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Anytime after May 25th will do for meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee grin.gif


...as long as a dont get any exam re-sits unsure.gif which a probably will wacko.gif


not too sure about the Saturday night thing though, with last time were on a student night (supposidly rolleyes.gif) werent it? it seemed t'work alreeet, although suppose a could sort work out if need be wink.gif ...How many actually made it out of Moon Under Water and on t'the club (of which im still not sure which one it were, or where it was (probably why i got left behind and lost for an hour or so)) last time then? blink.gif


you not goin' Hardcore Heaven Weekender in't Southport then chicko? yikes.gif

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fair point danni, just a shame you cant make it.


and spunk monkey i remember going from moon under water onto teasers with the girls dancing on the bar, then trying to get in a big club but werent allowed because there was too many of us all together and we were pissing about.


then everyone split up, some people went to satuns hollow and everyone else got a cab back to claires - i went bck to claires so dunno what happened to you mate! blink.gif


and no im not going southport, shocking i know isnt it. my fella wouldnt be too happy about it. it'd be different if you could get day passes but i cant do the whole wknd. plus im meant to be saving for my holiday.



my exams finish end of may too, but then im going on holiday 5th to 19th of june so would have to be after that. and what night was it on last time then??? what night do you reckon we should go on instead of a saturday then???


the first saturday i could make it on is 25th June, but have its my mates birthday do on the 24th so not sure what state id be in for that night! lol.gif

Edited by RaverBaby69

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ahhh Teasers grin.gif ...the memories rolleyes.gif ...the gyrating (sp) girls wub.gif ...rubbing themselves on the bar blink.gif (or maybe that were the numerous shots of Absinthe kicking in unsure.gif)


cant actually 'memba trying t'get into a club in a large group and being turned away ...only that Teasers nearly rejected us all for that reason (too large a group ...whats with that anyway? its no different from a few smaller groups ...still the same amount of people in the same place at the same time, just because they dont happen t'know each other as such at the time, shouldnt make a difference silly.gif ...anyways, mimi - rant over rolleyes.gif) ...and then speaking t'Sarah (Chickadee) whilst walking t'Satans Hollow ...after that, its a little ' blink.gif '


ahh reeet, fair doos on the Southport thing smile.gif ...you'll be missing out though bigwink.gif ill have a stomp for ya' tongue.gif ...trust it t'be on the same time as Goodgreef comes t'Preston though eh?! rolleyes.gif ...bloody Pete nono.gif


last time i think it were on a Wednesday night, or maybe a Thursday, definately one of them though ...and like I said, probably wouldnt matter if it were on weekend or not, if that were better for majority that were going ...id just give work the boot for the Sunday bird.gif ...and jobs a good 'un thumbsup.gif


so we saying sometime end of June + (before Global Gathering in't end July might be preferable though, minds rolleyes.gif) then? w00t.gif

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ahhh Teasers grin.gif ...the memories rolleyes.gif ...the gyrating (sp) girls wub.gif ...rubbing themselves on the bar blink.gif (or maybe that were the numerous shots of Absinthe kicking in unsure.gif)



nope, i think was the absinthe. i just remember all the bouncer dudes trying to keep everyone away from the bar which was a bit stupid when everyone was trying to get a drink.


and whats all this about goodgreef in preston???? why havent i been told???? why hasnt it been posted on here????


where is it? the new student union? or solid? i know feel's back on again, definately goin to the one on 28th may, not sure about the one in april yet though.

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Absinthe? really? blink.gif shame rolleyes.gif ...can vaguely 'memba chatting shite t'you about hard house 'n' hardcore in there too yeahrite.gif but anyways...


yup, Goodgreef is in Preston on Saturday 14th May @ 53 Degrees (New Students Union) thumbsup.gif


...Pete (as in Pete Toast) helped organised it methinks w00t.gif ...shame about the damn date though nono.gif


as long as it doesnt do a Poly North (in Leeds) and get pulled after one - event, all will be good yes.gif (although to be fair, Poly North in Leeds only got about 300 people turning up for some reason shrug.gif)

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oooooooohhhhhhhhhhh im excited now. yay.gif


you should come to goodgreef, infact everyone should mission down to preston and come to goodgreef! woot.gif


its gonna be right in the middle of the exam weeks but who cares! happydance.giflol.gif


you going to feel on the 28th may???

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i would do w00t.gif ...it woud be qualitaaaaaaaaaa happydance.gif ...but for the damn date being right in the middle of the Weekender nono.gif which im already a fully paid VIP for yes.gif ...typical that it comes t'Preston, and i cant get to it rolleyes.gif


...ive got an exam on the Monday after the weekender Sunday, and then one on the Tuesday lol.gif ...fuck it blink.gif


whats happening @ Feel on 28th? uhm.gif

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whats happening @ Feel on 28th? uhm.gif



some of this yay.gif


and some of this happydance.gif


and a lot of this beer.gif


and im sure a lot of people will look rather like this w00t.gif

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oh yeah, saw a flyer today about something going on at the park on the 1st of may for the bank holiday and cant for the life of me remember who it was doing the night, you any ideas??? uhm.gif

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oh yeah, saw a flyer today about something going on at the park on the 1st of may for the bank holiday and cant for the life of me remember who it was doing the night, you any ideas??? uhm.gif


shrug.gif ..iono blink.gif ...i tend t'avoid going there grin.gif


...so what sort of 'music' is it goin' on @ Feel on 28th May? uhm.gif

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dance music you fool!!!


not sure who's playing at this one, havent annouced anything yet, just says tbc. you not been to a feel before?

  • CTW Members
dance music you fool!!!


not sure who's playing at this one, havent annouced anything yet, just says tbc. you not been to a feel before?


...i worked that much out, muppet rolleyes.gif i meant what sort of dance music? uhm.gif


and no.gif ive never been tongue.gif any good? shrug.gif

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yeah its good, well occasionally they slip up - i mean they had judge jules playing once.


and the music style varies depending on who they've booked, obviously not been since the unions been reopened, but whenever ive been before its always been leaning towards hardhouse. to be honest its my brother who's more of the expert on it, he's been to just about everyone they've done. that reminds me actually, need to tell him about goodgreef. woot.gif


just been on the website and there's no info for the one of the 28th yet but this is what they're saying about the one on teh 30th april...



Feel - The Re- Birth


Main Room


Kosheen (Live)


James Holden

Decoder & Substance

George Thompson


2nd Room "Sublime Sessions"








tickets are £12 with an NUS, £15 without.




oh yeah and its says this about goodgreef...



Main Room - Hard Dance = European trance


Rob Tissera, K90 (Live), and M-Zone + many more to be announced





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hi im gaz i run slagg in manchester its a new hard house sunday club our 1st events on the 24th april @zooniteclub wiv lee haslam paul maddox burg and your all welcome and if your intrested in group discount bookin my e-mail addy is gazslagg@hotmail.co.uk


if the 24th april too soon then we on the 3rd sunday of every month

just a suggestion

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