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Allegedly the Police are here to serve us.




Yeah agreed alex but they have to treat all "offenders" the same until the case is proven.Many people commit the offense of drinking and driving as we all know and his sister was in charge of her vehicle while the engine was running.

okay senario!!!!!! what if while she was in the car and the hand break slipped while a mother and her child coming from a nearby party where passing the car? the car moves forward not at great speed but comes into direct contact with the little ones head.The police are there to serve all no matter how much we disagree with there actions


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unfortunally because the engine was running and your sister was in the drivers seat at the time it is seen as being in charge of a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol and there's no way the police could not arrest her.

Even though she did genuinely go to sleep with the heaters on the police have probably heard lots of stories and excuses for the same thing and if the police hadnt have arrested her then they simply wouldnt be doing their job sad.gif




sorry mate sorry.gif

  • CTW Members
Allegedly the Police are here to serve us.




Yeah agreed alex but they have to treat all "offenders" the same until the case is proven.Many people commit the offense of drinking and driving as we all know and his sister was in charge of her vehicle while the engine was running.

okay senario!!!!!! what if while she was in the car and the hand break slipped while a mother and her child coming from a nearby party where passing the car? the car moves forward not at great speed but comes into direct contact with the little ones head.The police are there to serve all no matter how much we disagree with there actions



The "what if" factor shouldn't really come into law, its a very dangerous grey area, where someones perceptions are taken as fact. It should soley be about what has happened, unless there is provable intent to commit a crime.



Had she not been drunk and was asleep in the car and it rolled forward, would that be an accident, but if she was drunk and asleep that would be a criminal act?

Edited by Alex

I got warned for having my car keys on my house keys & that I could get done for drunk in charge even though I was catching a taxi . Cos I had the keys I was in possesion of a car , strange but thats the way it goes

  • CTW Members
I got warned for having my car keys on my house keys & that I could get done for drunk in charge even though I was catching a taxi . Cos I had the keys I was in possesion of a car , strange but thats the way it goes



The laws are utter crap in this country, it seems as if you are guilty until you prove your innocence.

Edited by Alex

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why was she sat in the drivers seat if she was trying to get to sleep? if it had been id be trying to have a kip led down on the backseat.


thats probably where the problem comes from. if she'd been in the back they might have let her off (not saying they would but there would have been more chance). for all they know she could have been about to drive it off.


i agree that they could have handled it better, but i can also see it from their point of view because in my books she should have been in the back if she was trying to have a kip! they must deal with so many drink and drive cases every day, and theyve gotta draw a line somewhere. unfortunately mate it happens ur sister was on the wrong side of it this time.

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She broke the law Ben. Deal with it.

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Why does everyone hate the police? who are the first people you ring if someone attacks you or you see a group of youths mugging an old lady?


If you do something against the law and get caught its tough luck. I bet everyone on this board breaks some kind of law everyday or at least at the weekend and gets away with it.

Ben your sister was over the drink drive limit in the driver seat of a car with the engine running? Doesnt that look just a bit guilty to you? The police were just doing their job, they didnt know she wasnt about to drive off or that you or your dad wouldnt have just came out of the pub and agreed with what she was saying just to get her out of trouble.

Its a shitty situation but you cant blame the police for doing their job.


sorry mate

People are just pizzed off with the bad point & never remember the good bits

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You were once in this country "Inocent until proven guilty". More laws are slipping in that are working on the principal of "Guilty until proven inocent".


I think everyone has the right to complain about unjust laws; it is a definate sign that things are not working when peoples trust in the Police is at a low. If no one complains, nothing will improve.

  • CTW Promotors
Why does everyone hate the police? who are the first people you ring if someone attacks you or you see a group of youths mugging an old lady?


If you do something against the law and get caught its tough luck. I bet everyone on this board breaks some kind of law everyday or at least at the weekend and gets away with it.

Ben your sister was over the drink drive limit in the driver seat of a car with the engine running? Doesnt that look just a bit guilty to you? The police were just doing their job, they didnt know she wasnt about to drive off or that you or your dad wouldnt have just came out of the pub and agreed with what she was saying just to get her out of trouble.

Its a shitty situation but you cant blame the police for doing their job.


sorry mate




whilst im mainly with you on this one Chris & totally agree the police are just doing their job etc I can also see where Ben's sister would be pissed off a bit, if she was purely just getting her head down, but again agree with Emma's comment ref why get in the drivers seat, you have to admit from a police mans point of view, a drunk lass in the drivers seat does look dodgy & they have to investigate etc. grin.gif So bit of a stupid move by the sister really, common sense should tell you not to get in the drivers seat if under the influence, well id have thought anyway, I dont even drive & im aware of this.

Techno, Techno, Techno

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Why's everyone pissed off with the police? I'm pissed off with the police because:


- they'd decided *I WAS GUILTY*

- they never got my side of the story

- they screamed at me

- I was cautioned (read my rights)

- ordered not to give my side of the story (I had to demand to give my side of the story)


Because of this I nearly ended up with an assault conviction. Despite the fact it was me that was assaulted, not the other way round!!!!!! But because I'm an early twenties guy, I was easier to go after than the other person.


When it actually came in front of someone with some common sense, they obviously laughed at it.... I received a phone call saying how clear cut it was with my side of the story against the other persons, I'd done exactly the right thing persisting and giving my side of the story, and it was the last I'd ever hear on the matter. Oh, this was two months later!!! I'd been left to sweat it out for that long.


I was really upset, and when I told people what had happened and I might be being done for assault, it was usually met with people pissing themselves laughing at the thought of me with an assault charge - violence really isn't one of my things.


I've seen the police act in ways unbefitting to their position within society on many occassions in the past few years... I know not all are the same, but as with anything the very visible minority fuck it up for everyone else. I have no respect for the police force as an establishment because so many of them are only interested in their own power trips.


It's ashame, and I think it's gone too far to be rectified by anything other than a complete replacement of the service by a new institution... Though I do understand that it's unlikely to happen.

Edited by Bukey

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i think the incident earlier this week where a police force spent £30.000 to prove a woman guilty of driving whilst eating an apple(this included getting the police helicopter out twice to retrace her route).just about sums up the stupidity of the law in this country

  • CTW Promotors
i think the incident earlier this week where a police force spent £30.000 to prove a woman guilty of driving whilst eating an apple(this included getting the police helicopter out twice to retrace her route).just about sums up the stupidity of the law in this country




yikes.gifeek.gif missed that one, jesus christ!! thumbsdown.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

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