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  • CTW Moderators

after all my worrying and stuff about tidy weekend and that bird not getting back to me i just tried to ring her and her fone is switched off


i have no idea what to do now as it is final day friday and i have paid all my money but i dont know if she has paid and if all is ok



what do i do mad.gifsad.gifmad.gifsad.gif

🎧20,000 Hardcore members,  I say the future is ours🎧


  • CTW Members

Whatsup chicken? Have you given someone your money to sort tickets or something? been so manic last few weeks not been on board much at all and lost track of all the goss !! Been at work and trying to sell stuff on ebay to raise some dosh. on a real economy drive at the mo

They call me the Wise Woman... For I am a woman .....and I am wise
Losing? I dont waste my time with it, Im just too busy looking good

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tidy weekend i paid a gal 100 quid for my place in her chalet and now i cant get in contact with her and i want to know what is going on with the tickets and her fone is off and its upset me

🎧20,000 Hardcore members,  I say the future is ours🎧


  • CTW Members

Oh dear. Is she on the board? Or do you have email or anything? when it the tidy weekender. Hope you manage to sort it out honey, Im sure theres not a problem or anything ??????!!!

They call me the Wise Woman... For I am a woman .....and I am wise
Losing? I dont waste my time with it, Im just too busy looking good

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she didnt answer msn earlier

her fone is off

ive emailed but nowt back

tidy board is off line so cant get her that way

and i need to find out by friday cos that is final date

🎧20,000 Hardcore members,  I say the future is ours🎧


  • CTW Members

Bummer. Have you only been trying her today? sure it will be fine. If not is there anyone else you could bunk in with as few seem to be going off the board? Do you know anyone else that is going to share the chalet? Maybe you could get her through them? Bit naughty really though

They call me the Wise Woman... For I am a woman .....and I am wise
Losing? I dont waste my time with it, Im just too busy looking good

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no 1 knows her iv tried,

i cant bunk in with anyone as she will be sent my ticket if its paid and if it isnt paid well she binked with the money and i have to book my train ticket wen i know for definate i cant go with out getting hold of her about my ticket and her msn email address is an invalid email address and ive been texting for 2 weeks now

🎧20,000 Hardcore members,  I say the future is ours🎧


  • CTW Members

Oh chick I think you've been had there. I hope she turns up for you but there are some well dodgy feckers around. One thing Ive learned is not to trust anyone with money. gutting though, £100 dont come for free ! Where is the girl from? How do you know her? small world and maybe someone knows her or can track her.

They call me the Wise Woman... For I am a woman .....and I am wise
Losing? I dont waste my time with it, Im just too busy looking good

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i have her bank details and full name also receipts of paying the money into her account and she is 18 and a chearful lass on tidy board plus we met at polysexuals but still doin my head in

🎧20,000 Hardcore members,  I say the future is ours🎧


  • CTW Members

well thats something. sure she is kosher - just keep posting on tidy and Im sure she will get in touch. bit stressful though eh? Hope you get it sorted mate.

Anyway, off to watch a bit of TV and put my feet up. You look after yourself chick

They call me the Wise Woman... For I am a woman .....and I am wise
Losing? I dont waste my time with it, Im just too busy looking good

  • CTW Members

What a ridiculous time to give it a revamp.

My teenage daughter has been kidnapped, and the people I work with may be involved in both.

I'm Federal Agent Jack Bauer and this is the longest day of my life...

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i was thinking that they could of waited a few more weeks till after tidy



still panicking but gona call tidy tomorrow and see what going on

🎧20,000 Hardcore members,  I say the future is ours🎧


  • CTW Members

Fingers crossed for ya hun.

My teenage daughter has been kidnapped, and the people I work with may be involved in both.

I'm Federal Agent Jack Bauer and this is the longest day of my life...

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me too im hoping tidy will tell me tomorrow whats gone on, i can pretend to be her as i have her full name and the password she told me


oh i hope so please please please please let everything be ok

🎧20,000 Hardcore members,  I say the future is ours🎧


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