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  • CTW Members

Thought id say hi hun as not really spoken much since a week or so ago, hope things are ok an ur all well, saw u got a broken boiler, our cylinder paacked up last week it was leakin so had to have a new put in the diff in the heatin n the hot water now is good grin.gif hope urs gets fixed soon hun xxx huggles.gif

  • CTW Moderators

lol cheers hun

yer it broke and the flat is less than a year old so im not impressed and having to wait 2 more days to get hot water isnt good :sob:


hows u

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Im good hun feelin old my b/day tomorro hehe but hopefully goin to the pix dependin wot time lee gets here grin.gif , movin in a couple of weeks aswell so wont have the net for god konws how long will have ot keep in touch through txtin hehe that not good for a yr old flat, british gas were really good an did all our work within 2 days as first it was one thing then the cylinder thing went

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yeh defo u got my rite num ?? ill txt u anyway just to make sure urs end in 340?? that the one i got, but yeh as soon as we get sorted with everything else we will get a phone line so we can have the internet, not gonna go with aol this time though.. thinkin of bt

  • CTW Moderators

im on aol lol free month trial haha


oh well it was disc i had and couldnt be arsed with finding out bout anyone else why whats the deal with aol?


and yer 340 it ends in

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k not a prob, im on aol at the mo n at times they boot u off for no reason its not as bad now i got broadband but it still happens not really heard much bk on bt so may give them a whirl see wot they r like, my num ends in 049

  • CTW Moderators

yer ben gave me ur number didnt he lol

he is a good lad him and dave


and dial up u do get booted every so often as it dont stay on long lol



🎧20,000 Hardcore members,  I say the future is ours🎧


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yeh ur prob right hehe diai up was always goin off yeh we used to go out every weeekkned together will c them on the 27th at the works as we both goin cause it my b/day tomorro n ben`s on the 28th so havin a jonit one

  • CTW Moderators

yer me and ben had a wonder cos dave was ill and i took him in daleys chalet and wen we come out and he realsied he couldnt quite beleive it bless him


they coming summer camp for my birthday too

🎧20,000 Hardcore members,  I say the future is ours🎧


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cool, its usually ben thats so off it he cant do out dave usually ok bless them both, well my bed is callin me now ill tlk to you soon hun take care xx

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