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  • CTW Moderators

im fed up with message boards and people looking at me and saying things about me in this fucking place, and im so glad now i dont have net at home cause jus cause i have a veiw i get stabbed in the fucking back and put in my place wen no one bothered to listen in reason and to even no why i have opinion so fuck it all i might see ya at tidy i might not


bukey next time why dont u ask ur friend why i kicked off mad.gif

🎧20,000 Hardcore members,  I say the future is ours🎧


  • CTW DJs



Dani, just cos you have had a bit of bother with someone (or few) dont just fuck off. There are plenty of peopleyou get on with and we like having you around.

Bet you look good on the dancefloor
*LiamStyles - mixes on rotation*
Current mix "No Concept Of Time" CLICK HERE

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Dani - I've already said in the other thread I think a lot of you... I've spoken to Lorraine, and it seems that you were going round being judgemental of others too... Lah responded, maybe not in the most tactful of ways, but you've taken exception to her being judgemental.... I've tried to explain in the other thread that she probably doesn't mean what she's said in the way it's been taken. She also was pretty hurt by being called a "sicko", a "perv" and told that "she won't get any hospitality on CTW".


I can only begin to imagine how difficult it must be to go through what you've been through, and I do empathise. That said, you've attacked and judged Lorraine, and then brought that across here, putting in a pre-emptive strike in her welcome thread. You've also mentioned bits of things Lorraines said, but you haven't got the facts right and you've just chosen select bits that may discredit Lah, and may get others to judge her, unfarily.


Dani - don't go... You don't need to disappear. I'm sure if you and Lorraine talk you can resolve these differences. You're both good people, and neither of you need to judge the other in the ways that have been done so.

Edited by Bukey

w: www.bukeytheloon.com
e: cunt@bukeytheloon.com
msn: msn@bukeytheloon.com

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  • CTW DJs
Dani - don't go... You don't need to disappear. I'm sure if you and Lorraine talk you can resolve these differences. You're both good people, and neither of you need to judge the other in the ways that have been done so.



I dont really know the facts of this disagreement, and Id rather stay out of it. But I do agree with what bukey says. DOnt just bugger off. Surely this can be sorted.

Bet you look good on the dancefloor
*LiamStyles - mixes on rotation*
Current mix "No Concept Of Time" CLICK HERE

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  • CTW Moderators

im never judgemental on other ppl i think its sick and i have my opwn veiws of things i mean come on there is a time and place on what to put and i would never respect myself or a friend to speak of such sick things but i had my reasons and as i said my kids because that hurt and i never judge others on tidy, what about a post last night an attack on juicy straight into the main forum no need at all for that, i never said others wouldnt be hospitable but i wouldnt after what was put bought teenage mums end of


liam i cant be doing with it mate cause as it is im stick in the middle with few on tidy cause me and kez having a disagreement and scotty getting involved and giving her shit so im getting the pouring heart from kez and askin them to jus stay out of it and then judged cause i choose to stay friends with someone but they are telling them i am calling them names when i didnt

ive got a lot of personal shit going on im trying to forget but now it has all come out in a state of comedown emotions and i dont no how to control it hence why i have avoided here and every other board for the course of today, but now i am stuck in at petes on my own as he has gone to work and i cant be doing with it and im babbling and no one neeeds to no all this so il jus leave it ok

🎧20,000 Hardcore members,  I say the future is ours🎧


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for fuck sake im fucking in floods of tears and smoking again


im sorry il keep my personal views to myself i should not have attacked but i dont think when theres an attack on mothers and kids when quite frankly im seen in the eyes of the law as a bad mum when i try my damed hardest to care for my son shay

🎧20,000 Hardcore members,  I say the future is ours🎧


  • CTW DJs

Dani, no-one is asking you to keep your views to yourself. We all voice our opinion, but we have to let others voice theirs.......whether we agree with it or not.


If you have personal stuff getting you down then take some time away to sort things.



Bet you look good on the dancefloor
*LiamStyles - mixes on rotation*
Current mix "No Concept Of Time" CLICK HERE

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easier said than done u take time away and turn to friends something i aint exactly got around me so ive a choice sit and rant or chat on line or sit and wallow in self pity great choice huh



🎧20,000 Hardcore members,  I say the future is ours🎧


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Dani - I know now you're going through a tough time... You *will* come through this!


Yours and Lah's stories really aren't that different, you know... You're both single mothers that the rest of the world judges detrimentally and unfairly without even beggining to try to understand.

Edited by Bukey

w: www.bukeytheloon.com
e: cunt@bukeytheloon.com
msn: msn@bukeytheloon.com

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i wasnt trying to be judgemantal till the teenage thing that jus hit a nerve but i have veiws and find things sick im entitled to my thought on things

🎧20,000 Hardcore members,  I say the future is ours🎧


i wasnt trying to be judgemantal till the teenage thing that jus hit a nerve but i have veiws and find things sick im entitled to my thought on things



We will have to agree to disagree on whether u were bein jugemental, IMO u were as u constantly felt the need to have a go at me when I had done mnothing to u at all


Its something that should of been left on the Tidy board and dealt with there and not bought across to here. But as u did I have felt the need to comment, the same as the 'Juicy' comment.


With all due respect that was none of ur business, but she had constantly over the course of the week had a go at both myself and a friend so deserved it


Something that may of missed ur attention is the fact that I am a single mother myself.....take a lesson in the art of irony


  • CTW Promotors

Woahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ease up people!!


Dunno what is going on here but I suggest all concerned please keep it of the board & either take it to pm or email thumbsup.gif


I gather it started on tidy, take it back to tidy & when you do please make up eh tongue.gif


Dani do not make a drama & leave hon, we are your mates here & we have not done anything so why should we suffer eh, we'd miss you chick sad.gifhuggles.gif


hope you girlies can get this sorted & we can carry on as normal here.


dani this is the exact reason now why I do not use the boards or msn as much now & keep myself pretty much to myself & also as you say have my opinions but do hold them in now rather than share as ive learned not everyone is in the same trail of thought or see's it the same way thumbsup.gif


Group hug anyone grouphug.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

  • CTW Members

Im sure your both adult enough to agree to disagree and no one needs to leave anywhere cos of another person


dani sounds like uve had a really rough time darling but lorraine hasnt had it easy either and i do think what you said about her does come accross as judgemental even if it perhaps wasnt meant to be (joys of the net u never know how things are meant sometimes) and you cant expect to judge someone and not be judges back its not one rule for one and a different one for another! Dont think either of you should have started anything but put urself in lahs shoes and if someone was calling you sick and pervy for doing something you enjoy doing ud b pretty pissed off and wld prob retaliate in a way thats hurtful to that person!

Lets just hope you can both put it behind you and if you cant be nice to each other dont say anything at all grin.gifflowers.gifunsure.gif

n. A girl who really likes sex, usually the kinky kind.

  • CTW Promotors

everyone has their lives & things that have happened etc I can see both sides & as I say it doesnt need to be on the board for all to see etc & for others to speculte & make matters worse, which im sure they wont.


Hope these girls sort it, Dani is a valuable member on this site & im sure lahlah will be too.


All friends here eh!


I am now locking this thread ok thumbsup.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

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