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anyone else a slave to them??? they really have changed my life, lol metal straighteners just dont work the same way.


was just wondering what straightening serums you all use before you straighten your hair, ive been through so many different types, the official GHD stuff, tresseme's heat protect spray, etc etc. im currently on Lee Stafford's Poker Straight range, went out and bought the shampoo and conditioner today as i was so impressed with the heat protect spray. and its in a hot pink bottle thumbsup.gif  lol.gif  woot.gif



anyone know any good products/tips to help limit the damage to your hair??? uhm.gif




hi ya, altho ghd`s r good thy have a habbit off over heating n blowing up after a while hun, if u use wet 2 dry straitners that would reduce the damage 2 your hair drmaticly. sounds like u r taking good care hair tho, im my salon thy use wella high hair flat iron spray, but as long as its a multi protecto it should b fine, try using a serum, straightening gel on your hair when its wet b4 u styl that will help 2, plus give u a shiny finish wink.gif

hope it helps



thanx for the tips thumbsup.gif


at the moment i use the lee stafford shampoo and conditioner plus the treatment for "straightening addicts". i use his straightening spray while im straightening and then a little bit of brilliant brunnettes satin shine after i straighten each bit and then finish off with Joshua Galvin Frizz Formula pure serum on the ends. i try and use a hot oil treatment every so often as well. will try the straightening gel while it's still wet as well, see what that does.


and id love those wet2dry straighteners but unfortunately ive not got the money to buy them. might treat myself when i get my next student loan though! silly.gif when i bought my GHD's they were really the only ceramic straighteners out there, now there's so many different ones and they do glass ones now. crazy! w00t.giflol.gif

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  • CTW Promotors

Well I was told by 3 hair dressers that you should not use the wet to dry one's as they really damamge the hair??? unsure.gifunsure.gif


Ive got a cheapy pair of ceramics as they are ment to be the best rather than steam & they do the job spot on for my daughters hair grin.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

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yeah ive heard that about straightening you're hair when wet using normal straighteners, although i do confess to doing it when im rushing! silly.gif

  • CTW Promotors

Apparently it frys the hair as it is straightening & logic says it should really!! unsure.gif


I cant see any of it really being good but I think the ceramics on dry hair, with proper straightner oils etc is better but then I could be wrong.. uhm.gifunsure.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

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maybe the wet2dry's use some new amazing technique or something but i cant see how??? uhm.gif



  • CTW Promotors

Possibly, I dunno. I have short hair well a fuzz on top of my head so do not use them on my own head only my daughters & bring back the iron, the good old iron hahah grin.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

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personally ive never ironed my hair, thank god for the straightening irons notworthy.giflol.gif

  • CTW Promotors

hahah id probably burn my bloody earhole off baz.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

  • CTW DJs

Apparantly the wet2straight ones are fine for doing just that, straighteneing your hair even when wet.


I did read somewhere how its possible, but cant remember. I read all the girlie mags that all the girls buy in my work.

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  • CTW Promotors

New age man is our Liam haha.


Yeh I guess the new one's are ok but I know out of the ceramic or the hot steam plates the ceramic are def better.


Joys of looking good eh!! baz.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

i want some GHD's now had may hair done today and they used them and WOW my hair has never been sooo striaght grin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif

  • CTW Promotors

How much are they?? 6 pages & it has prob been mentioned but I cant be arsed to look grin.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

user posted image i want the pink ones bout £125



i think i need to start saving sad.gif

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