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i dont keep bringing up the personal stuff - i replied and left it at that


HF I feel gets too many mentions - i love and respect the site but ALL i'm asking is that we cut down on the references to it - specifically in the last CTW review by Maria which mentions meeting HF peeps and yet doesnt mention CTW peeps.


I have no problem at all with promoting events/djs/even other sites at times but lets face it if we are to grow properly we need to back ourselves for a change and not keep referring people to HF.


I'm the last person in the world to restict people from visiting other sites - its not about that - its about realising that this site can be HUGE (and will be) and we need to start off as we mean to go on. I dont see the point in building up the site so much only to then send people to HF.


I'll dig out the references to HF - there have been a great deal of them - thats all


My HF paranoi finally settled in when for the last 3 weeks at least neither you or Maria were posting or logging into this site and yet were frequently on HF - which was why I posted my thread in here a week ago to get a response - and it worked and you have both been posting since.


I also noticed the events sections were regularly out of date - thats fine I dont mind doing it but we need to know who is doing what so we keep it up to date.


As you know we all donate a lot of spare time to this site for nothing and nothing is expected but its also important to know who really buys into the site and concept and can do this LONG term, without digs and fallouts, and who can commit their time to it - I know I cant - I'm on and off - but thats precisely why i'm saying why dont we ditch stuff like music section - until such a time the site is large enough with enough people to support the content etc...


I sense that both of you have a problem with me or the site at the moment, hence these threads - please tell me if i'm wrong.


I'm keeping my private life off/away from CTW but i simply HAD to mention certain things (in this private forum) to either get a reaction (through being ignored) or to get these silly digs ironed out.


As I say I dont come on here to have to go through these debates - I'm purely on here to work out what is best for the site going forward and who can do what and be responsible for doing it - in no way am I 'expecting' anyone to do anything - I would never dream of it. But those who are doing things and wanting to continue doing things will need to spend as much time on this site as other sites - that was my only point.

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HF I feel gets too many mentions - i love and respect the site but ALL i'm asking is that we cut down on the references to it - specifically in the last CTW review by Maria which mentions meeting HF peeps and yet doesnt mention CTW peeps.





You sound VERY ungreatfull for ALL the reviews I have done and mentioned YOU and CTW Members every time ! One review which you have taken as something personal against you and the site. How wrong could you be .. how many went from CTW that I have NOT mentioned in the rest of my reviews ? Why are you taking a single review where I didn't mention your name, or, 2 people that went from this site, so seriously ? Take me to court rolleyes.gif I wroite out that review because I wanted to, and I was adding content to the site .. I take it that's not enough. You are SO hard to please :s

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(i cant win in this situation - I need to reply as below and yet I sense I will get a "take it off the fucking board to PM - we're not interested". Therefore this will be my final reply on the personal issues)


I thought your post about 'It's all good, Bushy is having it anyway' was a dig at ME. 


No it wasnt, but I did feel your "we're not an item anymore" was most certainly a dig at me. As I said, YOU are clearly happy about the situation - I was/am not. I'm being made the enemy here and yet its not me who's done the dumping. crazy.


you coming in here YET AGAIN and trying to provoke a reaction


No the first thread was to provoke a reaction as you had read and ignored my texts and my PM. Following the post in here the communication has been far quicker. I felt I had to do it at the time - as you most likely would have.


If you've anything on your mind James, practise what you preach and use the PM facility


I've never really been the one to preach to people to take it to PM (I'd rather they just did it completly offline in the past). I am taking to PM now, you are not - you will notice I am simply replying - I'm not laying down fresh digs.


someone who goes out of their way to completely makes someones life hard


I honestly feel like you ARE going out of your way to make my life hard right now - honestly. You were off the site these last few weeks but now you are back and making digs (IMO). I told you about the 'i cant be friends' bit but you wont listen - do you want me just leave the site to you to get on with ? Well its not going to happen as I have some very solid plans again.


I don't want to take this discussion any further so stop posting new threads like this and PM me instead of need be !


Ditto - do you see the problem now - neither can take it to PM as we want to clear our name - human nature. I am MORE than happy to take it to PM but I havent actually got anything to take to PM now - I'm simply replying. I've taken the HF issue to PM with Lisa.


To sum up I am putting on a 'front' on the public website - I am NOT happy at all but I'm now trying to keep myself occupied (hence now going tidy and looking into site revamp) so I dont let this affect me too much - but it IS affecting me and I'm only f^cking human. I dont expect this "get a fucking life james" PMs - where do these come from ? I am TRYING to get a life but whilst i am being targetted with these statements its very very difficult.

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You sound VERY ungreatfull for ALL the reviews I have done and mentioned YOU and CTW Members every time !  One review which you have taken as something personal against you and the site.  How wrong could you be .. how many went from CTW that I have NOT mentioned in the rest of my reviews ?  Why are you taking a single review where I didn't mention your name, or, 2 people that went from this site, so seriously ?  Take me to court  rolleyes.gif  I wroite out that review because I wanted to, and I was adding content to the site .. I take it that's not enough.  You are SO hard to please :s



as requested I've taken this to 'PM'


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Cool. that's me done in here with this 'issue'. Guys, apologies. Alos, do not try and tell me how I feel when you know nothing !


*left this thread*

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James I have logged onto this site everday, maybe havent posted but I have been keeping an eye & as for events ok hands up I have not done it for a week or tow & that is purely to prove a point to whom ever, as ive explained to you in pm bigwink.gif


I can not see these so called ref to HF unsure.gif & as for me using HF again as I said earlier in pm go look at my join date, my thread coumt & my post count, HF has been my home board for a few years now James way before CTW if you do not like that tough hairy bollox mate!!


This is pathetic thumbsdown.gif James you are clearly hurt by the break up & again totally understandable but please stop this bitching with Maria in here & on the main forums it is not for all to see ok...


Half the convo in here should not have happened & I personally think a lot of the personal posts ref you guys relationship should be deleted!!


You know the reason so many people had crap ref all us, RickD etc is because of saga's such as this & bringing personal info on to a private board etc, but you guys need to learn to stop doing it!!

My beef here today is James & Maria arguing on open forums & crew which is still open forum rolleyes.gif


& as I say just feeling second order amongst the sceme of things in regards to the effort I have put into this board & how im treated if you like, my opinion stands for shit, but I have di=one & explained this via pm.


Right enough im off, close my account, ban my ip james do what you like, this site is too much stress & fucked up for my liking.. weirdo's!!! w00t.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

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look I have taken this to PM so why cant you both as well ?!


(real site issues/ideas should of course still continue in private forum)

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
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look I have taken this to PM so why cant you both as well ?!





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I've already closed this once - can we keep it closed

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