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off to blackpool zoo soon and im excited!!! i went on thursday but its great yay.gif


im doing an asigment on improving a real animals captive environment and i think im gonna do the tigers there.


so whats everyones perceptions of zoos??? cruel, a good form of entertainment or performing a vital function (conservation)???

Edited by RaverBaby69

Cruel but good for conservation & informative


Good only if they release any ofspring to the wild

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just out of interest because im doing an assignment on the public's perception of zoo's, why do you find them cruel???

I dont agree with caging animals

When I went to Thailand I watched a brilliant show with Asian Elephants .. it was sooo cool - but I dread to think how they were trained .. sad.gif

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i think so long as its a good zoo and the creatures are kept well then it is good family fun.

i dont agree with wee caged animals, but i think fair enuf to the zoo's that keep their animals in wide open areas and kind-of caged.. but like that cage is y'know 50meters high n wide n filled with whatever n everything lol


went to a fantastic zoo in melbourne australia over 2000/2001 and i loved it, the animals there had imense space and they grew forests for them n everything... big open fields for the deer n whatever. very good n they obviously treat the animals very good thumbsup.gif

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most zoo animals r bred in captivity any way so its all theyve ever know d by watching things like lions t longleat they appear to be well lookied after so fine i reckon not ideal but they do save a lot of animals that by other means wldnt survive if left in the wild also helps us to lesrn more about the workings of animals so we can help species survive


that prob waffles a bit ill come edit when im making more sense

n. A girl who really likes sex, usually the kinky kind.

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thanks for the opinions everyone grin.gif


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n. A girl who really likes sex, usually the kinky kind.

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yeh, nay bother

anytime hen


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