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yeah we may be interested in that, but i think the 24th april would be too soon for everyone to get there acts together. we'll definately keep it in mind though, what does everyone else think???

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not really a possibility for 24th April no.gif ...not for me anyways uhm.gif


...perhaps on one of the 3rd Sunday's of a month after that? shrug.gif


you think anyone else's interested in the meet up? rolleyes.gif nobody else seems t'of shown much of one blink.gif ...

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I am if the dates right blink.gifthumbsup.gif


Next weekend is a big no no as I've 2 out of 3 of my kids birthdays that weekend .. bad planning or what ouch.gif


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Haha the last manc meet up was immense, thursday night piss up!! I remember most of it to be fair.. well til i got to mine and then it all went pear shaped haha. We were in the moon under water and then in teasers where i was dragged up on the bar by the dancers.. then Helen came up on the bar too and then i snogged a 16 year old who looked about 25 (i still don't believe he was that young, i think Mr Whitby is having a laugh at my expense there lol) and then i snogged helen. I remember coming out of teasers and trying to get into infinity but we were all too pissed and rowdy apparantly as we were jumping on each others backs etc so probably didn't look like the kind of people they wanted in there haha - oops!!


I didnt fancy satans hollow, as a few others didn't either so we all just went back to mine and got fanny badgered.. taxi ride home was interesting i seem to remember haha!!


Annnnyway, i'm good for most dates as not going out much in the next few months.. saving for a house/holiday and to start a business so don't wana go out and put all my money (the little i do have) into getting wankered every weekend. However, i do not plan to be a hermit so shall definitely be out for this, and possibly a club night or 2 in future also.


How about Thursday 26th May? I think that's pretty much the same date as the last one (29.05.03), i can't believe it will have been 2 years since the last one either!! ohmy.gif

You Can Never Have Too Much Of A Good Thing :wink:
It'd Be Rude Not 2!! *I Need A Tissue*
MSN: Claire___DC @hotmail.com  Email: clairedc @ dsl .pipex .com

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yes.gif claire that date would be good for me i think as ill have finished my exams (got the dates the other day) and its before i go on holiday. you reckon we go for another general piss up again???


only thing im thinking is maybe some people would be put of travelling with it being on a week night if they've got work the next day uhm.gif


and yeah the last one was crazy. its mad its been so long. didnt even know my fella then, which is a point that ill need to inform him about this soon. just hope we get as many people along this time as the last one!

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So come on people we need to a names list going on for this. I've made one, please feel free to add you name or delete yourself or the question marks (ive put ??? next to people who arent yet sure)


1. RaverBaby69 & boyfriend (plus raverbaby and baby_rabit for those of you who remember them and if they're up for it)

2. Spunk Monkey

3. Claire DC

4. Danny Oldham

5. James ???

6. Chris Hutchinson ???

7. Dawn ???


Come on people, you all know you wanna come! flowers.gif

Edited by RaverBaby69

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So come on people we need to a names list going on for this. I've made one, please feel free to add you name or delete yourself or the question marks (ive put ??? next to people who arent yet sure)


1. RaverBaby69 & boyfriend (plus raverbaby and baby_rabit for those of you who remember them and if they're up for it)

2. Spunkmonkey

3. Claire DC

4. Danny Oldham

5. James ???

6. Chris Hutchinson ???

7. Dawn ???


Come on people, you all know you wanna come! flowers.gif



... welshie Rhi be joining us lot this time? blink.gif should be different then silly.gif


im in Huddersfield that day (26th May), but its still a possibility, depending on times, where we're going and nunbers etc. yes.gif


The List w00t.gif;


1. RaverBaby69 + boyfriend (plus raverbaby and baby_rabit as poss.)

2. Spunkmonkey + girlfriend (poss.)

3. Claire DC

4. Danny Oldham

5. James ???

6. Chris Hutchinson ???

7. Dawn ???


...any more for any more? baz.gif

not taking jonny with ya then


im still talking him into summercamp come on u 2 know u want to

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ill try and come, but i dont finish work till 8pm and i have work the next day


ill see if i can get them off though


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2. Spunkmonkey + girlfriend (poss.)




what the girlfriend is a possibility or her coming is a possibility??? lol.gif


sorry i wont be cruel. and yes that is rhi im on about, just one thing - she's not actually welsh, she's technically a geordie as she was born up there but has lived in preston most of her life.


but she's lovely anyway grin.gif

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1. RaverBaby69 + boyfriend (plus raverbaby and baby_rabit as poss.)

2. Spunkmonkey + girlfriend (poss.)

3. Claire DC

4. Danny Oldham

5. James ???

6. Chris Hutchinson ???

7. Dawn ???

8. Tony 84 ???

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how come this aint a sticky anymore? uhm.gif

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not taking jonny with ya then


im still talking him into summercamp come on u 2 know u want to


didnt really think about it to be honest danni blink.gif ill see if he's up for it (Manchester), either that, or you can ask him chicko thumbsup.gif


...not too sure about Tidy Summercamp meself yet unsure.gif just gonna' get Hardcore Weekender sorted and out the way first methinks silly.gif


ill try and come, but i dont finish work till 8pm and i have work the next day

ill see if i can get them off though


that be no.gif excuse for not turning up boyo baz.gif ...not at all nono.gif


2. Spunkmonkey + girlfriend (poss.)


what the girlfriend is a possibility or her coming is a possibility??? lol.gif


sorry i wont be cruel. and yes that is rhi im on about, just one thing - she's not actually welsh, she's technically a geordie as she was born up there but has lived in preston most of her life.


but she's lovely anyway grin.gif


i knew as soon as id posted that, that some smart arse would comment on that rolleyes.gif


...but its a possiblity of her coming with, is what i meant yeahrite.gif so ner tongue.gif


uhm.gif a welsh ~ geordie ~ prestonian? shrug.gif ...what are the odds w00t.gif


how come this aint a sticky anymore? uhm.gif


mebbe' its just all outta' spunk wicked.gif

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uhm.gif a welsh ~ geordie ~ prestonian? shrug.gif ...what are the odds  w00t.gif




and her dad was born in south africa too w00t.gif

  • CTW Members

uhm.gif a welsh ~ geordie ~ prestonian? shrug.gif ...what are the odds  w00t.gif

and her dad was born in south africa too w00t.gif



now thats just gettin' a lil' freaky blink.gif


...would s'plain a lot about Rhi though eh happydance.gif



1. RaverBaby69 + boyfriend (plus raverbaby and baby_rabit as poss.)

2. Spunkmonkey (plus girlfriend as poss.)

3. Claire DC

4. Danny Oldham

5. James (poss.)

6. Chris Hutchinson (poss.)

7. Dawn (poss.)

8. Tony 84 (poss.)

9. ...


Anymore for anymore people? yay.gif ..there's gotta' be silly.gif

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