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  • CTW Moderators

im sorry but stories such as shagging ya mans step mum and his misses as a get back act and sitting with ya flat mates with blood on ya face is pure sick and not needed on a message board


bukey reason i said i was glad i hadnt met her is because the fact she said about teenage mums on tidy board as a dig and as you and many others no i was a teenage mum, so young with 2 children i messed up completely, resulting in losing my 2 older boys, luckily up until now i have not lost them completely yet but i am losing my middle boy to adoption and now they want to take away my youngest boy and it was used as the influx in teenage pregnancys and no 1 recognising that maybe teenagers left alone with small children get depressed to not jus married women and need support and help and wen they are screaming out for help by rebelling dont need there children taking away from them and looked at as a basd person

so lahlah the comment on judgemental well straight away your comment stating that was a judgemental one wen u or bukey no fuck all as to reasons why and what happened to me and went through my head back then.

🎧20,000 Hardcore members,  I say the future is ours🎧


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Thank you to both Minx and Bukey I too hold both of u in high regard and have always considered you both good friends. Friends that have taken the time to get to no me without being judgemental


Its a very sad world we live in if people judge u as 'sicko or perverted' because they may do something that you dont agree with. Nothing I do in my private life harms another person, in fact I bring joy to all who meet me, and remain friends with those I have had the pleasure of being with.


There may be many things that others do that I wouldn't do myself, like smoking and drinking but I dont consider them a lesser person because of that. Its called being tolerent of, and allowing others to live their lives as they see fit. A lesson u Dani-Babyboo could do with learning, especially when u have young lives to influence. I mean, u wouldn't want to raise narrow minded,prudish, intolerent children that may not agree with YOUR weekend lifestyle, in years to come, would you ??

  • CTW Members

Fair do's Dani, you've been through a lot - but maybe Lah Lah's comments were made after you'd judged her, called her a sicko, etc, etc on the Tidy board?


I'm sure Lah didn't mean the comments as you've taken them, but she was upset and annoyed by the way you'd been judgemental... If you dish it out, you've got to expect to take things in return?


I can only begin to imagine how you must feel and how difficult it must be to cope with the shit you've gone through Dani... It must be pretty hard. With that in mind, I would've expected you to be less judgemental, not more, that's all.


Lah Lah *didn't* sleep with her fella's step mum in revenge....

w: www.bukeytheloon.com
e: cunt@bukeytheloon.com
msn: msn@bukeytheloon.com

Other CTWers verdict of Bukey

For a start u have failed to grasp the correct facts, if u r gonna comment on something then at least get it rite in the first place


My comment on teenage Mums was aimed at u as a way of showing u that if you start coming at me bein judgemental and critical then you mess with fire and will get it back in return


As for your problems .. Im sorry that u have been going thru a bad time and maybe had u not been so quick as to judge others, u may find people sympathetic to ur situation. Its a sad fact of life that it is tough, we all go thru traumas, but I have always found that it is friends that get u thru it.


Too many people stand screaming and shoutin 'look wot the world has done to me' and expect sympathy, if u judge people so harshly without tryin to find out they r a worthwile person how will u ever get on in life ??


U say u shouldn't of been looked at as a bad person, but u looked at me in that way


Oh and by way..... I'm a single Mum too

Edited by lahlah

  • CTW Moderators

i wasnt judgemantal i said it was sick i found what u said was sick and lack self respect thats the sort of person i am and i have veiws

🎧20,000 Hardcore members,  I say the future is ours🎧


  • CTW Members

Children, children, if u ain't got nothing nice to say to each other then don't say anything at all.


Enough is enough don't you think.


Agree to disagree.


We can't all get on and that is life, it'd be a boring world if we did.


No offence to either of you but we don't need this here, it is not needed and uncalled for.


Leave your petty squabbles where they belong in the past and if you can't get on they don't talk to each other, simple as that.


I'm all for people being able to express their views, opinions and whatever, but their really is no need for this intolerable undercurrent.

My teenage daughter has been kidnapped, and the people I work with may be involved in both.

I'm Federal Agent Jack Bauer and this is the longest day of my life...

  • CTW DJs

Tresh, I just got this image of you saying that - but on question time.


Not quite sure why

Bet you look good on the dancefloor
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  • CTW Members

The curse of fame.

My teenage daughter has been kidnapped, and the people I work with may be involved in both.

I'm Federal Agent Jack Bauer and this is the longest day of my life...

i wasnt judgemantal i said it was sick i found what u said was sick and lack self respect thats the sort of person i am and i have veiws



No u said u thought I seemed like a nice person till u saw wot I had said elsewhere, and said I was a 'sicko pervert with lack of self respect'... THATS judgemental


Yes u have views (based on just a few posts) so do I ... but would u want me to air them to all and sundry over and over again like u have ??


Like I said before, if u want criticise me then that is ur prerogative, but u have to be prepared to take it back and I am far more eloquent.


Maybe u should take heed of the old adage.... 'If u cant say anything nice then dont say anything at all'


Thank you for the warm and lovin welcome by the way

Edited by lahlah

Tresh, I just got this image of you saying that - but on question time.


Not quite sure why




  • CTW Promotors
Children, children, if u ain't got nothing nice to say to each other then don't say anything at all.


Enough is enough don't you think.


Agree to disagree.


We can't all get on and that is life, it'd be a boring world if we did.


No offence to either of you but we don't need this here, it is not needed and uncalled for.


Leave your petty squabbles where they belong in the past and if you can't get on they don't talk to each other, simple as that.


I'm all for people being able to express their views, opinions and whatever, but their really is no need for this intolerable undercurrent.



Well said that man.. thumbsup.gif



Tresh for mod, tresh for mod!!!!!!! w00t.gif


Techno, Techno, Techno

  • CTW Members

People don't get it do they



Lahlah (presumption here) has a grievance about teenage mothers Her Problem not theirs



Dani has a grievance about people sleeping with ex miss's step mums and other things Her Problem not theirs



People think I shouldn't go out clubbing at my age Their Problem not mine



Don't you lot know by now that life is too short for shit like this, it's upsetting for those involved and those not


Agree to Disagree girls ... the launderette is the only place for it flowers.gif





  • CTW Promotors
People don't get it do they



Lahlah (presumption here) has a grievance about teenage mothers Her Problem not theirs



Dani has a grievance about people sleeping with ex miss's step mums and other things Her Problem not theirs



People think I shouldn't go out clubbing at my age Their Problem not mine



Don't you lot know by now that life is too short for shit like this, it's upsetting for those involved and those not


Agree to Disagree girls ... the launderette is the only place for it  flowers.gif



notworthy.gifnotworthy.gif Dawn for mod too, Dawn for mod too w00t.gif


Techno, Techno, Techno

  • CTW Members

So when do me and Dawn get out mod status then???


Not really, seems like too much hassle having to control people.

Edited by Tresh

My teenage daughter has been kidnapped, and the people I work with may be involved in both.

I'm Federal Agent Jack Bauer and this is the longest day of my life...

  • CTW Promotors
So when do me and Dawn get out mod status then???


Not really, seems like too much hassle having to control people.




Not about control sugar!! Infact its a piece of piss & you get accused of alsorts but you learn to live with it baz.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

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