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so they take her back to the station to sleep it out for the night on the basis that they don't trust anyone involved in the situation.


easy as.

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so they take her back to the station to sleep it out for the night on the basis that they don't trust anyone involved in the situation.


easy as.




you didnt say that in your original post though did you Phil, too much paper work I do believe or some such words uhm.gif


If they take her back to the station to sleep it off etc & let her go explaining the law ref sitting in a passanger seat whilst inebriated then fair do's but in this case that did not happen bigwink.gif


Ok the officer may have been a jobsworth but as I said before rather be a jobsworth than have a potential drunk driver on the roads smile.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

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without scrolling back i think i either said take her inside to her friends, or take her down the station to cool off - either way - ask her side of the story first rather than just using your truncheon bigwink.gifbigwink.gif


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Have not read all the replies yet but these are my feelings;


I once went to sleep years and years in a car in the winter cos i was pissed and had nowhere to stay and miles away from home (basically I thought i'd cross the 'going home' bridge when i came to it - as ever I NEVER plan a thing!). I kept turning the car on and off to heat it up but in the morning a police officer woke me up. He was pretty pissed off and said I could have been in real shit for that but I was sober by that time and this was years ago when drink driving was just a 'telling off'.


I agree that people should be charged in this circumstance as 1. I knew at the time it was a bloody stupid thing to do - especially as I was sat in the driver's seat (if I was in the back or the front passenger seat I may have assumed it was 'ok' being naive). I'd like to back your sister up ben and say she didnt realise it was against the law to do this but I and the police would have to take her word for it and I think unless they DO charge people then no one will realise quite how serious this is....


A friend at work had a mate in the same circumstance (pissed, cold, sat in car) who accidentally depressed the accelerator when he fell asleep cos he was too pissed - I'll post about this tomorrow as I'm still at work / need to get home soon. Suffice to say its HIGHLY dangerous to be pissed in a car on your own and I dont think its fair to say the police are 'shit'.


I guess she should have spoken to the police in the first instance about 'what to do' but then I say that now when I'm 33, if i was 20 i'd not have thought of this.


Sitting in the back seat with the engine on I would assume IS ok but it is JUST AS BAD - I think this is crazy - especially if the engine is OFF

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  • CTW Promotors
without scrolling back i think i either said take her inside to her friends, or take her down the station to cool off - either way - ask her side of the story first rather than just using your truncheon  bigwink.gif  bigwink.gif






I see what your saying Phil & yes fair enough but the police were doing their job & where did it say they used their truncheons??? tongue.gif


As James has pointed out it only takes a few seconds & an accident can happen, end of the day she broke the law regardless of whether she was sleeping or not so she got caught & like anyone who gets caught breaking the law, she has to deal with the consequences, sorry but that's life & it is a bitch thumbsdown.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

I guess it boils down to, 'what could have happened' to which the police are right in what they did. This event could pop up again, when you sister is out, this time she could be pissed, tired, want to go sleep in the car again .. alas if this situation WAS to rise again, she would think twice about doing it. It's a pretty shit situation to be in I agree and I feel for your sister, but I can totaly see where the police are coming from on this aswell ..


I don't think the police are 'shit' as such in this sutation, as I said what they have in the back of their minds is a safety issue and they are looking at what could have happened if she was actually drunk, which obviously, she would have been worse off.

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truncheon - that was my nudge nudge wink wink double entendre. w00t.gif


about the 'what could have happened tho'...ok definitely the police were thinking WHAT IF something happened. but tbh..what if's can apply to anything. what if she'd been committing suicide by gassing herself - would they pretend to not have found her?


back OT...it isn't like they only had a split second to make a crucial decision, they had all the time in the world to act upon the situation as they found it.


who cares, I'm probably wrong


  • CTW Promotors


who cares, I'm probably wrong




haha what is right & what is wrong, we can all sit here & say our opinions & as much as I do agree with what your saying Phil & that they poss could of handled it differently, they did not & she was in the eyes of the law breaking it, so they acted upon it & unfortunately for Ben's sister she was caught by a jobs worth thumbsdown.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

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As James has pointed out it only takes a few seconds & an accident can happen, end of the day she broke the law regardless of whether she was sleeping or not so she got caught & like anyone who gets caught breaking the law, she has to deal with the consequences, sorry but that's life & it is a bitch thumbsdown.gif





Ghees haven't I been saying all this form page one????????



Lets have a vote guilty/not guilty

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Why not ask "GOSHOW" what he would have to do in those circumstances he is an active police officer baz.gif



If he was to agree that she should have been told off I will be very very surprised

  • CTW Promotors

Ghees haven't I been saying all this form page one????????



Lets have a vote guilty/not guilty



I hope your not taking a tone & getting stressed with me young lady??? w00t.gif


Techno, Techno, Techno

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Ghees haven't I been saying all this form page one????????



Lets have a vote guilty/not guilty



I hope your not taking a tone & getting stressed with me young lady??? w00t.gif






How long did it take you to agree with what I was saying????????


Then James comes along puts a post up and ............I rest my case


  • CTW Promotors





How long did it take you to agree with what I was saying????????


Then James comes along puts a post up and ............I rest my case




what are you waffling on about woman???? James has posted has he?? where?


I have been in agreement in along with you & that the law is the law & that moaning you got caught breaking it it is tough shit really.


So are you pissed then>??

Techno, Techno, Techno

  • CTW Promotors

ahaaaa over seen James post & just read it now grin.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

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