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Have You

Would you

Could You

Know anyone who has

Would you ever become an escort

Does the word gigolo amuse you as much as it does me



Edited by MISS MINX

n. A girl who really likes sex, usually the kinky kind.

  • CTW DJs

Have You - cant say

Would you - maybe

Could You - definatley

Know anyone who has - loads

Would you ever become an escort - yes deffo, thought about it loads of times

Does the word gigola amuse you as much as it does me - not really

Bookings/Info - www.myspace.com/shaney_r
msn - punani65@hotmail.com


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so that wld be a yes


was this in this country your country or in the dam



n. A girl who really likes sex, usually the kinky kind.

  • CTW Members
so that wld be a yes


was this in this country your country or in the dam



My lecturer Max at uni told us he lost his virginity to a "Lady of the Night" in Birmingham!!!!


To celebrate his graduation he went for an all you can eat chinese, got pissed, then went and lost his virginity to a Hooker!!!


Funnily enough (you might not remember this) but in the news a couple of months back Pete Doherty (Libertines bloke) punched the lights out of a producer (Max Carlish) when he was making a documentary about him for selling some pictures to a paper of him doing heroin!!!


Well Max Carlish, snitch to the paper man, is my pervy lecturer who lost his Vs to a pro!!! - OFFICIAL!!!!

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oh my word well done max - someone ring pete n tell him so he can dish the dirt back ;o)

n. A girl who really likes sex, usually the kinky kind.

  • CTW Members

Have You - no


Would you - no


Could You - well i suppose technically anyone "could" but the answer is still no


Know anyone who has - no, well unless lap dances count!


Would you ever become an escort - no, although i did go through a phase of wanting to be a pole dancer


Does the word gigolo amuse you as much as it does me YES!!!!


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Have You no


Would you i wouldnt pay not a chance now pay me enuff maybe grin.gif jk btw


Could You could if i really wanted to but i dont


Know anyone who has yes


Would you ever become an escort before i had shay me and my mate applyed to do it through an agency, 1st call immediately asked for extras, we bottled it and said no. we was nieve and jus saw u could earn a lot but didnt realise it mainly involved extras we jus wanted to pay our rent at the time lol how silly was i


Does the word gigolo amuse you as much as it does me im jus a gigalo and everywhere i go, ppl know the game im playing, i pay for every dance, im selling each romance, ooooooo what they saying, but there will come a day wen fate will pass my way, ooooooh what will they say about me, cos everywhere i go, im jus a gigalo life goes on without me, cos iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii aint got no body, nobody cares for me nobody, ump tiddly ump da bump (lol sorry a song i knew froim the kareoki ages ago haha thats what the word makes me think of)





🎧20,000 Hardcore members,  I say the future is ours🎧


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lol ' dani


my maters decided to do escorting for a while to pay debts im really worried for them though but they wnt not do it even though ive expressed my concerns

n. A girl who really likes sex, usually the kinky kind.

  • CTW Moderators

if they go along with the rules and only do public meetings they should be ok, i know it is mainly a glorified prostitution ring but the extras are not what u have to do as expressed extra's are up to the individual and not the escort company but it is where the moneys at.


jus make sure they only do public meetings and even get a friend to go along but hang about nearby or summat or drop them off and pick them up

🎧20,000 Hardcore members,  I say the future is ours🎧


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well yeahand theyknow ppl working for the company so its appafrently ok to work for but i still worry its so bloody dangerous

n. A girl who really likes sex, usually the kinky kind.

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well if its a properly run company then should be ok, i went through a proper company and all was legal and legit but fact that u arrange the meetings and they tell u what sort of thing and these guys wanted a private meeting with me and my mate who decided to do joint escorting and we bottled it haha chicken shits or what

🎧20,000 Hardcore members,  I say the future is ours🎧


  • CTW Members

Have You - No


Would you - Maybe. I was a bit tempted in the dam but it was just walking up to the window and actually going in that stopped me.


Could You - Isn't that a bit similar to would you?


Know anyone who has - Yeah loads, I also know someone who ended up at cuddles in brum, after a night out, only to not be able to rise to the occasion. So ended up paying for a bit of a chat. lol yes he is a loser hes also bought striuppers knickers in the past. I didn't ask exactly what he was planning to do with them.


Would you ever become an escort - I'd have no problem accepting money for sex. As long as they're not to ugly..... a bit ugly I could deal with.


Does the word gigolo amuse you as much as it does me - Yeah it's quite comical.

Anyone fancy a bongle with bungle?

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bungle u may need to ditch said mate lol


i reckon if i was a bloke id do it in the dam but bein a bird if i was that desparate id just nip out n pull sumrandom fittie for a bit

n. A girl who really likes sex, usually the kinky kind.

  • CTW Members
Have You

Would you

Could You

Know anyone who has

Would you ever become an escort

Does the word gigolo amuse you as much as it does me






Have You - no

Would you - no

Could You - dunno

Know anyone who has - no

Would you ever become an escort - no

Does the word gigolo amuse you as much as it does me - no


(no said like KNORR lol)

  • CTW Members

Have You - No


Would you - I'd do anything in the right circumstance


Could You - See above


Know anyone who has - Yes. A mate who was in the army, slept with loads in Germany and Bosnia. And another mate who went to Poland and said they were all absolutley stunning (this mate is female btw)


Would you ever become an escort - Hell yes. Good money, don't have to sleep with the client if you dont want to or just put your price up if they are "a mans job"!


Does the word gigolo amuse you as much as it does me - Yes. Everytime i hear it i think of John Travolta strutting his stuff in cuban heels and a frilly shirt, a bit like big guns on a night out really! bird.gif

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