of thoses shallow bitches  nono.gif


Yup, you went out with Drew, afterall... LOL wink.gif (Only kidding, Drew!)


Anyways, RandomGuy - calling people sluts and generalising so much will really get you nowhere. You've just offended them - you think so little of them and yet you want them purely because of their looks. This makes you yourself shallow.


We're all shallow to a degree. If we're attracted to someone we think "Phwoar!" and the like... If we don't know someone and we're not attracted to them, then we're not going to go for them are we? There has to be some attraction there in the first place!


Someone might not be "attracted" to you initially lookswise - but that doesn't necessarily follow that thy're "opposed" to you - they're probably indifferent when it comes to affairs of the heart or bedroom. If you get to know someone, then they may become attracted to you as a person.


Different people find different qualities make someone attractive. I have no problems with the fact that I'm a below average guy - I'm not hung up on it, I don't have issues, I don't hate myself. I just accept the fact of the matter, and yet I've still had one serious relationship with your (here goes the stereotyping) 6ft blonde haired, blue eyed "text book" Swede. A couple of other relationships have been with pretty good looking peeps too.


One thing that I've learnt is that other people *can* and *do* find you attractive. That was a big step for me to make. I'd always gone along the lines of "at least I know people are with me for me" - but the simple fact of the matter is that other people do find things attractive in us that we don't see ourselves.


Even if you don't think you're "text booK" or "media stereotype" good looking, there's people out there that will, and that's just on the looks front. When they get to know you as well, there will be some that are attracted to you as a person, and some that aren't.


Hey, so you don't fit into a media stereotype of good looking. Welcome to the group of us commonly known as the "majority" - accept it, and get on with your life. Getting yourself down over things like this, and falling into self-loathing and hating of others because of it won't help you get what you desire. In fact, it will only move you further away from the target.


So, instead of beating yourself up and offending people that you would like an opportunity with, start being positive and learning to like yourself and others.


The biggest cassanova and player I know is a guy who's nearly always broke, ugly as fook.. And yet he still gets to go home with almost any girl he chooses at the end of the night. How? Most people don't understand it. It's because he's got charm, charisma and wit... He doesn't hate himself, and he shows a bit of respect for the girls he likes....

Edited by Bukey

w: www.bukeytheloon.com
e: cunt@bukeytheloon.com
msn: msn@bukeytheloon.com

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Must be great knowing that:


1) You won't have sex or sex will be shit

2) There's plenty of other hot guys out there

3) Your mates will 'talk' about you, and saying to you crap like: "URGGHH WHAT DO YOU SEE IN HIM".

4) You can't wait to dump this minger for that hot guy you met in the bar.



sex was good

yeah there was plenty of hot guys out there but i was happy with him

i DONT care about what other people say if you dont like summat i am doin or have done you know where to go bird.gif

Id never have dunped him his personality made up for looks and it was him who dumped me ohmy.gif

Not all women are that shallow. Well, I wouldn't consider myself as being shallow in that respect. Yes I have been out with / dated some really good looking guys in the past and some not so good looking, but I can honestly tell you that it HAS been their personality that has drawn me to them. Most good looking guys can be vein and up their arse twats, but then im not gona tar every male on legs with the same brush, because so can not so good looking men be up their arse twats, but this can also be said for females too. I don't tar everyoine with the same brush, as I don't do 'labeling' of people.


I guess what you are saying is that some girls (the 'sluts' you talk about lol) come across as though they are only out for a bit of 'pussy banging' with the good looking men !


I have always fallen for personality. It's the mind that attracts me the most about a person and also that bit of respect they possess - but il be honest, if a guy doesn't have a personality or some sort of respect, then il go and fish in another pond thanks ! (well, not neccassarily - iv never had to go 'fishing' smile.giftongue.gif ) God knows where I went wrong lol


Also, just because you may look at yourself and think you are not attractive, that DOESN'T mean to say other people WONT find you attractive. BELIEVE in that mate ! I know I do .. bigwink.gif



  • CTW Promotors

110% agree with Bukey here Random guy & I would take his advise if I was you hon thumbsup.gif


Not everyone is as bad or as shallow as you are making out but as Bukey says we all are to a degree its a human thang, funny creatures are we w00t.gif


But chin up, try to be positive & good luck huggles.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

^YEAH THAT^ and ^YEAH THAT^ to Bukey grin.gif

  • CTW Moderators

what gives someone the right to join here and put that sort of thing about us women anyway

thats dam right rude and i can only see u random guy as bein the shallow one as u have jus branded us all sluts wen we are not


now if u aint nowt good to say about women we dont want to know cos in my expeience its always been the guy who's messed me around, 1 left me wen pegnant then came back got me pregnant again and fucked off again and the other beat me very nearly to my death wen i was pregnant yet again so dont go branding all us women wen men can be as bad if not worse using there fists and fact they can get up and walk at anytime mad.gif

🎧20,000 Hardcore members,  I say the future is ours🎧


thats dam right rude and i can only see u random guy as bein the shallow one as u have jus branded us all sluts wen we are not





Take it as a compliment - sluts are rated great in bed shag.giflol.gif


More slut comments please .. bigwink.gif

  • CTW Promotors

hahah Dani dont take it as a personal attack at you hon, he was just letting of steam tongue.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

Well we are all unfortunate at some point in life when it comes to relationships, but, imo, I woudn't worry about it, because from my past experiences (well, only one), it makes you a hell of a lot stronger. But just don't be quick to judge ALL men and woman the same as the one who you had an unfortunate experience with, because not all men and women are like that. You just get the few lame-arsed-warped-crazy-ready_to_be_sectioned type men as with woman too.


"I yam what I yam"

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