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I'm ALIVE! still!


WOW!!! What can i say, it was well and truly the most amazing feeling in the world!! Hurtling towards the ground from 12,000ft at terminal velocity! Over 200kph/120mph. What a feeling!! just got back to noosa now after leaving at 8am this morning! Got a video and photos of it all, so as soon as i have developewd the pics, prob when i get home, i'll get them onto the net for viewing!


I did my jump with a bloke called Paul, who was really cool, had a right giggle with him on the way up and i felt at total ease, until i got myself all strapped up to Paul, then i got a little nervous but it all passed away once i saw Nat at the door in front of me, absolutely shitting it!


We watched natalie jump out and about a second later i was at the door with the camera man leaning out in front of me, facing into the plane, we swayed in and out 3 times and we were away!!! Arms crossed, head back, and hips thrust out. One roll, and then we were in freefall, i cant explain what i was feeling apart from the fact i wanted to scream out as loud as i could. Not in fear, but through pure adrenalin rush! WOW!


It was fairly cloudy, but the jump master said it was better to have cloud, as you can gauge how fast you are going, and when you hit the cloud you get the cold damp air in your face, very similar to the feeling of the dry ice you get when you go into the hole on the oblivion ride at alton towers, but, thats were the similarity ends!


If any of you get the chance to do it, take it with both hands and grab and dont let go until you fly out that aeroplane! As soon as i landed nat came running over and all i said to her was 'again again!!!' We could have done a second jump today for another $185, but we decided we couldn't afford it, but may change our minds when we get to cairns! you never know!


Anyway folks, hope your all well at home i am on top of the world at the moment even if i am in a country on the southern hemisphere!!


The pic below is not me, but thats what i did!!!!! happydance.gifhappydance.gif


user posted image


CTW Sexiest Male Member

My mate did it over there & said its better than sex (must be a virgin)

  • CTW Members

Sounds amazing ... What was the landing like?


And did you make Nat go first yeahrite.gif


  • CTW Members

fantastic dude!


go you, sounds like ur havin a ball over there!

  • CTW DJs

u sounded so over the moon in the text dude lol, i was well chuffed 4 ya, good on ya my son

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Dani, the height thing is nothing, its dead easy, i am shit scared of heights, but it didnt bother me at all, and like i said any doubts you have aboiut it evaporate the second you jump from the plane!


Dawn - The landing was easy as pie, it felt like i had jumped off a step about a foot high and just touched down gracefully on the beach. Yes Nat went first, but once your up there you cant change your mind, if you say you dont want to go they just jump anyway! lol


It's the best feeling ever, just plummeting towards the ground at stupid speeds, when they open the chute, i thought there would be a much more violent jolt but it doesnt feel that bad! its al;l gravy!


all last night i kept getting flashbacks, and telling nat, 'we jumped out of an aeropolane today' i dont know how many times i said it, but we both just smiled everytime just thinking about it!

CTW Sexiest Male Member

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lucky bastard!!! bird.gif


would love to do it, but im scared of heights so dunno what id be like jumping out. no doubt after someone had given me a push id love it! lol.gif


my mates off to australia in a couple of days, doing some tour or something on a bus, where you can get on and off when you want at set stops and stay at each place as long as you want and then just get the next bus when your ready to the next place. then she's off to thailand after that. think she's planning on spending about 6 weeks in australia and 2 in thailand.


would love to go myself but will have to wait till after uni now. sad.gif

nah bushy some can handle the height thing, i dont even fancy the thought of an aeroplane so ive yet to go abroad i dont even do bridges if i have to look over or high slides with shay if i can help it accept wacky warehouse one sad.gif

  • CTW Admin

fooking QUALITY bush !


your blog should be ok now matey

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  • CTW Members

im so jelous sounds absolutely amazing

n. A girl who really likes sex, usually the kinky kind.

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happydance.gif aw bushy sounds like a freakin party dude!

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