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  • CTW Members

yes but surely it is best to only let people with a license do it on their own, who have passed some test or something first.


before that have them go out with a "professional" who can quickly dispatch of the animal if they mess it up.


with the way it is now, many animals end up crawling off into bushes etc and bleeding to death, or dying of lead poisoning because the hunter did it wrong.

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  • CTW Members
because it involves killing animals!!!!!!


one of the main arguements for banning hunting was that we shouldnt have a sport that kills animals.


if they can ban hunting on this basis they should ban all sports that involve killing, or hurting animals.


also, as a side note, very few people participating in hunting with guns know how to do it properly, and unless the animal is hit in exactly the right spot it doesnt die quickly, its a long slow painful death.


population control should be left to the professionals who can do it in a humane manner.



killing animals has happened for millenia


what has changed that now it is a wrong thing to do



if you read back im actually against banning hunting.


im just making the point that if they ban this, surely they should ban all of them


  • CTW Members
yes but surely it is best to only let people with a license do it on their own, who have passed some test or something first.


before that have them go out with a "professional" who can quickly dispatch of the animal if they mess it up.


with the way it is now, many animals end up crawling off into bushes etc and bleeding to death, or dying of lead poisoning because the hunter did it wrong.



lead poisoning takes ages to actually kill something. urban myth that it would actually kill something if u shot it and it then recovered. with the age span of most animals that are hunted they would die of natural causes b4 dying of lead poisoning


surely you can take several untrained people along with at least one professional on hand in case they fuck it up


and that already happens. hunts and shoots are very organised. and the majority of people there will have been shooting/hunting for years so know what to do


and with shooting if a bird is shot down, but only injured the dogs that collect the dead birds will find it anyway when it will be dealt with humanely to put it out of its misery

I was going to post a gag about flagellation, necrophilia and bestiality but it's just flogging a dead horse.

  • CTW Members
because it involves killing animals!!!!!!


one of the main arguements for banning hunting was that we shouldnt have a sport that kills animals.


if they can ban hunting on this basis they should ban all sports that involve killing, or hurting animals.


also, as a side note, very few people participating in hunting with guns know how to do it properly, and unless the animal is hit in exactly the right spot it doesnt die quickly, its a long slow painful death.


population control should be left to the professionals who can do it in a humane manner.



killing animals has happened for millenia


what has changed that now it is a wrong thing to do



if you read back im actually against banning hunting.


im just making the point that if they ban this, surely they should ban all of them




i know that, it was a questioned aimed at every1, i just happened to be relevant to what u just said

I was going to post a gag about flagellation, necrophilia and bestiality but it's just flogging a dead horse.

  • CTW Members


surely you can take several untrained people along with at least one professional on hand in case they fuck it up


and that already happens. hunts and shoots are very organised. and the majority of people there will have been shooting/hunting for years so know what to do





yes in most cases it does, but unfortunately, while it isnt licensed theres still those that dont practise this way.



at the end of the day, if theyve banned fox hunting on the principle that its cruel and barbaric to kill animals for sport they should ban the rest as well!


  • CTW Members

well ive posted my views probably 3 times over i think so im leaving this discussion so there! tongue.gif


  • CTW Promotors
well ive posted my views probably 3 times over i think so im leaving this discussion so there!  tongue.gif





hahah aint it Dom, we could keep going round in circles eh, the end of the day all of us have different opinions on this & can voive them til the cows come home, but it wont make the iota of difference on here will it!!


It is good to hear different views & at times shearing others that differ from your own can make you see things differently which is all good but there is only so far you can go, you have to remember that we do all have opinions & we should not knock or try to enforce ours on others & vise versa blahblah.gifblahblah.gif


good discussion beer.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

  • CTW Members

well said lisa.


but one last point id like to add is that in my opinion i think this is just another step towards us becoming a "nanny state". anyone else agree?

  • CTW Members

I'm concerned that now, the fox population of britain will spiral out of control. Rather than in well organised, controlled, legal hunts, your average farmer will now be out at 2am when it's dark and the police can't see him, with his shotgun, pumping lead into rabbits, foxes, deer, cars, and anything else.


which will put automobile insurance up for people who are unfortunate enough to live in fox-populated areas. sad.gif

  • CTW Members

Isn't it just a ban on hunting with hounds?


Fox hunting can still take place, so long as the fox is killed quickly and not by the hounds.


My main objection to all of this is is the twats in red poncing around on horse back, shame really as it should be about the welfare of the animal they are hunting.

  • CTW Members

this is my view on it and if you dont like it thats fair enough


this has been going on for ages in the country side,and now people that live in the citys and think that milk comes from a milk bottle (and i have actually heard people say this)think they know what is best for the countryside,foxes are vermin and do alot of damage to wildstock and the hunts keep the numbers down.


if the goverment spent as much time on doing stuff to sort out this country ie the homeless and nhs and important things instead of giving them selfs pay rises that we could only just wish for,then they could actually do stuff like this but seeing as it is so flawed and they are allowing drag line hunting (which means that a rider rides ahead with a sent and the dogs just follow the sent) but if they find a fox on the way then no one can be prosecuted. This is one of the most stupid bills passed and it was only passed to apease both the hunting and non hunting people

  • CTW Members

I guess my problem is that I live and have lived in the countryside for most of my life. I've also hunted on and off over the years aswell (by rifle), but have always had an objection to toffs on horse back using hounds to tear an animal to pieces, under the loose idea of "keeping their numbers down".


My other problem with it is just because it has been taking place for a little over 200 years and is now an established way to spend a day, does not justify the extremely poor treatment of the fox.


But I totally agree that this has had to have been the most poorly conceived bills to have been passed by this government and at a time when there are far more pressing things to have been dealt with in this country... but hey it served to distract us from real issues in this country that are not being addressed.

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  • CTW Members

they can hunt n kill me today being left to the dogs wld b better than sitting here feeling like im on hell

n. A girl who really likes sex, usually the kinky kind.

  • CTW Members
Isn't it just a ban on hunting with hounds?


Fox hunting can still take place, so long as the fox is killed quickly and not by the hounds.


My main objection to all of this is is the twats in red poncing around on horse back, shame really as it should be about the welfare of the animal they are hunting.



under the ban they can scent a fox with TWO hounds so long as it is shot with a gun. it can then be used to simulate a hunt (i.e. a drag hunt).


but apparently while under the pretence of being on a drag hunt, they have bee deliberately sending the foxes into places where its likely foxes are going to be, and then claiming they cant stop the hounds going after them as its what theyve been trained to do.

  • CTW Members

under the ban they can scent a fox with TWO hounds so long as it is shot with a gun. it can then be used to simulate a hunt (i.e. a drag hunt).




actually the way its done is that the scent of a fox is used no fox is used in it,just if one of the little vermin happens to get in the way then tuff luck yes.gif

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