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  • CTW Admin

I sense I'm getting a lot of 'digs' here and there and its pissing me off quite hoenstly - there is no need for it.


Also, Maria - I told you that I cant be 'just friends' but it would seem you are set on making my life very hard indeed - why are you doing this to me ?

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
Clubbing the world together ...

James, I have no idea what you are on about ! I'm not making nay digs at you - god im better than that !


One last thing - please come to me in PM not in here .. I don't need you bringing my private life to crew - it hurt me enough before ! sad.gif


End of discussion.

  • CTW Promotors

Like this??



Techno, Techno, Techno

  • CTW Promotors

James what digs are being made, if your feeling para tregarding out then maybe you need to ask why?


Or maybe point out where said digs are, if your reffering to anything I have said & if digs is what you want to call them fair do's dude!! Yeh ive made some shrug.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

  • CTW Promotors

But im currently having a nervous break down so I am allowed to dig the fuck to Oz & back if I like, Bushy wanna a lift mate w00t.gifroflmao.gifsilly.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

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  • CTW Admin

ok, in future i'll point them out in future.


one of them was mentioning that 'we' are not listening to 'you' - post in suggestions... - i dont think the board needs to know that the crew team are falling apart again

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
Clubbing the world together ...

How is the crew team falling apart again ? You're imagining things James .. :s


Me and you have split up and that is all. I don't see how it has effected the Crew Members ? shrug.gif

  • CTW Promotors

James I have pm'd you!!



Techno, Techno, Techno

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  • CTW Admin

I think you are both forgetting that it was Maria who 'dumped' me in this situation and I am finding it particularly hard - you by the sounds of it arent and are set on trying to make digs either in here or on the site.


I also told you that I cant possibly be friends with you as I see/saw you as a LOT more than that, and yet you persist...


I'm not sure where this leaves us at all but I can see things getting worse if people persist

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
Clubbing the world together ...

  • CTW Promotors

James what part of keep it of the fucking board do you not quite grasp??


We, the rest of crew do not nkow or wish to know the ins & fucking outs of your personal life & this my dear friend is half or was half the fucking battkle with this poxy site, too many folk knowing others stuff, so James again please keep it off the board, we do not care or want to hear about it ok!!! mad.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

  • CTW Promotors

tell you what then if your feeling as you are & insist that digs are being made etc poss cos im friends with Maria understandable, but I have explained via pm, I will hang my mod gloves up & leave the site James.

Techno, Techno, Techno

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  • CTW Admin

it affects the team so i think its important to let you know (in private) that I'm not happy with the situtation


I didnt bring up ANYTHING on the public board;


1. maria brought up the fact we had 'split up' on the public board

2. you brought up the fact that I and the rest of the crew team dont listen to you in comments and suggestions


i'm not going to keep battling over this its not what i come on here for - it feels like back to square one to be honest when we had the old members causing trouble

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
Clubbing the world together ...

  • CTW Promotors

I am not doing this anymore again I have pm'd & again you dont get it!! Look at you tryingg to pass the buck to Maria mate get a fucking grip, how old are you??


James I will say this again for the last time & I advise you to go look aswell, YOU keep starting the posts ref your & Maria's private life & again WE DON NOT GIVE A SHIT LEAVE IT ALONE!!!! mad.gif


I did bring up ref crew & not listening now James correct me if im wrong, but isnt that the sort of convo/disscssions we should be having in here, NOT your personal shit!!! rolleyes.gif


Hahah think the shit actuially lies with you James TBH, maybe try wiping your feet as it seems stuck!!! mad.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

  • CTW Promotors

One last thing, in ref to your pm & you saying we keep mentioning harderfaster can you please point said posts out please!!


& if we are going to get petty over the refference of other site I suggest you pull every other fucker up whgo keeps mentioning tidy!!! rolleyes.gifnono.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

1. maria brought up the fact we had 'split up' on the public board




I don't know what type of person you label me as, James, but that certainly was NOT a dig at you. In fact, I thought your post about 'It's all good, Bushy is having it anyway' was a dig at ME. I'm glad Bushy has the ticket anyway, as I know how much he wanted to go, and you couldn't have given it to a better person tbh so I'm glad it's gone to him. I was merely pointing out a fact, no dig intailed, but instead of you coming in here YET AGAIN and trying to provoke a reaction (I know how you work and I know what's to come next from you, I think - so please don't go there). You started brining up the bull in here, by bringing OUR busniess to EVERYONES attention .. I even APOLOGISED to Liam because of how you provoked me to lose my rag in here .. I didn't like doing it but you chose to bring it to everyones attention and make it their business.


If you've anything on your mind James, practise what you preach and use the PM facility. I would also like you to not opinionate myself to the past board Members, that is very low of you to do so .. very Jeckly and Hyde (however you spell it). I am not going out of my way to cause digs, belittle you etc, YOU are doing that yourself by splattering everything in here giving the others a window to look through on MY business !


In regards to HF and the comments .. I FAIL to see where all these comments are .. I've searched with a result of 0 in response. I advise you to please, grow up a abit .. you don't have a leash on me or anyone else if we decide to post on another message board, aswell as this one .. you do the same thing, remember ?


I'm not a bitch, a cunt or even someone who goes out of their way to completely makes someones life hard .. I'm too grown up for that and I've better things to do with my time than be a dick.


I don't want to take this discussion any further so stop posting new threads like this and PM me instead of need be !


p.s - it 'affected' the team,. because you posted in here initialy about me and you, when we were actually talking via PM. That I was not happy with.





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