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as your valentine throb.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

Card written & I didn't sign it cos they are meant to keep you guessing

  • CTW Members
Card written & I didn't sign it cos they are meant to keep you guessing



is that what your mother always told you on handing you a card? baz.gif



dont think she's ever sent anyone one

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ok so no-none got a certain someone they would love to have as their valentine then no??


Id pick Tony obviously throb.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

  • CTW Members
as your valentine throb.gif



you with a paper bag love.gif

  • Author
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as your valentine throb.gif



you with a paper bag love.gif




make that a polethene(sp) Phil, paper would be no good for your head hon w00t.gifbigwink.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

  • CTW Members

who is polly thene and why does she have a bag? uhm.gif

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your dream woman & she she wnats to bag you baby throb.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

  • CTW Members

arf arf arf tongue.gif





  • CTW Members

i would love to have a valenitne..........

sent a card once. she never really spoke to me properly afterwards for years lol she was a really REALLY shy / self concious chick tho. thats why.... shes pregnant now too. shame actually. shes only 18 like me, n she not really settled with a boyfriend or anything like that...


i would have liked holly to been my valentine. thats the girl in the browny coloured picture in my gallery... we went out, then called it off... we then became amazing friends n i would have liked to have got back but she doesnt wanna hurt me she says so we r stayin friends.... bleh! lol huggles.gif


i'll just have to settle with maria then lol love.gif heyheyhey!!! bigwink.gif

You want to wine and dine me and throw rose pettles all ova ma bodeh ? :S

  • CTW DJs

u see i could be really funny here but id be accused of being a twonk lmao w00t.gifily.gif

Bookings/Info - www.myspace.com/shaney_r
msn - punani65@hotmail.com


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'twonk'. I love that word.

  • CTW Members
You want to wine and dine me and throw rose pettles all ova ma bodeh ? :S


whatever takes ur fancy lol.gif

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